Here is the remedy for my Crypto-FOMO and how I learnt to be more grateful and humble!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Since I entered the cryptoworld I experienced an emotion, that I previously didn´t know: FOMO.
Well, of course I heard about the ominous "fear of missing out", but it was not in my emotional buffet at this time.
Honestly, I don´t feel envy or jealous in my daily life anymore.
My natural reaction if someone has something I don´t have is, that I feel joy and excitement for this person. Maybe because of my spiritual journey or whatever - this is just the way I function....

What is FOMO really?

When I heard of FOMO, for me, innocently like I am, I thought of it as another form of envy.
So when I entered the cryptoworld I was totally surprised, what FOMO really was!
I bought my first coins, and since I was already trading shares with the money of my grandfather when I was 14 years old, I had never forgot everything I learned back then about TA, charts, ROI etc. - so yes, I´m good at this, even if I havn´t done anything in this field for a long time.... Some things you simply don´t forget....
Shortly after I bought my first coins, for just some hundreds Euro and they were all growing, I suddenly had this feeling of regret, that I didn´t have bought more in the first place!
Well, since I simply knew that they were going up, I just blamed myself of being so stupid to haven´t bought more.
"Oh!", I thought, "maybe this feeling of regret is, what FOMO is really all about!"
Even seeing this, I still experience Crypto-FOMO and simply regretting, that I don´t have enough funds available. The interesting thing is, that this is my only feeling about this subject!

Here is the remedy for the Crypto-FOMO

So I wondered about, what I am not feeling and was totally astonished, that what I was not feeling was excitement, gratitude and joy for my successes!
I suddenly had more money than ever before, but instead of feeling humble and grateful, I was feeling FOMO!
Today @woutersbit asked me, how much of a certain coin I owned and I told him, that I only own about 15k and that I regret that I don´t own more.
I didn´t say: "Hey, I´m totally excited, that I own 15k of this awesome coin!!" - no - instead I just told him about my FOMO! That saddens me deeply....
He then told me, that he owns much less of this coin. This was another moment, where I have found my new teachers and the remedy for my Crypto-FOMO.

So the remedy for Crypto-FOMO consists of these 3 ingredients:

1. Gratitude
2. Joy
3. Humbleness

There you have it. Easy.
Let us celebrate these emotions as being the healers for any FOMO out there, that is so desperately needed.

So I say loud and clear:

I am grateful for the crypto coins I own and the huge freedom that comes with them. Thank god, that I have the capital to be able to invest in projects I believe in. Thank you for giving me the possibility to feel richer than ever before. Thank you, for everything I learnt. Thank you for all the things I learnt many years ago, that make this now possible. Thank you, for my grandfather, who gave me the money back then. Thank you to everyone, who is showing me, how hurtful FOMO is, so that I´m able to experience even more gratitude, joy and humbleness about what I got. Thank you, for making my life such a wonderful and blessed journey. Thank you, for reading this article.

I hope you liked this article and it would make me happy, if you could re-steem it, to share these insights with the world.
Thank you!


Oh man this post hit home. So many times I thought "WHY DIDN'T I BUY MORE!!"

I need to be grateful I am one of the lucky ones who got into cyrpto. So many people don't even know what Bitcoin is.

Absolutely! Thanks a lot!

Very good explanation sometimes I have the feeling too "Why did I dont bought more" I have bought some tron for about 7 euros and now they are over 350 euros worth but now I think why did I don't invest 100! but for now I need to be happy with what because if I did not invest I would have nothing! but very good post and I liked the part with the remedy! hopefully I find some good projects in the future and maybe ill do a good investment sometimes keep up the work!

Thanks a lot, man! It means a lot to me. I keep you up to date, if I find interesting project - although if I got more money to invest, I would just go with SUB and STEEM (and maybe EOS). This is solid and also has more than enough potential - instead of hunting down "the next big coin", I will stay with what works, HODL and carry on :)

I've totally been dealing with this concept lately. FOMO really is a thing, especially when the markets begin to rise. I've caught myself stressing a lot when my funds were going up which made me thing...why am I feeling this way? Shouldn't I be happy? That definitely made me rethink my approach. I discovered that FOMO had a lot to do with it. I am always grateful, but being grateful for the coins I don't have and the opportunity that is upon me is most definitely helpful.

Thanks for sharing this, it's definitely quite relevant and useful to me. I appreciate you @atmosblack!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my two minute thought experiment: [INTERACTIVE INSPIRATION EXPERIMENT] Could You Feel Better In 2 Minutes? Find Out Now!

Thanks a lot and I´ll have a look at your article! Thanks for sharing!

It's a disease I was always trying to overcome...
when I was dealing with it in crypto at first, I posted this on Instagram:

I can so relate to this, man! :)
The way to go is gratefulness for what we got and we are truly blessed!
Thank you!

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