Kinesis The solution to avoid economic losses and keep our funds safe.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

States of economic recession, inflation, hyperinflation, deflation, political crises, economic sabotages, wars, terrorism to all these we are economically exposed, the current banking financial systems are unsafe to all these situations that in a matter of time can leave us without savings , without funds and possibly in bankruptcy, our savings money in these systems and very little or nothing we benefit, since the biggest gain is obtained by the owners of the banks that play, invest with our money without taking into account any kind of gift towards the owner of the fund from which he has benefited.

Is going out to the digital market, to the market of the blockchain network the solution to avoid any economic catastrophe, natural or created by the man with which the objective is "win-win", you want to know what I mean? His name is Kinesis read my article and learn more about this financial system that is revolutionizing the blockchain.

What is Kinesis

It is a new blockchain project that is revolutionizing the way in which a financial system protects the funds of its clients, that is Kinesis a currency that everyone can access and use with all the confidence that this deserves.

Kinesis adapted the beginning of the history of financial systems that was based on supporting the fund with physical assets, in this case Kinesis would back your funds with gold and silver, one of the best physical assets precious metals that do not suffer from any economic chaos, while you are at risk in the current financial systems where your funds are simply exposed with Kinesis you will have the security that whatever happens your funds will be safe and free of inflation or any kind of economic anomaly will always be safe with this support.

Because I am referring to support because your funds will be backed 1: 1 with gold and silver in a way that is equal so that there are no losses.


Here I offer this video to complement the initial idea.


How the monetraio system of works Kinesis

Inside the monetary systems the incentives and incentives are paramount every time you enter money into [Kinesis]( through symbolic purchases each of these revenues are backed 1: 1 with gold and silver immediately join the system of proprietary performance that promotes trade, adhering with the profits generated by all members of the economy [Kinesis](, for this system uses three prinipales assets.

  • Tokens Kinesis backed by gold (KAU) and silver (KAG); the owners of the tokens own the ingots.
  • Performance: the performance in the system Kinesis is created through spending instead of credit (loans) in the legacy system
    *Blockchain: an additional layer to reinforce the storage of value that is already a hallmark of gold and silver, while also making the two assets liquid through digital media (improving their use as a means of exchange) Kinesis is looking to add counterfeit bills, alternative cryptocurrencies and other assets that are physically protected and stored digitally in your banking and asset management system.

Offers in both tokens Kinesis and coins Kinesis

  • Tokens Kinesis: The Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT), is a tokens with compatibility ERG20. Its usefulness will be to increase the necessary capital for the launching of the monetary system Kinesis. The licensees (KVT) collectively collect profits generated by the percentages of transaction fees of commercial operators within the system.

  • Initial coins of Kinesis: This is the cryptocurrency that is for sale by Kinesis called KAU (gold backing) and KAG (silver backing) each with 1: 1 physical support in gold and silver. The means to handle these transactions will be by Stellar Network which forked these tokens, Stellar Network will control the monetary system of Kinesis.

Philosophy of design Kinesis

KinesisIt was designed to:

  • Overcome the volatility limitations of cryptocurrencies as a reserve currency.
  • Improve storage of the value limitations of fiat currencies.
  • Raise the negative present value of bank account holdings throughout the world.
  • End the habit of governments to finance themselves by printing money and creating deficits.
  • Eliminate the philosophy of centralized banking.
  • Change the habit of people who store their gold, silver, cryptocurrency, etc. ("good money").
  • Add interest yields to physical assets such as gold, silver, property, etc.
  • Create a better performance system than that offered by the credit / loan networks.
  • Eliminate fraud and theft of asset-backed securities.
  • Provide a digital over-the-counter (OTC) alternative for the gold bullion markets.
  • Provide entry points for small markets to list their physical assets in search of exchange opportunities.

Characteristics and components of the monetary system Kinesis

Kinesis It has an operations design:

  • Kinesis Currency Exchanges (KCX):With the collaboration of ABX in union of a wholesale market, the coin is created and coined Kinesis.

  • Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN): The tokens Kinesis built in this chain of blocks.

  • Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE): The tokens that represent physical assets can be exchanged in this chain of blocks in charge of digital currency exchanges.

  • Kinesis Financial Network (KFN): Through a mobile banking you can make payments, send remittances, savings and movements of money. Granting you full access to MasterCard and Visa debit.

  • Kinesis Commercial Center (KCC): A range of service providers and goods that accept token payments Kinesis (KAU y KAG).


Speed ​​as a performance system

KVT is the tokens that are given in rewards for participation and general speed will be delivered to users for these behaviors within the system Kinesis. (Rate in which the money changes hands) of the currency Kinesis). This encourages performance as a result of economic interest.

The opposite of what debt financing does with a system of devaluation of the currency with this generates an increase in the prices of the goods that can be obtained with that currency.

Kinesis avoids all the risk of fractional reserve banking systems as opposed to Tether which is a token with support in the dollar, Kinesis takes the examples of Telher in the management of the backups but with the difference that the support of Kinesis is gold and silver and not the dollar.

Kinesis is an insurmountable proposal that you should not let go and I'll explain why

  • Value: The stability in the prices of precious metals such as gold and silver, this is something that I take Kinesis from millenary stories where gold was a great value reserve .

  • Speed:The design of Kinesis It is so that your digital currency can be used from any corner of the world.

  • Cost effectiveness: There is no proposal currently in the world like the one offered by Kinesis with a multifacetic and totally unique profitability system.

  • KTV: With an exposure of 20% of the network, tokens with pre-ico advantages of the currency Kinesis.

