US Congress Introduces Money Laundering Act Criminalizing Digital Currencies; Requiring the Reporting of all Digital Currencies and Cash to Local Banks, e.g. Steem

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


                                  by: belisoful

June 20th, 2017– Gregorian Date

(WASHINGTON, DC) Senator Chuck Grassley introduced Bill S.1241 — 115th Congress (2017-2018) -a Bill titled Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017- last May 25th, 2017. The Money Laundering Act makes it illegal to have and transact in cash and digital currencies/cryptocurriencies without registering the amounts and trades with a local bank.

The Money Laundering Act conceptually declares digital crytpo-currency mining, usage, and holding an act of money laundering and counterfeiting, particularly in regards to Federal Reserve Notes maintaining their fictitious Valueless Perception of Worth. Requiring the registration of all digital currency holdings and transactions in the U.S. is an attempt to brazenly legalize (fictionalize) the all digital currency networks under the "legal jurisdiction" of a criminal government. After the United States succeeds, all UN Member Nations interested in continued debt slavery could act to implement such measures, in kind. It is a power grab of the Commons by the United States Corporation over a Constitutionally First Amendment Protected Freedom of Speech Medium (digital currencies) and non-legal trade that governmental corporations cannot control nor profit from (with debt mechanisms).

The "Terrorist Financing" label being used by US Senators was to undermine all legitimate commentary on the topic. Indeed, the Act itself is an act of terrorism upon the Digital Commons and Digital Rights. It is a usurpation of value, rights, and property. The Act violates legal precedence in converting a basic digital right into a "license", regardless of fees, to outright ban digital currencies. The Money Laundering Act only points out the laundering of worth via valueless debt by the Federal Reserve and seems to merely be an attempt to protect the unlawful DEBT-AS-MONEY Racketeering of Central Bankers.

BitLicenses NY-DFS.jpg

This is not the first attack on Digital Currencies. The U.S. State of New York had BitLicenses that regulated Cryptocurrency businesses from engaging NY Citizens. It is harsh that several Digital Currencies Exchanges are putting IP blocks to ban NY Citizens from accessing their Digital Rights. The State of California already tried to pass 2 BitLicense-like bills to regulate Digital Currencies in Business and failed. They are in their third attempt presently. The Banks operating in the State of New York decided to buy the legislation to restrict Digital Currencies in New York to maintain their monopoly. The politicians who push for such measures are clearly under International banker control and/or serve the corporate interests looking to squash real monetary and financial value.

There are many reasons why digital currencies are exploding in value:

  • Negative Interest Rates in first world countries that is destroying wealth. Debt is about future value now. Negative Interest Rates is future debt tapping into the value of the past, which doesn't even make sense.
  • Fiat Demonetization in Developing Countries, like India. India recently banned all cash over ~$10. The hundreds of millions who depend upon large denomination cash are left dry. The remedy to banning all cash over ~$10 is national internet for everyone.
  • Central Bank Bailouts destroying debt value
  • Democratization of monetary gain of "Central Banking Seigniorage" by enabling distributed digital currency mining.
  • Perfect anonymous transactions in Monero, Zcash, etc. that even Federal Reserve Debt can't provide.
  • Digital Currencies are better than gold in that they are specifically limited by open source "private at the Commons" algorithms. The markets are not manipulatable as directly as any DEBT market.
  • Digital Currencies represent CREDIT without interest nor usury. Any system of Credit will ultimate DESTROY any system of Debt, simply for maintaining its value over time.
  • Digital Currencies are exposing the dark underbelly of the Central Bankers Debt-From-Nothing Ponzi scheme.
  • ** Absolutely MASSIVE investor potential for legitimate business **

(Grassley and Feinstein talking, Cornyn above)

The bill is introduced "For MR. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), MRS. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA), MR. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX), and MR. WHITEHOUSE (President-DC)." Their names are linked, please contact them -and "your representative" with your thoughts on the matter. The Bill references the Whitehouse as a [MISTER] and is evidence that not just corporations have personhood by corporate personhood, but that [artificial] "persons" (strawmen) have corporatehood by corporate personhood under the guise of "COLOR OF LAW"/legalized fictional law of a De Facto Corporation pretending to be a Government; which is not the same thing as a legitimate De Jure Government by and for the people. Here is evidence that the UNITED STATES is/was a De Facto Illegal Government rather than a De Jure Legitimate Government.

Given that it is a DE FACTO Corporation is attempting to cash and and Digital Currencies by Color of Law Regulation, the action it totally and absolutely illegitimate. Particularly in light that CEO-President Donald Trump literally bought the Presidency for literally Nothing, the regulation of Digital Currencies seems to be a very heavy handed tactic.

The bill has been read Twice into record at the US Senate (EIN: 52-1085802) and has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee for vote before it is then to be voted upon by the Senate; then the House, then the President. After the bill is signed by the CEO-President, the Bill is literally re-writen as "CORPORATE STATUTES" enforceable only upon "statutory Persons" -by Temple Crown Corporation BAR ATTORNEYS- within the legal fictional jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. All territories outside DC only maintain "jurisdiction" by Contract, such as Social Security Numbers, Driver's Licenses, Birth Certificates.


