XchangeRate | Providing The Right Tools For Successful Day Trading

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

The invention of Bitcoin in 2009 paved the way for cryptocurrency trading, before the year 2009, if you had told someone that in December 2017, trading virtual currency was going to account to over $900,000,000,000 in market cap, they would have said you were crazy but Lately, Cryptocurrency trading is now the poster child for how someone can be successful online.

I remember the inspiring story of a teenager names Eddie Gillian AKA The Wolf Of Crypto Street who started cryptocurrency trading at the age of 15 with just a few thousand dollars he had saved up, now aged 18, he has made over a million US dollars from cryptocurrency trading.

Many people might have heard such success stories and may have decided to try it out and see if it works for them but unfortunately, many of them have ended up losing more than that gained. The reason for this is that the cryptocurrency market is so volatile and can easily be influenced by certain factors, For Example, the market cap of cryptocurrencies hit over $900bn in December 2017 but in February 2018, It was struggling not to go below $350bn, that is an example of how volatile it can be.

There is good news for all traders and aspiring traders out there, you don't really have to enter the trading world blind and lose your capital, with the right tools at your disposal, you can successfully navigate the cryptocurrency trading space and still make a profit, and that right tool is provided by XchangeRate.

What Is XchangeRate?
XchangeRate. is a cryptocurrency trading web application that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to make trading easy and convenient for everyone, the tool that would be used to achieve this aim is the XchangeRate Robot which is an intelligent algorithm that helps investors navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market and make decisions like a pro. The Robot makes decisions from Buy & Sell Attitudes and User Parameters.

Simply put, XchangeRate is here to revolutionise and level the cryptocurrency trading field for all, this tool and secrets that would be unveiled by XchangeRate are tools that were previously exclusive to just experts in the field but XchangeRate is here to change that,

The XchangeRate Robot can be utilised via Plugins and APIs, it is not just designed to monitor and report market trends to a trader, one thing that sets Xchangerate aside from all other platforms in the sphere is that unlike other platforms, the XchangeRate Robot makes smart decisions for the trader, unlike in other platforms where all the decision making is left to the trader, it is a versatile & intelligent algorithmic tool that can:
• Monitor Global Market Trends
• Make Smart decisions for Traders
• Be Available 24/7 and can execute orders even when a trader is sleeping to maximise profit.
• Handle Any Cryptocurrency, it is not just limited to few.

XchangeRate Token
The XchangeRate Token (XRR) is a utility token that can be used to make all transactions in the Xchangerate platform ranging from the monthly subscription fee that would give you access to XchangeRate to fees for strategies that has been posted in the XchangeRate Marketplace. Presently, the XRR token is being offered in a tokensale event and after the tokensale, the team would try to get it listed in several centralised and decentralised exchanges so it can be accessible to everyone who wants to take advantage of the Xchangerate platform.

Below are details of the token:
Token name: XRR Coin
Token Symbol: XRR
Token type: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
Token role: Utility
Total supply: 250,000,000
Available for sale: 235,000,000




To find out more about XchangeRate, kindly check the links below:
Website: https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/
Whitepaper: https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/en/whitepaper/en/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/F_sHmUlqhCZy6bJYcVPw1Q
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3110277
Blog: https://medium.com/@xchangeraterobot.io/think-ai-inc-dd02c3cfd905
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XchangeRate_io

Writer: Collinberg
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1532780


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This project is a nice one no doubt. Writer nailed it. Won't be bad to look into the project

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