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RE: How Significant is the Cryptocurrency World? Some Data and Thoughts About the Future.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

It has to mainstream. I have long said that the only restriction to this technology is intuitiveness. As intuitive infrastructure is built up around the technology, it will begin to supplant traditional models. I like to use the analogy of the Marriott hotel remote control. The put the green power button on the bottom of the remote. So I always end up hitting the menu button instead of the power button, because everyone knows the power button goes on top.

Switching from a pull system to a push system takes time. But it will certainly happen. There is not one iota of doubt in my mind. Whether it is running below the system out of sight of the consumer, or whether we are controlling it directly with app-based payment systems. It is coming. More quickly thank anyone could have predicted.


Totally, it's all about being intuitive or usability. Hardly anyone knows how a computer or the internet really work, but when the GUI is easy, etc.. the magic happens ! (-:

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