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RE: It looks like I'm right about the pullback I predicted

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Market cap/BTC - either or, it's not important. I keep telling you, get some skin in the crypto game Mrs Gurl. 😉This market is nothing like your traditional ones; over here, market cap is everything and the link between it and BTC is very important. That is why we keep an eye on BTC market dominance too (it indicates correlation between market cap and BTC).

Market cap is the best indicator of sentiment towards cryptocurrencies and their current strength. Because the altcoins have sapped so much of the market from BTC, we can't just rely on BTC as a whole. The entire market also shares a strong collaborative correlation. If PIVX is going down 5%, then (unrelated) SUB is probably going down around 5% and unrelated QTUM is going down around 5% and WISH and BTG etc.

Obviously there are always the outliers and the trending favourites, which is where the shorter term traders make their gains in any market. But overall market cap (and by extension, its rate of change) is the single most important figure in this game.


But your not trading an index though, only individual coins ? If so then it doesn't matter what the overall cap is doing, only the coin you're interested in, whether it follows the cap or not.

I admit it's handy to know the cap, and the general direction, in much the same way I keep a general eye on world affairs and how it affects currency prices. But I don't make trading decisions based on it, that's up to the currency or stock to tell me.

I've been watching BTC for the last two days and I think I called it 7/8 times lol. One of these days I'm going to write articles explaining how to read charts... :-)

That would be true if I was only in a few coins. But I'm still in about 70 which means that my portfolio value generally swings up and down with market cap. It strongly represents how much I win or lose in a day.

I don't trade much these days; I have my positions and I just fine tune them with the odd trade to buy a bargain. I can't be averaging more than one trade per day at the moment. That means that about 98% of my portfolio value is still moving iaw market cap.

And since my general strategy is to grab the good coins and hold, I really don't care about short-term individual price movements, I just watch the market cap long-term trends.

Watching 70 individual figures would be pointless, I would have to combine them anyway. Might as well just use market cap.

Ah, I see, that makes more sense.

What do you think of the Buffet idea that diversification is a bad idea ? that all the good positions and bad positions average out so you never make a profit ? I'm sure you'd disagree... lol

I can see his point though, and the guy has more money than me so who am I to argue :-) lol

Standby for a quick post...

lol, I keep giving you ideas for posts, you really should pay me :-)

I do. In $0.00 upvotes!

worth every penny ! :-) lol

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