Are you scared yet?

Welp looks things are getting pretty ugly. Many people who were on the edge of selling are now in all out dump mode. I can’t really blame them, this space is still new and full of unknowns. Couple that with the fact that very few actually researched what they were buying and this is what you get.

Honestly I’m not to concerned, I view this as a culling. A way to weed out those who would otherwise be disruptive at higher heights. Also this will allow the cream to truly rise to the top. Trash projects will get exposed and legitimate one will be able to truly spread there wings without the constant fussing from outside groups.

If you were here for some quick Gaines. Consider yourself REKT. Those in it for the long haul, strap in tight, it’s going to get a bit rocky.


im jus buyign everything ;)

I am only buying what is really broken. Nuls ICX And Ven took massive hits.

Dealing with crypto comes with a lot of emotions . Emotional rollercoaster

I wish i had the courage to dump a long time ago but the mdia told me BIG MONEYS COMING HAHAAHA They got me

Still holding bitcoin private?

Bitcoin Private has been my most profitable investment ever 👍

Are you really saying that with a straight face?


You know, I'm kind of loving this. I've been wary and uneasy for a while now about the price, but now I feel like the true panic/despair is finally settling in. I experienced the 2013/2014 bubble and aftermath (and hodled all through it, rawr!) so I have been through this before. And the market was still wayyyyy too optimistic. As long as there are people waiting to 'buy the dip' then true despair has not set in yet. I still think we're not there yet.... I think we may drop as much as another 40-50%, until indeed all the newcomers are totally rekt and leave the market. That will be the true shakeout, and necessary precursor to bottoming out.

I have not sold anything. And will not sell anything. I will hodl once more, and this time I will not only hodl but actually add if we go into a crypto winter again

Times like these are what really test the strength of the market. Much needed to eeed our the trash.

I agree.

I'm getting out of tune with the market though, I feel like. This 'market depression' does nearly nothing to me emotionally...
I have to check the forums and social media in order to gauge whether or not panic has set in yet, because I'm not feeling it anymore

Panic is always in. So many people are in shit coins panic will never subside

I am scared .......... but that's the deal I signed up for

Hands of steel my friend.

Not scared (yet) but it is not that I am throwing a party here.
Doubt are coming, but faith will keep it down :)

Yet is correct. Some folks make a living off of crypto so these major dips kind of hurt.

Why sell now. If you believed enough in a project to put in money you might as well hold on until it's finished. Not counting all the shitcoins obviously but the coins that people are properly backing. If the likes of STEEM drops low in a crash I will just use that as an opportunity to pick up more for when it strengthens.

Makes sense, but how many will follow through

I will anyway. Thats all that really matters. And enough other people will too if they believe in the future of the blockchain. Like the STEEM blockchain which has enough users developing projects which will attract more users for the next few years.

I'm not too scared for the long term, but the short term is going to be nasty. Have a look at this

Welp time to get a day job.

The market's shaking out weak ICO's, weak hands and best of all shitcoins. The 51% attacks are only done successfully on low cap coins.

Many people are treating them like penny stocks, total disregard for the technology or lack there of. The future of Crypto is in Blockchain tech (it always was), not speculating.

Without use cases, don't invest in it.

Wrote about this previously. Hopefully this speeds up that process.

yet verge still lives on 😣

😂 ... but for how long? 🤔

The real bitcoin

I know, I'm following you and share the sentiment.

The market will rebound back we just need to be patience and be positive, but now is the right time to buy more valuable crypto currencies

Hope the trash gets dumped hard.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 56615.57
ETH 2387.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30