Binance Builds It Own Decentralized Blockchain! | BNB up 30%!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Binance has just announced that they're building their own blockchain for the BNB coin!

I already made my Daily Cryptocurrency News-article for this day, but I just had to make a little update-post about this situation. Excuse my language, but this is f*cking HUGE!

This is a part of my Daily Cryptocurrency News-series. For more check out my Steemit and Youtube.

What's happening?

This is Binance's tweet from today


In the tweet, they've linked an article where they announce that they will start focusing on launching and developing the 'Binance Chain'.


We know how hard it is to create a business, however, creating history is even harder. The real enemy is often ourselves. We need to continuously improve and disrupt ourselves. We need to work together to create a better version of ourselves. The future belongs to the new us, together. Thank you for your unwavering support.
Thanks for your support!
-Binance Team

Binance is basically going to build a decentralized exchange. For them to do this, they're going to create their own blockchain. They're also going to put the Binance coin on that blockchain. And this is huge, Binance token's price has already gone up over 30% today after these news.

For even more of an explanation, watch this ~3-minute video from I love Crypto!


That's it

This was my extra update post for today, I was supposed to post this like 3 hours earlier, but Steemit kept saying that my bandwidth is limited. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

What do you think about this huge announcement?

If you haven't already, go check out today's Daily Cryptocurrency News-article!

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