RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?
First of all, I think all three are strong considerations for a token name, but my vote would still be for CRED. Btw, I'm not sure what you meant meant further up when you previously mentioned it as "cartoonist".
For me, MOSH seems to naturally lend itself to music / video streaming (which seemed to gain favour some months ago) with its playful, kinetic and disruptive presence, and KNOL for the encyclopaedia / Q&A app (it also struck me that KNOL can also be interpreted as "knoll", a small hill or mound, suggesting being able to see above your surroundings to improve knowledge). However, neither lend themselves to being pluralised without sounding awkward, unlike CRED.
I can see your reasoning over wanting something that is "...more expressive of the paradigmatic shift..." but am not sure how many future users might be swayed by that consideration. "Uber" doesn't have any apparent connection with a paradigmatic shift in the manner of hailing taxis, but it's a cool word (and font) that people quickly took to.
My wife thought KNOL and MOSH both sounded more masculine, but CRED as neutral.