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RE: New Sports Betting Blockchain Project | Bethereum

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The only thing I said is that having a ~60% self voting amount on Steemit upvoting many of your own comments is not something that I support, that's all. I never said I'm against self-upvoting your own posts that took quite some time to make, that would be stupid especially if you have invested in quite some steem power.

I think it's pretty ridiculous to accuse me from not doing anything to enhance the community.

  • I support quite some members without needing anything in return which will increase each month.
  • I host a weekly contest that asks quite some time and actually costs me money as I fund a weekly prize pool and upvote all the enty comments.
  • Everything I post has effort put into it and has helped at least a few readers in their own betting.
  • I try to welcome new sports bettors here on steemit and help with basic advice to get started.
  • I brought allready a couple sports bettors onto this platform.

I don't claim to be all giving, getting a return on my investment is important to me. The more steem power you have the increasingly difficult this gets which is the reason why nearly every single whale now runs an upvote bidbot selling their votes for usually more than they are worth.

All I do is I try to keep a healthy balance.


Good glad you think it's ridiculous.
Now you know what it feels like to have your body of work judged by a very poorly interpreted pie chart, or yo be judged by someone who pays himself more in one self vote than another persons entire comment library combined. Next time you pass your uninformed judgement on someone using bad statistics make sure your own room is perfectly clean. It ain't bro-- you're just a eolf in sheeps clothing.

We don't give a rats ass how you conduct your self voting machine, we weren't the one judging others using pie charts without examining the body of work.
A simple apology would do, but maybe that's not in the judgy-types personality arsenal?
We don't hang w a lot of cops and judges-- that's why most of us are here bro.

Stones. Glass houses

I'm sorry you feel judged and take this all very personal, this was by no means the intention to begin with.

Ok man, cool of you here. consider hatchet buried.

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