Christine Lagarde Believes Regulators Should Be Open To Crypto

The current International Monetary Fund and the incoming next president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, has stated while central banks and financial bodies should protect consumers should also be open to innovations such as cryptocurrencies.

She expressed these sentiments when she told the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament that central banks and financial regulators should be embracing opportunities presented by change such as this emerging asset class.

She told her peers that they should always be alert to the risks in terms of financial stability, privacy, and criminal activities and ensuring appropriate regulations are in place to steer technology to the public good.

Lagarde reveals that if she would become ECB president she would focus on making sure that institutions will be able to adapt to the rapidly changing financial environment.

It can be remembered that Christine earlier this year stated that regulations of cryptocurrencies are inevitable and necessary on an international level.

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