Jury Online

The cryptocurrency and blockchain industry has brought about momentous changes in the way we live and do business. The decentralization of goods and services coupled with the enablement of peer-to-peer payments without ever needing intermediaries or traditional banking facilities has been its crown achievement. Despite all the great things this industry has made possible over the years, a few serious problems have come to emerge from its adoption for mainstream transactions. Chief among these problems is the fact that people making payments had difficulty in ensuring they get what they are paying for, as cryptocurrency transactions once initiated are totally irreversible.

(Image Source : https://www.Jury.online/)

Jury Online is among the blockchain startups that seek to further enhance the safety and protection of buyers and sellers to ensure that business continues to remain fluid on the cryptocurrency markets. Its main program is to serve as an escrow and dispute resolving mechanism for buyers and sellers all over the world. Jury Online lets someone paying for a goods or service to place their payments in a completely secure smart contract. This Smart Contract remains airtight until the seller safely delivers the goods that were purchased by the buyer, at which point payment is released to them.

In case of any dispute as to the delivery of the goods or service or its encompassing conditions, Jury Online impartially selects random people from all over the world on its platform to serve as impartial jurors on the dispute and deliver swift judgment on the matter at hand. Depending on who wins, payment can either be finalized to the seller or reversed to the buyer with any other conditions as they deem to be fair.

In order to make sure the decisions are completely fair without bias, neither of the disputing parties will have any direct access to the jurors, who are in turn rated and incentivized by the network to ensure their judgments are completely free and fair.


Total token supply: 7,000,000 JOT

Token type: Utility Token

Token Distribution: Jury Online has plans to for distributing its tokens with 70% given out for sale both during its Presale and ICO, 20% will be given to the team of developers behind the project. 7% will be given to those that participate in spreading the word about the platform through various social media outlets, while 3% will remain floating as extra liquidity for the platform itself

ICO Sale Phase: Presale Stage

Token Price: 1 ETH = 300 JOT

Crowdfunding Usage
Jury Online will use its raised funds to bring on participants to develop a strong blockchain. It will also use parts of the realized funds for campaign and marketing programs, while other parts will be used to incentivize the jurors that will actually make the platform what it plans to be

Team Overview- Members and Advisers
The Jury Online team is led by Founder and Lead Developer Alexander Shevtov, with CTO Konstantin Kudriavstev in support. Other members include Sergey Mishin, Nikita Alekseev, and Adrei Mukhametvaleev among others.

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nice business concept. the random nature of the customer is making it a viable block chain.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63179.13
ETH 2573.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72