The main 5 things that I have learned my first 5 years in the fast moving world of crypto currency..

in #crypto8 years ago (edited)

It may take a while but you will get there, don't give up when it gets hard, thats when you know you are onto something.

1. First and foremost being an avid crypto currency supporter for over 5 years has taught me to have a thick skin and be persistent, most of all keep your chin up. Things can get tough, require a heavy amount of research at times and even stress you out to the point you want to give it all up, don't fall for it. You got here for a reason, remember that reason.

2. Secondly I have learned that nothing comes easy, not even these insane profits here. This is pure timing and luck just as with anyone whos ever made money in history. You have the skills and or connections to be here, so be greatful and make the most of it. You might not be making money today, but keep trying and refining your content and you will.

3. I have also learned about the value of doing your own research, everyone and their mother has an opinion and the  best way to sift through all the noise is to sit back and take it all in and listen for that golden strand of sound that is pure logic and not motivated by anyones greed, bias or anger.

4. Another great thing to keep in mind is, be careful, anything can happen and sitting back thinking you can coast for years to come is a recipe for disaster, crypto moves way faster than anything we've seen thus far and it keeps speeding up so stay on your toes, watch the prices, know when to avoid panic selling and to let the noise be just noise. Secure your accounts, keep your computer virus free and don't take account security lightly.

5. Last but not least, I have learned that with great knowledge comes great responsibility and we have a duty to our fellow humans to spread this technology before greedy corporations get their hands on it. I have spent the last 7 days signing up friends and family, and I encourage everyone else to take that leap of faith and do it as well. The more working class folks find out about this before the big wigs, the more money they can make. So call your friends people, today! Or text them atleast!

as Dory would say if she were on Steemit, just keep Steeming, just keep Steeming. 


great post! I definitely agree with the value of doing your own research

You are god damn right...

You have some good points.

how does one post a gif

use an html img tag

She has cerebral palsy, or what? :)

I've found your post nice and useful, that's why I've put it here:
Nice post, good luck in the future!

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