New Sports Betting Blockchain Project | Bethereum

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Another week and yet another new project that tries to tap into the market of Sports Betting on a Blockchain. This one is named Bethereum and it seems to fucus on the social side of beting. I took again the time to read the entire Whitepaper and write down my personal thoughts on the project.

I have to give Bethereum some major props for their overall presentation as it is done very properly and professionally and the name is ok. They clearly spend a lot of time and money on this as they already have a working mobile IOS App that uses play bether tokens. I tested it out and everything looks nice and does everything what it aims to do properly.

From how I understand it, Bethereum will pretty much aim do the following...

Situation Right now...
When you want to make a small bet for fun with your friends, you agree on the terms and when the match is over the ones who lose pay the ones who win. Easy done.

Situation Revolutionised by Bethereum...

You and your friends need to register on their platform, buy their Bether Tokens and set up bet conditions on their app which puts it in a smart contract. When the outcome is known the Bether will be automatically paid out to the winner minus a 5% fee.



The thing they seem solve is a non-issue to begin with, trust between friends with minor amounts. They will alsoallow bets against people outside your friends group and talk about an "Exclusive High Roller Club" which no real high roller will probably ever use given the very high 5% fees.

This video from their website also desperately wants to sell something and is an insult on the intelligence of the average viewer. Piles of money, Good looking people in expensive houses and fancy iphones in a very social setting and everyone is happy in the end. Very far away from the reality of most people who bet on sports unfortunately.


They really have put a lot of time and effort into this project so far, making it aesthetically very appealing with a working iphone app. I don't really see a market for what they are doing. (I also don't get the entire Fantasy Sports which is huge, so I might be totally wrong here).

As a serious sports bettor, this is not something I see myself using ever.

List of Available Blockchain Sports Betting Projects
(* The ones I look to try out myself)

Wagerr *Sports
Bookie *Sports Betting
(^Peerplays)(^Bookie Platform)(^Peerplays)
Blitzpredict *Betting
BetterbettingSports Betting
decent.betSports Betting -
GrazSports Betting
Xwin CryptobetSports Betting &
GifcoinICO Book Profit
Goal Bonanza **Correct Score
Betmaster **Sports
** Scam Alert

Previous Reviews

I will keep reporting on new Sports Betting focussed Blockchain Projects that come along in search for a potential 'Betfair and Asian Bookmaker killer'.
Please let me know if there are other projects I overlooked!


You're right. I don't see this being used by the sport bettors.

But, if it takes off, I can see this as a tool for settling internet arguments :-)

wow that guy tenhanger is a tool. I'm new here but I already like your content a lot and enjoy reading it. Anyways, wow it seems like there is a new blockchain betting or casino platform popping up every week now. This further helps solidify the fact that many other people are coming to the realization that smart contracts will revolutionize the gambling industry. A couple questions for you, since I don't have iOs to test this out:

  1. Do they already have an API which pulls data from live sports events and executes the smart contract?
  2. If I'm playing Call of Duty vs some punk online and I want to bet him. There is no possible way a smart contract will know who wins... how do they solve that? The kid could claim he won and I claim I won. Thanks!

Thanks for keeping me up to date with sports betting coins.
Great Post. I will keep track of this :)

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Ok good info on yet another vaporware betting platform.

But wouldn't your self-vote for this article have had more impact on enhancing the community if you had spread that wealth around to others? We are new big fans of not self-voting.

Just sayin.

The only thing I said is that having a ~60% self voting amount on Steemit upvoting many of your own comments is not something that I support, that's all. I never said I'm against self-upvoting your own posts that took quite some time to make, that would be stupid especially if you have invested in quite some steem power.

I think it's pretty ridiculous to accuse me from not doing anything to enhance the community.

  • I support quite some members without needing anything in return which will increase each month.
  • I host a weekly contest that asks quite some time and actually costs me money as I fund a weekly prize pool and upvote all the enty comments.
  • Everything I post has effort put into it and has helped at least a few readers in their own betting.
  • I try to welcome new sports bettors here on steemit and help with basic advice to get started.
  • I brought allready a couple sports bettors onto this platform.

I don't claim to be all giving, getting a return on my investment is important to me. The more steem power you have the increasingly difficult this gets which is the reason why nearly every single whale now runs an upvote bidbot selling their votes for usually more than they are worth.

All I do is I try to keep a healthy balance.

