Insane in the Ukraine: J.Go Like You've Never Seen Him Before [UPDATE]

in #cryptobeast6 years ago (edited)

Recognize this guy? Jason Goodman, CEO of Aerocine, the first company to fly a full-size RED EPIC camera on a "heavy payload" micro-hexacopter drone.

It's almost like we're watching an actor playing a different character. This one is confident and slick, walking with a military bearing.

Here's the video that was chopped out of this clip.

It's certainly spectacular footage. They won an award at the first ever New York Drone Film Awards.

So why does Jason Goodman never mention this?

There's nothing in his demo reel about it:

His company 21st Century 3D's "news" section hasn't been updated since 2012. Being a CEO of an award-winning drone company is somehow not newsworthy, or relevant to the resumé of a film-maker?

Why have we never once seen a drone shot, in hundreds if not thousands of episodes of Crowdsource the Truth? Why didn't this expertise come up when Jason was covering the Las Vegas massacre? Why did he trespass to see what the view was like from on top of a nearby gas station when he could have got a better shot perfectly legally with a drone? He explored the theory of guns being attached to helicopters, so why didn't he ever touch the idea of guns being on drones? He was the CEO of a company that pioneered heavy lift drones and was one of the first companies in the US to get one of the FAA 333 flight exemptions for drones.

Jason Goodman's IMDB page stops in 2014, with the Bryan Singer movie X-Men: Days of Future Past.

In 2014 Goodman registered the trademark "Aerocine".

On February 21, 2014 Aerocine flew their drone through the Chernobyl site in Pripyat, Ukraine - less than 100 miles from the capital city Kiev.

Image: Google Maps

When I say "through" I mean that quite literally, as the video has many shots of the drone inside buildings and structures. The city of Pripyat is a ghost town, abandoned since the nuclear disaster in 1986. The whole area is in a military Exclusion Zone that is now administered by Ukraine's Ministry of Emergency Services.

When you land in a new country with a brand new drone, to attempt something never done before in cinematography, do you:

a) get off the plane and go immediately to the remote film site from the airport and start filming

b) rest for a few days, show up at the remote site on the day of filming and hope everything works fine first time

c) get off the plane and go to a hotel. Sleep, test the drone around a major city where you can get parts and repairs, and then travel to the remote film site confident it works

It would be c) don't you think?

So it would be reasonable to assume that the Aerocine team was in Ukraine with their drone a few days earlier than the filming date February 21, 2014.

On February 18 , 2014 the Ukrainian "Color Revolution" turned hot in Kiev. The biggest day of massacre was February 20, 2014.

Isn't that an interesting coincidence? Jason Goodman is the CEO of a company which is operating the world's most advanced commercial HD video drone in Ukraine at the exact time a Western-backed coup breaks out there. It's almost as big a coincidence as Jason having his "Crowdsource the Truth" team member Joe Napoli in the crowd in Las Vegas when the worst lone gunman massacre in history breaks out there.

One of the key features of the Maidan revolution were snipers, who turned out to be picking off people on both sides to foment chaos.


How would the snipers figure out the best positions to shoot from? Searching on Google Earth would leave footprints. Strolling the streets checking out rooftops and balconies might attract attention and get picked up on CCTV surveillance.

Hmmm, what about a convenient cover story of flying an experimental drone with high-definition video capability through a site with no economic or military value? If anyone asks, you can show them all the paperwork that must surely have been issued to them by the government to access a radiological disaster zone that has been abandoned for 30 years. "We needed to test it before filming". Of course a drone can't help but record the views and angles from rooftops and balconies.

The Daily Beast had an exclusive article claiming the snipers were from Ukraine SBU (the post-Soviet version of the KGB)'s elite counter-terrorism Alfa Team, and had been trained by Russian special forces.

Many at the time felt that the coup was a Soros/Clinton/Obama/CIA-backed revolution, aimed at weakening Russia and monopolizing the gas pipeline infrastructure that brings most of Europe's natural gas supply in.

After this successful mission in 2014, the team took their drone to the United Arab Emirates; specifically, Dubai

Here's the first test flight of their rig, which was made by assembling off-the-shelf equipment.

Who are these guys?


They changed their name to Aerial Robotics and conducted the first "legal" drone flight in New York City, working closely with the Federal Aviation Authority. This was a big deal!

