Trump Ends Davos With ViolencesteemCreated with Sketch.

‘President Trump threatened to impose America' s will on the world by military might if national governments refuse to implement his economic plan, reports our correspondence in Davros, Switzerland.

Trump delivered the stark warning in an address to Davos delegates in the main congress center. The chief executives and founders of multinational corporation, in the audience, were told to ‘Tow the line and adopt America's currency plan or face annihilation’.

Later, in a personal spat in the lobby of the Hotel Intercontinental, in front of reporters, the Canadian Premier said his country would not follow the plan and told Trump where to 'stick' America's military might.

In a separate development, US troops, in what Trump claims is a military exercise, began massing on the border with Canada, whilst extra units were dispatched to patrol the southern wall to secure the border with Mexico.

As food riots continue in most American cities, Senator Winfrey claims Trump's threats are meaningless, . “With New York and California states closing their federal borders and Texas threatening to split from the union, Trump may find she has no job on her return from Davos."

President Trump, granddaughter of the 45th President, claims Republicans will not stand by and watch the disintegration of the United States following the Crypto Crash.’

If my calculations serve me correct, 2018 is currently in Davos season. The above is a report from the very last Davos meeting in December 2099, only days after the crypto crash.

The annual Davos Economic Forum moved to the month of December in 2059. In 2099, Davos coincided with crypto crash. America, especially President Ivanka Trump, granddaughter of your current US President, proposed the crypto currency Time as a solution to the problem.

President Trump returned to Washington, declared martial law, transfered all executive powers to herself, and imposed the controversial, and for the country fatal, ‘Time Law’. This his made the fitting of Time wallet implants compulsory for all citizens and residents of the USA. Forced biological-tech implants proved impossible to deliver and the country broke up in weeks.

The ‘Great Dear Leader’, dictator Trump, lingered on for another six months in a federation of central states before she became the very first victim of down-voting hackers. After that, anarchy ruled the whole of the North American continent and that region of the world once known as the ‘Developed World’.

If you are reading this, you are the resistance


hahaha..almost satirical, or is it?

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