
You're welcome man and thanks for the support on the series!

Ihink the rate of posting will slow down a little bit as I want to do thorough research on the platforms first before posting about them and it's likely each platform will have a couple of posts about them as they are going to be brand new concepts to a lot of people!

Koolness! Thanks dude! I feel quite alot of people and artist new to crypto and crypto music based platforms feel overwhelmed by the steep learning curve and complexity and so shy away and miss out, which is a real shame i hope your articles will help some overcome there fears man!

That's what this series is all about, breaking down that barrier of overwhelm into little nuggets that people will find useful.

It is a shame they are missing out at the moment but when these projects reach a "critical mass" then I think the flood gates will open :)

Agreed man and hopefully the technology and new intergations will become easier to use for everyone, enabling more to join this kewl crypto sea! :)

I'm sure they will my friend, I'm sure they will. If these platforms can develop a system where you click "withdraw" and it pays directly in to your bank account whilst doing all the exchange work under the hood, that would be the winner for me.

Yeh that would be a great idea and certainly open the flood gates to many many more people and artist! Have a top evening man! :D

You too Mr Fungus! Pleasure chatting with you, catch you soon :)

Kool man! Always happy to chat and support my friend! Cheers Kurt :)

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