They even made Stars and Stripes, the official magazine of the US military:

New-Age Weaponry

The RED 4k camera weighs 16 lbs (7.3 kg)

A fully loaded M4 (military) weighs 7.4 lbs (30 rounds)

A fully loaded AR15 (civilian) weighs 8 lbs (30 rounds)

The Israelis are leading the way in drone technology:

Duke Robotics even boasts a Rothschild on the board.


The Ukraine has been brought to the forefront of US political discussion recently due to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's prosecution of lobbyists Paul Manafort, Tony Podesta and Rick Gates, who took millions from the Ukraine. Manafort was formerly Roger Stone's partner in Manafort-Stone, another lobbying firm.

Jason Goodman's good friend and journalism mentor Lee Stranahan, whom he has known for 20+ years, is also an expert on the Ukraine. He keeps claiming that Ukraine is the key to #SpyGate and meddling in the 2016 election, although no other journalists or publications are running with this story.

Jason frequently has Robyn Gritz on his show. She is quoted on the Wikipedia page for Oleg Deripaska. She was working for Robert Mueller and Andrew McCabe in the FBI when they recruited Deripaska as an agent who spent $25 million of his own money on a mission trying to rescue American CIA agent Robert Levison from Iran.

So Jason leaves his Hollywood career to fly drones. Their first mission is to Ukraine, where his team lands right before a CIA-backed coup breaks out. Was Jason with the team, boots on the ground? Or leading from the home office as CEO?

He certainly wasn't shy about basking in the glory of his company's achievements. Here he is in Cannes, France:

What happened?

The next thing we know, Goodman is starting a YouTube channel. One of the debut episodes was 2 hours with Roger Stone:

Another early episode was dedicated to bashing President Trump, which is interesting given Goodman's post-election 200+ Anti-Clinton shows with Charles Ortel.

Jason Goodman hit the big time when he linked up with George Webb, introduced by Lee Stranahan. Within a couple of weeks, he had introduced George Webb to Dr Jerome Corsi. Corsi fed George with steak, George fed Corsi with stories: that he was part of the WikiLeaks network, that he used to participate in thumb-drive drops in parks where he gave information to Mike Ratner (died 5/11/16) who passed it on to John Jones (died 8/16/16). Dead men can verify no tales. George also said that he met Julian Assange in Australia in 1984. At that time Julian would have been 12 and part of the Santiniketan Park Association MKULTRA cult.

Julian Assange was living in psychologist Anne Hamilton-Byrne's cult where all the children had white hair and interchangeable names, when George Webb claims he met him at age 12

Self-described Zionist George Webb Sweigert must have passed the test of B'Nai B'rith Fund manager Corsi with flying colors, because a few days later both George and Jason met with Dr Corsi in his office.

The next day (or maybe it was 2 days) the Dynamic Duo are on InfoWars with Mike Cernovich. Their content came from Luke Rosiak's excellent reporting on the Awan Brothers protected Pakistani spy ring in Congress:

2 weeks after this, they used Jason's YouTube channel and George's fan base to shut down the 8th busiest port in the United States with a fake "dirty bomb" scare propagated through social media. Jason made sure he was texting back and forth with Jerome Corsi all the way through the event. George checked in with CIA case officer Robert David Steele before he provided the hashtags for the social media blast. In CryptoBeast #16 we heard from a former insider of this operation how an FBI contract informant with the code name "Deep Uranium" representing the shadowy "Hudson Intelligence Group" was feeding them the easily debunkable information that drove the operation.

They could have got some great shots of the container ship coming into port and the containers being examined with a drone.

It's curious that none of this information appeared in Defango's 2-hour doxx special on Jason Goodman.

The drone company changed its name to Aerobo and took some investment from Valor Ventures who are expecting triple-digit revenue growth.

[Source: Crunchbase]

[Source: Pitchbook]
The company was profiled in Inc magazine's 2017 "30 Under 30", after Jason Goodman left. They exceeded $1 million in sales in their first year.

Started a company, got lots of Hollywood and (perhaps) intel contracts, made millions, raised millions...went back to being an electrician? The CEO went to begging for Patreon subs and George Webb sleeping on his couch?

It feels like there are parts of this story that we're not being told.

