

You do know there's a "REVEAL COMMENT" option?

Cashies aren't too smart, are they. That's why they buy Ver's bullshit hook, line and sinker. Dude has been on global TV channels, owns a .com domain, has his own sub-reddit filled with glad-handlers and brown-nosers -- and it isn't enough?

BCash is a litmus test -- and you failed it.

I'm not triggered by your censorship. I'm merely making the observation that your behaviour lends a lot of credibility to Roger's claim. Also you're the one who gets triggered every time Roger posts. Triggered enough to go on a monologue about it and flag everybody who doesn't absolutely hate the guy.

Listing off all of his achievements there makes you sound a little jealous of him. You forgot that he has a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu as well.

I don't own any Bitcoin Cash at this point in time, so the "cashies" label and the so called "failing" of the so called "litmus test" does not apply to me.

I've used Bitcoin Cash in the past though and I got to say that it is fast, cheap and reliable just as Satoshi intended it to be in the original Bitcoin whitepaper haha.

So "not triggered" you wrote a wall of words-words-words.

Not a very good liar, are you?

Bonus for the brown-nose talking point straight from Lyin' Ver's mouth. He's taught you to be his own personal meatpuppet - how proud you must be.

Censorship? Still don't know how Steemit posts work, eh? Sad.

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