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RE: The Left-Wing Case for Cryptocurrencies


Wrong, leftists are statists, they are for more government, more taxes, corruption and coercion. That's exactly the opposite of crypto. They will fight crypto to protect the status quo. Leftists only care about government taking wealth by force in the hope they will share some of it but history proves they don't and these policies only bring poverty. Cryptos will be defended by libertarians and anarchocapitalists only


Protocols and cryptography dont care if you are lefty, righty, commie, nazi, junkie, robot or a dog. :D
Your last sentance doesnt aplly. Luis here is the proof.

Luis is actually a libertarian, he doesn't know it yet but he is.
He is just confused by the leftist propaganda so abundant in today's mediocre education. He says he is a leftist because his loser professors made it look cool and all his friends are supposed leftists too. He leans libertarian in actuality.
A real leftist does not like cryptocurrencies because they allow for the protection of the wealth they want confiscated by all mighty governments in the hope they will share it with them and not shoot them in concentration camps like it always happens with these idealistic youth (I'm from Cuba, I've seen it). Pretty naive if you ask me.

Until you said you are from Cuba, I didnt pay much attention :D I feel you bro...

"allow for the protection of the wealth" Thats true only to some extend. What cryptos do is the wealth redistribution. From rich to clever and tech-saavy. Big bankers are yet to wake up and start buying up. Not even talking about the governments.

There is a fine gradient between left leaning and full blown communist.

I agree the main proponents right now are libertarians and anarchokapitalists, but I dont see why leftists (not commies) should not like it as well.

Peace to you and to hell with governments!

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