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RE: The AI Paradox: Cyborgs - The Next Billion Dollar Industry... Financed By Cryptocyrrencies?

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

"No better than precious metals"

"Following money has to be stopped"

"Humans will be obsolete, humans will be gods"

"technology not having "earthian origins""

What the fuck are you talking about? How long did it take you to assemble this post of nonsense?


sure, no wealth can be created nor destroyed, deflationary/inflationary processes are WEALTH transfers... wanna booms/busts cycles, then lets have a top 1% . Ignorance vs knowledge. You have been taking for a ride.

what the fuck are ((they)) talking about?? do some serious research... it is all OVER the net, you never saw this because you simply didnt know, expand your reality asap

The origins of mankind are cosmic... watch Sirius Disclosure by Dr, Steven Greer as a starter... then investigate from there

I am not posting any nonsense because I didnt write any of these articles,... JUST CONNECTING THE DOTS, and they are many more like me... the paradigm of hunting money like animals is ending right before our very eyes... next multi billion dollar industry to create homo 2.0... wake up!

sci-fi is now and if you dont believe that, drop a note to the US military/pentagon to inquire about the millions of dollars they pour into the brain chips program... that is what they do with YOUR TAX MONEY

Wealth can be created. When you go pick some apples and bake an apple pie and sell it, you have created wealth.

You take random items and try to make some grand conspiracy out of them. I can understand why you do it. The human brain is a pattern recognition machine. So you take a bunch of random items off the internet and try to make it into a pattern.

People want to accumulate wealth. Money is a tool to help in this endeavor. why all the hatred for a tool?

nope... it cannot... everything comes from earth and returns to earth... we merely try to cheat the game while alive... this is merging economics with spirituality.

NOPE, no random items, GOOGLE UP... transhumanism stuff has been up there for more than 20 years, I have followed every step, watched it evolve as I was its advocate BUT THEN I MADE A U-TURN 5 years ago... and people -- like you -- choose to IGNORE reality.

Nothing In This World Works The Way You Think It Does

Transhumanism is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.

A GAZILLION LINKS... have a good time investigating, do some home work

Description: It promises a fantastic future in which humans overcome disease, aging, and even death. It just requires us to take the final step and merge fully with machines. But it’s secret past in crypto-eugenics reveals a darker future, one in which a GenRich elite rule over the GenPoor masses. Are you ready to give up your humanity?

Yes, it can. And it is created every day by industrious people. This wealth can be transferred to your children or anyone else you want after you die with a will or trust. So the wealth you create, can go on past your lifetime. It has nothing to do with spirituality. Spirituality is just another of your red herrings.

Yes, the random things you look up on google may be true (although they are often not), but it is your busy little conspiracy bent brain that is taking more from them than you should.

Most things in this world works exactly how I think they do. Water freezes at sea level at 32 degrees. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. E=MC2. The force of gravity is described as: F = Gm1m2/r2. The list of things that work exactly as I think they do is ENDLESS!

Yes, we have used machines to enhance our lives. And we will continue to do so. Big fucking deal. Why does this scare you?

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