Good glad you think it's ridiculous.
Now you know what it feels like to have your body of work judged by a very poorly interpreted pie chart, or yo be judged by someone who pays himself more in one self vote than another persons entire comment library combined. Next time you pass your uninformed judgement on someone using bad statistics make sure your own room is perfectly clean. It ain't bro-- you're just a eolf in sheeps clothing.

We don't give a rats ass how you conduct your self voting machine, we weren't the one judging others using pie charts without examining the body of work.
A simple apology would do, but maybe that's not in the judgy-types personality arsenal?
We don't hang w a lot of cops and judges-- that's why most of us are here bro.

Stones. Glass houses

I'm sorry you feel judged and take this all very personal, this was by no means the intention to begin with.

Ok man, cool of you here. consider hatchet buried.

Sorry man, but you're barking up the wrong tree here.

Costanza is the main engine of this small community (sports bettors on His tagline Supporting the Sports Betting Community on Steemit is not empty words. Check this out for the start: Steemit Sports Betting Curation February

Hear you, but there's context behind this comment.

Would you like to share it?

I don't mean to be rude or anything like that, but from your original comment all I get is that you recently started to dislike self-voting:

We are new big fans of not self-voting

I hate to say this, but your personal preferences are not some universal law. If you think that not upvoting your own posts makes you a better person, so be it. I don't think so, but you're free to disagree.

And here are some numbers for the last 14 days:

  1. @tenhanger - 14.70% self-upvote
  2. @costanza - 11.90% self-upvote

PS - @costanza is definitely spreading his wealth around (I'm one of those sports bettors that is on his auto-upvote list - and I'm not the only one).

We agree, our personal preferences don't matter. We didn't start this poor-flinging fight. Your boy there was flinging judgement but it turns out he doesn't know how to interpret data or he's just lazy or both or he's just big on showering his own personal preference morality on others without self-examination.

Unlike this clown we straight up self market, we don't blow sunshine up everyone's ass to get the upvotes the huckster way.

You know what, as long as people like him pass judgement on self upvotes (while massively and to much much greater effect than minnows self-upvote) we've found religion. We'll continue to not self upvote except when entirely necessary in comment sections to rise above the very loud sycophant noise which exists in spades on this website.
So thanks everyone for the morality lesson! But we suggest you dive a little deeper on your stats instead of being a slave to numbers.

Add up how much our 2.8% "advantage" got us in steem-- gonna guess it's less than one USD. Broheem here w the morals and the pie chart analysis got many times that in just one self upvote.
Do you think we're from Java island in Indonesia and 40 cents feeds our family for a year? Hmmm, what OTHER reasons might we have for not sharing our 1 penny upvote much more w the community? We can think of plenty of reasons but we won't bother you know why?

We don't open up the judgement book on others, we just write our little hearts out w stuff we think isn't the same drivel you'll find on ESPN or your run of the mill Steemit "whale" blog. Hell more than half our content is sharing our absolute best wager ideas for free.

Again, due to nature of this site there is a power structure. We simply think Costanza abused that structure by flinging pooh when his own house is made of poop bricks.

But yeah, we were quite happy not judging all the crap we see on this site.
Don't rock our cage unless you really are "better than thou". Costanza ain't.

We are done now. Talk amongst your misinterpreted statty-lovin self-lovin selves.

We didn't start this poor-flinging fight.

Yes you did.

All @costanza did when you asked to be added to his auto-voting list is to point out that, at the moment, you have 60% of self-vote:

Right now your self-upvoting is excessively high around 60% which is something I can't really get behind.

And guess what? @costanza didn't single you out and attacked you. When I've started, my percentage of self-vote was same as yours and he did pointed it out to me. My reaction was slightly different than yours:


Now, let's get to the bottom of it. Costanza is free to do with his money/votes/time... as he likes. He doesn't owe anything to you, me or the whole steemit community. His money, his rules. As simple as that. Would you like me to lecture you on how you should spend your own resources? Of course not!

My advice to you is to focus on doing your own thing and stop demanding from others to accept and support you. No one owes you anything. Also, don't throw insults around it doesn't make you look good.

Have a nice day.

PS - Why do you keep insulting the people of Indonesia?

Sorry Your Honor, so now that your 10-minutes-late-to-the-conversation unsolicited verdict is delivered upon us, what shall our penance be?

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