FYI, The State of California Vital records Bank Note Specialist said about CA Birth Certificates, "IT wouldn't be a BANK NOTE without the BAR CODE." Anyone is welcome to confirm their claim by calling: (916) 445-2684. Of course, engage all the conspiracy theories, like about the control bars on bar codes are 6-6-6, mark of the beast.
Also, There are Three District Constitutions in the UNITED STATES. The organic Constitution For The United States of America (1776), The Corporate CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (1871) when DC was created as a separate entity, and the Statutory CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (1933) when the prior Constitutions were relegated to Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) slavery. The third StatutoryConstitution is necessary to relegate it to the dust-bin of UCC.

The Emails from Hillary Clinton reveal that NATO killed Libya's Gadaffi for his attempts to initiate a gold back currency outside the Rothschild Central Bank Cartel; where the top level Central Bank of Central Banks is the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS located in Basel near Jesuit Controlled Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. Oddly, the only countries on the "terrorism list" are countries without Rothschild Central Banks.


The Financial Terrorism of Central Banks and International Bankers knows NO BOUNDS. From Global Research:

“Hillary’s emails truly are the gifts that keep on giving. While France led the proponents of the UN Security Council Resolution that would create a no-fly zone in Libya, it claimed that its primary concern was the protection of Libyan civilians (considering the current state of affairs alone, one must rethink the authenticity of this concern). As many “conspiracy theorists” will claim, one of the real reasons to go to Libya was Gaddafi’s planned gold dinar.”

Death is the fate for those who would defy the edicts of Central Bankers. Abraham Lincoln was murder, so was John F Kennedy, for removing Central Bankers "power" of debt creation from nothing.

qatar sells oil in yuan.jpeg


The real reason for all the global actions and theatrical fake news around Qatar is that Qatar has decided to sell their oil denominated in the Chinese Yuan. The Global Agreements that the International Banker Cartel has been able extort in the past demanded that oil only be sold in US Federal Reserve Notes. The Petro-dollar was what gave the US Debt so much relative "strength." There is no Petro-CryptoCurrency. There will never be a real Petro-Cryptocurrency. Petroleum is absolutely dependent upon DEBT and the ability to create as much debt as needed. That said, a Petro-Cryptocurrency -indeed any crypto-currency- would bankrupt the Petro-Dollar for exposing the entire debt creation mechanism as a ponzi scheme.

The Petro-Yuan is very important as China and Russia are moving to a Gold backed currency and extricating themselves from the central banks tentacles. Shanghai recently opened up their own NON-FIAT gold Exchange in a bid to take away control of Gold Prices from the UK City of London Criminal Bankers.

No wonder the International Bankers are angry and funding all kinds of unlawful violence upon Qatar. They are a "terrorist money laundering nation" just like all the Digital Currency Miners and Users are going to be if the the S.1241 Money Laundering Act passes.

The corruption has gotten so bad that even Goldman Sacks captured the US Department of Justice to escape financial crimes. that documentary is highly recommended to understand just how captured the government is/was by bankers.

The entire Bitcoin Network is being monitored by the FBI, DEA, US Secret Service, CIA, NSA [spying], Pentagon, Federal Reserve [their white papers on bitcoin], ECB [white papers]. Digital Currencies are being fed into their AI computers and monitored, through and through.

Bitcoin -as the first blockchain technology- cannot protect people the way Monero and ZCash can with the newer anonymous transaction technology built into them.



Simply knowing that Digital Currencies cannot be confiscated, nor criminalized is a great start.

Voicing our concerns to "elected officials" is another great action. However it is/was merely complaining to the wolfs in the hen house.

One of the most important distinctions we can make is that of overstanding the difference between a STATUTORY PERSON and the Human Being. With and Without Regulation of Bitcoin, such statutory "legalized laws" only apply to statutory persons and not human beings. The confusion of the Artificial person corporation -called a legal presence- has been a semantic deception on a global scale by BAR Attorneys; who have been trained to commit such omissions willful, purposefully, and on the order of the "governmental corporation."

One fantastic solution I have found is registering as a World Citizen at the World Government of World Citizens; a foreign non-person non-resident natural human being. Expatriating extricate oneself from the unlawful statutes. The only knowledge required is that the United States is merely a corporation operating and Strictly Confined to the TERRITORY OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, and does not operate the land mass of America except by deception operating in the bankruptcy of the United States from 1933; and established on record in 1938 All assets are pledged against the fraudulent "national debt." Confiscating digital currencies is singularly to pay off the National Debt that can NEVER be repaid.

As a World Citizen, the Corporate Legalized Codes mislabelled "LAW" are not applicable. Legal Fictional Judge Joseph F Burke P-33801 stated on July 17th, 2015 in the 15th District Court about World Citizens: "YOU ARE NOT PARTY TO THE LAW!" before kicking the World Citizen out of the courtroom. The Common Law still applies to World Citizens, so act on the golden rule. Digital Currencies are not regulated activities under the World Government of World Citizens. There are no reporting requirements for such exercise of lawful Digital Rights and Property.

Consider it.

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