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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago (edited)

My initial reaction was with "e" being the abbreviation for ecstacy pills

I appreciate the honest feedback. Frankly that’s very depressing. Luckily most of the 6 billion humans on the planet are not as exposed to drug culture as the decadent Western countries. So do Brits think e-commerce means ecstasy-commerce? Is an e-book a publication about drugs? Sorry being a little facetious here to make a point.

When relating my initial reaction to "e" being connected to ecstacy pills it wasn't meant to mean my sole interpretation; perhaps I was remiss in believing it was a given that I already aknowledged the established "e" prefixes to existing technological products and services spanning the last twenty years that you point out above.

I think perhaps you and your wife are absorbed into a micro-culture, as you explained when you told me you had been a long time fan of the styles of music published by record label Bleep. Let’s instead try to think globally.

I can understand you thinking that. Perhaps I should quickly point out that in addition to 90s Rave and electronica we are actually absorbed by a very wide range of cultures, including contemporary and global music, art and movie idioms. But maybe the music closest to home of our relative youth rises to the surface most easily. In future I shall first of all try to give my knee-jerk reaction followed by wider-ranging impressions, so as to avoid any misunderstanding.

But the association to song and religious verses is enough for me to search for a name without those negative (mis-)associations, if we can.

Fair enough.

I like Eplanet because it’s direct to the point without any severe negative associations. It’s inviting.

True. I like it conceptually, but for me the word itself is somehow missing something.

I get why your suggestions of Antilog, Eputer and Galectron have an appeal for you due to the technological features and ethical considerations, but for a comparative non-geek like myself they are a little alienating and don't fully connect, even though I understand the origins of most of those portmanteau word fragments.

Btw, Michelle’s lay person interpretation of Antilog is quite illuminating, “it means negative for me but it also means people who will go to that website who will log in twice in that website is not allowed.”

Interesting. Goes to show it's good to cast a wide a net as possible to evaluate the various ideas bubbling up.

So what this demonstrates is just how careful we have to be with mis-associations. Our intended conceptualization isn’t likely to be the one people will have.

Those recent ideas were an attempt to stimulate a brainstorming process. So far no one else has been able to bring me any ideas that were even close to being compelling.

Naming a project like this very difficult and frustrating. It’s a lot of tradeoffs.

I can sense that.

Eplanet is a safe name. Maybe that is the best we can do?

Possibly. I quite like it for the reasons you state. I suppose a certain degree of compromise is inevitable.

Her interpretation of Eplanet is, “Eplanet is like electronic thing like electronic money that take over the world.” So there we go! Perfect fit.

So, I guess it's one for the shortlist - for now at least.

OK, to finish off here are a few more ideas I came up with this morning while waking up. I realise that you might already have rejected some or all of them for various reasons, and that they largely do not reflect the technical advantages that previous names have posessed, rather they are for mass-appeal, look and sound attractive, together with a hint of their intended underlying technical purpose.

Erupt / Eruptor (referring to "disrupt", an outpouring of creativity, also something exciting and dangerous); Ejoin / Ejoyn; Emine / Emyn (both noun and pronoun); Epeople / Epeopl; Emondo (mondo = world) Emundo; Eworld (dull, but putting it out there anyhow); Etout (tout = French for "all", "any", "every" - pronounced "too"); Etoo (playing on MeToo); Etutti (Italian for "all") / Etutto ("whole", "any", "every"). Out of this bunch, my own favourites are Eruptor and Etoo.

EDIT (26th Dec): in reply to

On seeing the graphic (before choosing to read what it was meant to convey), I liked the look and sound of Etonomy. It was obvious it related to "economy" in some way, but not immediately clear what the "Et" signified - and that it also connoted to autonomy - until I read your explanation.

It's original and professional. I agree with @johnnyflynn that it surpasses Everse.

Of the new name ideas, Eehive and Exodata appeal to me. If you seek the emphasis of a collaborative community over technical function, personally I would opt for Eehive over the other two mentioned here. I think it might also lure younger potential users over the more serious image of Etonomy. Even so, the hive element can also have the negative connotation of being populated by drones, and not individuals; though I think the contemporary interpretation mitigates that aspect by promoting a more creative and collaborattive constituent.

Even though the name has an appeal, I feel Etribe might be perceived as not welcoming (if you're not one of "us"), so therefore less given to mass appeal?


I agree that Eehive and Etribe have some potential negative interpretations.

I agree that Eplanet is missing speaking to anything specific about decentralization, censorship resistance or purpose other than being the global planet or spread of E. But that simple meaning is actually inviting and quite good for people who don’t care or know the relevance of decentralization, censorship resistance and other facets of blockchains and cryptocurrency.

I agree that Etonomy is the most professional, serious and brandable/unique name thus far which doesn’t sound too much like an engineering term (e.g. Hyperdata or Exodata). I agree that many people may not make the connection to both economy and autonomy initially, so it probably isn’t the best name for the user facing domain for the masses. But it is the best name thus far for the serious side of the project.

Thus at this time unless we think of something better, I am leaning towards the blockchain is Etonomy and the user facing dApps portal is Eplanet. Analogous to how Steem is the name of the blockchain and token for the user facing blogging dApp.

Note the Eplanet portal can say, “powered by Etonomy”. The Etonomy website can refer to the exodata concept, decentralization, censorship resistance, white papers on the technology, etc..

Again the currency would be just E.

I am reasonably satisfied with this naming choice, pending further reflection and any other feedback.

P.S. late reply not because of the holidays but I have been doing grueling twice a day runs and workouts. My liver disease is apparently much more advanced than I was facing up to the reality of. On a very strict diet now too. Apparently it will take a few months to clear out the fat from the liver and start to heal it, with a 3 year time frame for complete healing, unless there is some other complication such as cancer or viral infection.

I get what you're saying re both names, yes. And Eplanet is memorable, playful and suggests many possibilities. I'm liking it more. But E for the currency is perhaps the strongest. Simple and effective.

My liver disease is apparently much more advanced than I was facing up to the reality of. On a very strict diet now too. Apparently it will take a few months to clear out the fat from the liver and start to heal it, with a 3 year time frame for complete healing, unless there is some other complication such as cancer or viral infection.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'd read elsewhere you were still having a few problems. Really hope you can shake it off for good this time, even though it could be a while yet before you're back to full capacity. Admire your grit and determination to overcome it.

Btw, I can't recall if you've previously made any observations on what the decentralised social network, Mastodon "a distributed, federated social network that forms part of the Fediverse [a cousin of Everse!], an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers." is doing with its ActivityPubprotocol. While not perfect - and maybe a little clunky in its execution for ordinary users - Mastodon does at least seem refreshing and well-intentioned. I've been keeping an eye on it for a while. Could be a handy stepping-stone from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc for some until your own project appears.

All sounds good dude re: blockchain name and dApps portal. Hopefully your health improves asap.


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