Thanks to Queen Tut and Kevin Marsden for their contributions to this research

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[Update 4/12/18 11:41am]

Less than 2 weeks after the cyber-attack targeting the container ship Maersk Memphis shut down the Port of Charleston for 8 hours, the Maersk shipping line experienced another, far more severe cyber-attack. A devastating ransomware virus called "NonPetya" cost more than $300 million.

Maersk has revealed that a devastating ransomware attack which struck businesses across Europe in 2017 required close to a "complete infrastructure" overhaul and the reinstallation of thousands of machines.

The Danish transport and logistics conglomerate fell prey to a campaign which used a modified version of the Petya ransomware, NonPetya, bringing down IT systems and operational controls across the board.

Maersk, a container ship and supply vessel operator, previously warned that the ransomware attack would cause losses of up to $300 million due to "serious business interruption."

The firm, with offices in 130 countries and a workforce of close to 90,000, was one of the most high-profile victims of the Petya campaign, which spread rapidly by utilizing the leaked US National Security Agency (NSA) exploit EternalBlue, which targets Microsoft Windows systems.

The same exploit was used to spread WannaCry, ransomware which caused horrendous disruption to healthcare systems including the UK's National Health Service (NHS).

In Maersk's case, while no customer or business data is believed to have been exposed, the firm endured severe disruption and was forced to halt operations as the ransomware spread through core IT systems.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum this week, Møller-Maersk Chairman Jim Hagemann Snabe shared further details on the attack, which resulted in a reinstall of "our entire infrastructure," according to the executive.

In total, Maersk reinstalled 4,000 servers, 45,000 PCs, and 2,500 applications in what the chairman called a "heroic effort" over ten days, one in which the executive said may have usually taken up to six months to implement.

"Imagine a company where a ship with 10 to 20 thousand containers is entering a port every 15 minutes, and for 10 days, you have no IT," Hagemann commented. "It's almost impossible to even imagine."

However, thanks to the efforts of staff, the company only experienced a 20 percent drop in volume, while the remaining 80 percent of operations were handled manually until systems were up and running once more.

Hagemann said the ransomware attack was a "very significant wake-up call for Maersk, and you could say, a very expensive one."

The Petya attack originated in Ukraine and quickly spread worldwide.

Where did that cyber-attack originate from? The Ukraine.

In fact, the Ukraine itself seems to have been the target of this unprecedented in scale cyberattack which came on the eve of Ukraine's national holiday. It shut down radiation monitoring systems at the Chernobyl Power Plant.

From Wikipedia:

Who do we know that was a virus sales guy, who used to work for McAfee where he was a colleague of Russian-born author of "Operation Shady RAT" Dmitri Alperovich (founder of Crowdstrike)?

Oh yes...George Webb.

Who else do we know that knows McAfee?

Robert David Steele, John McAfee, Cynthia McKinney

Curioser and curioser.





Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Could be coincidence, could be a well orchestrated series of events. I like the narrative though. Foof for thought.

Interesting post Steve!
Your theory relating to a range of YouTubers being connected to military/intel agencies is certainly something that I find compelling and you make a strong argument there.

The Chernobyl footage is amazing! I had NO IDEA that Goodman was involved with that project.
The Timing of the filming in Ukraine is certainly odd and the fact that the company earned millions after J.Go's departure is quite interesting - why would he leave at this point?
We heard a lot of talk from cstt about black helicopters in LV but, as you suggest, their may have been another possibility which was curiously never raised by cstt in all this.
I use to follow Webb and Goodman when they first appeared - especially Webb - but I found that their investigations began to go off the rails in many ways. My feeling was/is that there are many in the alt-media whose sole purpose is to misdirect and waste people's time and energy.
Thank you for a refreshing article!

thanks very much, I found your genuine and thoughtful comment very refreshing compared to the trolls I have been dealing with in the last few days on YouTube and Twitter. George is entertaining and Jason manages to sometimes get some good guests on. Queen Tut made a good point in this interview about guys like Charles Ortel just wearing us all out with repeating the same story over and over again.

He just banned me from his live chat for pointing out that I found this to be disgusting, Screenshot_20181210-165810_Chrome.jpgshameless hawking of his tshirt on the Pizzagate Rolling Stone article....

@titusfrost talked about your article in his last STWT yesterday.
I read it during watching (listening) the replay of the stream. Probably the best researched/sourced article I read this year! Really outstanding.
Though I follow you here, I somehow missed it at the first time^^.

Stunning work my friend, re-steemed with pleasure.

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