On.Live using the power of Broadcasting to unite the world and create equal work opportunities


Joseph lives with his grand father in a remote city. There is little employment there so his grandfather wants him to go to a bigger city but he does not want to go away from his roots. Most of his friends have left the place and he is one of the few left there.
He has tried his hand at a number of odd jobs but they pay little and he makes little money to sustain himself and his grandfather.
He has a mobile and an internet connection so he often uses the internet to look for online money earning opportunities. He can make movies with his mobile and even tried to upload it on online platform that help him generate a few cents a day or a couple of dollars once every 2 to 3 months.
This is hardly the kind of money that can help him sustain himself and support his old grandfather.

Once while searching for online work opportunites he stumbles upon On.Live

On.Live a gateway of opportunities


He discovers that anyone can become a broadcaster and start earning money with On.Live.
<Tell me more about On.Live


He discovers that On.Live is a place where Broadcasters can use the platform to broadcast their video content. On.Live is a decentralized platform and uses ONL tokens as money.
ONL are ERC20 tokens powered by the Ethereum network.
The use of smart contract and blockchain ensures that once an agreement is reached between the Broadcaster and a client a smart contract is created.
All this is new for Joseph so he wants to explore the possibilities that may exist for him.
He searches the platform and finds that
Ana who is a doctoral scholar is doing a research on the ethnic tribes that live not too far from where Joseph lives. The project looks interesting to Joseph and he contact Ana and shows her the videos that he has created.
Ana offers him the job of taking pictures and video interviews of the tribesmen for her research work.
Ana lives in another part of the world and cannot come to complete her self funded thesis work.

They strike a deal that Joseph would work initially on a per hour basis. Once Ana and Joseph have decided upon these payment terms, the On.Live system lets them set up the system that creates a smart contract.

What this means is that On the onset the designated payment would be locked from Ana's account and when Joseph completes one hour of work and sends it to Ana a smart contract binding the two would release his payment to be sent to him.
Care would be taken that the interest of both Joseph and Ana are safe guarded.
The ONL tokens would be used to make payments.
The ONL tokens are ERC20 tokens and carry value just like money carries value in a physical world.

Joseph is a diligent worker and with his flair to use his mobile phone camera and internet connection he is doing a good job for Ana.
Ana is also happy with the work that Joseph is turning in on a daily bases.
Both have found a worthy partner in one another. Even though they stay in the opposite parts of the world yet they have a collaboration of sorts going.
Joseph realizes that being a broadcaster and service provider is not the only this that he can do.
He can also run a node and contribute to the On.Live network for which he would be paid in ONL tokens.
With his earnings he has bought himself a new computer and he plans to run a On.Live node to augmented his earnings.
Conventional Broadcasting and live consultantancy service providers focus only upon carrying content from the broadcaster to the audience. A typical case in point is youtube.
However there is no attempt to ensure that the Content creator is rewarded for his efforts.
There is no option to choose a pricing model.

On.Live Pricing Model

On.Live lets a broadcaster decide upon and select a pricing model.
Now if Joseph were to upload some of the videos and short films that he has created then he as a provider is entitled to charge his audience by a cost per view like we do when we go to watch a movie in a theatre. We buy a ticket and are entitles to watch the featured movie once. In case we want to watch the movie again then we would have to buy another ticket.
Another method is the charge based on the duration like charge according to the time like Joseph could be charging on a per hour bases to be asking questions and recording the responses using his mobile camera.
Broadcasters can opt for a subscription based model as well like what providers like netflix offer us. They let us view a show or any video present in their inventory based on a monthly charge basis.
Like youtube a provider can also enable the showing of advertisements.

The Core Team

On.Live is an elaborate project that is being rolled out by a core team



Already The On.Live project is in a ready to use state


The Pre ICO generated quite a lot interest in the investor community and it got sold out even before the closing date.

ICO Dates

The ICO Would start on 11 March 2018
Early investors would be entitled to a bonus as per the following schedule

Day 1-11: +20%
Day 11-22: +11%
End Date: April 11th 2018

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63004.58
ETH 2548.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81