United States seeks to Criminalize Cash and Cryptocurrencies; While Russia, India, Japan, China, Australia Legalize and Support

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

The brazen move by the United States to legalize cryptocurrencies seem to be to control it, make it illegal, to stop the perception that Federal Reserve notes are both worthless and valueless, and to recapture its realizing value back into a dying debt-money system of injustice; particularly financial injustice.


(WASHINGTON, DC) The new Bill S.1241 titled *Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act* of 2017makes it illegal to have and transact in cash and digital currencies/cryptocurriencies without registering the amounts and trades with a local bank.

The Money Laundering Act conceptually declares digital crytpo-currency mining, usage, and holding an act of money laundering and counterfeiting, particularly in regards to Federal Reserve Notes maintaining their fictitious Valueless Perception of Worth.


Besides regulating all digital currencies and cash, the Federal Reserve System is planning on issuing their own FedCoin. Hypocritical considering that the same Federal Reserve system warns against using cryptocurrencies; Apparently only a Federal Reserve Cryptocurrency resolves the full invasion of privacy that such financial institutions complain about that others lack.

On top of the legalization of digital currencies for control, The entire Bitcoin Network is being monitored by the FBI, DEA, US Secret Service, CIA, NSA [spying], Pentagon, Federal Reserve [their white papers on bitcoin], ECB [white papers]. Digital Currencies are being fed into their AI computers and monitored, through and through.


Very interesting your posting!

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