Want some free money ? Introducing Byteball 😍☺️

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Hi guys ,


So you all know me , by now you must know that , I am the kind of person who don't do scams or weird things. Haha. So all this time I was doubting about Byteball , just because I didn't really know what it was until yesterday , when I actually got to know a bit more in detail and I did it. So now I want to help you guys get some free money too.

So how do you do it ?
Is it easy ?

There are many many questions , but let's start with the basics .


😍 Alright , the first basic step is to go to this site . Yes just click that , and it will take you to this page which I am going to show below.


🤩 Okay , now you are in the site , next step is to download your wallet. It seems so complicated but it isn't , let me tell you ,
If you are downloading on desktop , the download wallet option is on your right side , so you click it , then these boxes will pop up!


So here you click save , as like any other download.


And now here to click run ...and soon it will be done. Wow 1/4th done. 😍😍😜

And if you are downloading from Android

Then your download wallet will be towards the end of the page like this.


Okay , so once you click download , you will be redirected to Google play store and then you click download. And voila , it's done.

❤️ Now you have your app ready , it's time to get that money , are you excited 😋???

I bet you are , so next step is to make sure that you have a single address wallet , by default it is like this , but it doesn't hurt to check again right.
Okay this is how you do the checking.



And you will be taken here , and then you do this.


So we good so far ?!

😌 So for you to get this money , you need to send them some , it's more like an attestation process , and for this if you don't have any in your wallet , it's better you get from someone , you can always ask me . I can give you. Just message me in the comment section okay. So , for that whole process , you will need to share your wallet with the other person who is supposed to give you the 49,000 bytes. And it looks like this. Click your wallet option at the down part of your app and then , this is how it will look like .


Okay I have shown you two ways by which you can actually share...if the QR CODE doesn't work then the other share and then select the person , if through discord app.

😛 Okay , Now wait for some time , it will take a while for the whole transfer to take place . Even though the other person sent. So on your home page you will be able to see the money.

Once you have received it , now it's time to

Click on Chat , like I have shown below


Click on Botstore


Click on Steem attestation bot , but click on this arrow >


Now Click Add Bot


😙 Now you probably received this message .


This means that , you have everything right so far . I'm so proud of you.

☺️Now Click INSERT YOUR WALLET , like this .


😅 Next step is Steemconnect , so here is how you do it , they will send you a message with a link , you need to click that link and then confirm you are you.

Okay let's see how it's done .


Then 😘


Alright the last step for this .


🤗🤗 And finally you will receive this message .


☺️ Now they will send you to choose if you want publicly or privately , it's always good to choose public.


😛 Now it's payment time baby , okay , so they will sent you a new message with a link part , you click it and make the payment. Let me show you.


And now , this page will pop up.


And then ,


You are done guys!!

Now they will tell you how the money is going to be received and all that , so basically it all depends on your reputation here on steemit , but you see. Okay. I hope you give it a try.

Wow this was so long , I know . But I hope I said in an easy and understandable way. I hope to hear from you all.

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