  • Reference program:Participation of lifetime benefits in all rates on transactions in the blockchain network charged to the eWallets they recruit, this applies to members who refer new clients.

  • Debit: The forex suite Kinesis You can make purchases anywhere in the world that receive payments by means of debit cards.


Kinesisit will change how it interacts with gold and silver

"They say that history repeats itself, the truth is that its lessons are little used." From this saying starts the idea of ​​Kinesis will have a huge value in society in the future will not depend on how to find a currency of a country (example the dollar) but of how we handle our physical assets such as gold and silver. Unlike other raw materials, metals have some peculiarities that make them attractive for long-term investment and that guarantee their future value. A kilo of wheat decomposes quickly, gold instead lasts forever. If in a season the demand for wheat is greater than expected, the farmer can plant more wheat. If the United States is short of liquidity, it can print more dollars, as it always has, but silver can not come from nothing.

It can accelerate or contract the extraction of gold to try to control its price but you can never create more than what exists on earth. In addition, with time, the extraction will be more complicated.

In this sense the metals are finite and therefore coveted. Those people who really want to keep funds and their capital, savings are maintained in time regardless of devaluations, inflation and economic attacks the most logical to protect your savings and capital is to support all those funds with assets that last over time and are impossible to bend economically as they have done throughout the history of mankind the gold and silver. As they say in my country "who does not listen to advice does not reach old age" normally applied in young people with wrong behaviors. Kinesis will cause the impact that society needs to stop relying on monetary systems managed by banks and unscrupulous people who benefit from our efforts, and who at the end of the day are very ecxposed to the world economies.

Benefits of backing 1: 1 coins in gold and silver

-The benefits that exist in supporting or investing in metals can list the following:

  • Gold and silver are accepted throughout the world.
  • Gold and silver are only yours and nobody has to know that you have them, neither the government nor the bank. They are completely private assets.
  • Unlike fiduciary currencies, gold and silver have value for themselves and are not someone else's liabilities.
  • They are assets that can be completely owned. Real estate, for example, belongs in part to the state, which is why we pay taxes for them.
  • Investing in metals is a safe haven for your money that protects you from the effects of financial crises, natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, etc.
  • It has a high density of value which makes it easy to handle, transport, store and even hide.
  • Each ounce has the same value, something that can not be said about diamonds or jewelry that depend on the opinion of an appraiser.
  • Gold and silver are real money by itself. That is to say that it has value without the need for a government to support them.
  • Because currently all currencies are fiduciary and these are constantly devalued losing value. In fact, its value will always tend to be zero.

How it opens Kinesis the bullion market to regular users?

This is achieved through the sales of KVT, ICO, KAU and KAG tokens, making them attractive to users and, above all, economically profitable, which is paramount for every user to make a profit and maintain a tangible heritage such as gold and silver. silver. Those incentives given by Kinesis by using their system quickly and the profits generated together and evenly distributed among all customers Kinesis makes it look more striking indeed the perfect "win-win" formula can not go unnoticed in the eyes of regular users.


¿Why Kinesis has inherently less volatility?

KinesisIt is simple because of its main function, which is to back the funds with physical assets in gold and silver. Gold and silver do not suffer from volatility, they are the best refuge to avoid economic debacles. These metals are expensive materials and the indexes and values ​​of them are never depreciated in a significant way so that the money is safe. Gold and silver are achieving price records and, although it can not be predicted accurately, the trend is expected to continue and profits to grow. By making this anchoring between digital currencies backed by physical assets that do not suffer economic corrosion Kinesis, you get the cure for financial volatility.

How ABX knowledge will be translated into a successful execution for Kinesis?

ABX is a great partner. Their knowledge in the world market area of ​​gold and silver bullion makes them the most competent for the execution of the system of Kinesis, efficiency, security, anonymity, confidence, profitability and unprecedented accessibility in the physical industry, the world's leading institutional exchange house for physical precious metals, has been running since 2013, what is necessary to make the execution Kinesis it is successful.

What is the benefit of using Kinesiswith respect to the OTC alternatives?

The use of the systems of Kinesis with respect to the OTC alternatives is that the former (Kinesis) reduce the implementation of other resources for its execution, since the OTC generate telephone expenses, lost time in booking and placement of orders with a supplier and, additionally, cover the expenses of this transaction. With Kinesis all transactions are done digitally and efficiently, meaning that all transactions are carried out smoothly and in less time.

Use cases

Government of Venezuela offers savings bonds backed with lots of gold or bullion.

President Nicolás Maduro launched Monday an offer of bonds backed by small gold bullion, he said to promote savings among Venezuelans, who see the local currency evaporating with hyperinflation. Those who join the program will not receive bars of precious metal, but electronic certificates. The gold will be guarded in "the vaults of the Central Bank, so that nobody touches it".

The system implemented by the Venezuelan Government is the same one used by the OTC Markets very unsafe and archaic, since the Venezuelan society for this type of procedures is traditional with respect to the use of managed systems controlled banking entities and savings. The system that is being implemented by the Venezuelan Government lacks trustworthiness and credibility for Venezuelan society.

The way to generate such trust in Venezuelan society would be for Nicolas Maduro's government to consolidate its monetary system on the platform Kinesis that with its variety of advantages and partners strengthens investments in and the new Venezuelan monetary system of savings.


The monetary system of Kinesis continues to be the best digital option when it comes to making investments, which ensures that it is protected against unexpected economic setbacks. Kinesis has a team of developers in the financial area ensuring its superiority over the traditional banking and OTC banking systems. Becoming the best proposal when thinking about savings and investments.

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