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RE: Why EOS can "pull an ETH" in 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I could not agree more. This nonsense that EOS is a scam is more than ridiculous. The software is already successfully running on a testnet and exceeding expectations, the GitHub repo is on fire with updates, more features have been added than were in the original white paper.

I believe most of the 'FUD' is due to emotional, inexperienced 'traders' looking to get rich quick who have bought into other projects and do not know when to get out.

This project has created more excitement than any other within the last 2 - 3 years I have been in crypto and is a game-changing piece of software that will allow dApps to start the penetration into mainstream​ adoption.

Is it perfect, nope but it will open the floodgates​ to new innovation​ and adoption within the crypto​ space

GO EOS!!!!


Yes, It obviously still needs to launch and sort out the bugs, but It has potential like no other project on the market today. It is a very exciting time, and I cant wait to watch it all unfold.

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