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RE: The Left-Wing Case for Cryptocurrencies

I think you need to both talk to a Swede about their mythical socialist utopia spread by the msm and read The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek. All socialists are on the road to communism, it's a process to get there, not a switch you turn on and off. How do you think Cuba started? This is not about left or right, it's about the government vs the individual and the family. The good thing about crypto is that it will defund governments.and allow individuals to protect (and escape with) their wealth. I very much like that anyone can express their thoughts here on Steemit, I just think it's a lot of hypocresy for the leftists because their are using uber capitalist and libertarian products: the internet, computers and crypto. They should really use soviet made vacum tube mainframes if they really wanted to remain "pure". Though in reality, most "leftists" here are libertarians who don't know it yet. They were brainwashed by loser teachers in a mediocre and corrupt education system that leans left. They think the left is cool until real life kicks in or a bullet hits them at the gulag shooting squads for idealistic youth that listen to rock music or grow their hair long or whatever it is their communist opportunistic comrades don't like


And what about Fascists using steemit to promote authoritarian government? Are they also libertarians who were brainwashed by ***?

People use what attracts them and what they think will benefit them. Why do you think the universal healthcare is such a popular idea? Because it appeals to people. It guarantees them benefit.

The average guy doesn't understand what is x y z ideology. He is attracted to what is in his best interests, sorry, what he thinks is in his best interests.

Fascists are Socialists too, they are for big government as well:

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