Effect.AI could actually be a means of tackling global poverty.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)


Fighting a Global Problem

Being an entrepreneur and residing in a third world country, I carried out a research for a centralised solution similar to Freelancer, to tackle the job epidermic that plagues many regions in the world.

When the feedback came in from Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria and Uganda, the figures were astounding. More than 80% said they weren’t happy with their income(most of them having decent jobs and being in the middle class), and would be excited to have a solution such as this to improve their lives.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This was a centralised solution. Now imagine the impact a decentralized solution can have on poverty, globally.

Who is Effect.AI, and what is their solution about?
Effect.AI is a company that offers decentralized solutions with regards to Artificial Intelligence.
This article’s focus is solely on The Mechanized Turk Solution. Howbeit, it should be noted that two other phases come after this phase; The Effect Smart Market and Effect Power. These can be read about in detail, here.


Effect.AI is just about to introduce a decentralized marketplace (preregistration is on, via Telegram) that users around the world can take advantage of. All they have to do is complete mini tasks centered around Artificial Intelligence accurately, and they are paid instantly at a fair rate.

Kindly watch the video below to see a demo

HIT (Human Intelligent Tasks) are jobs put up by Requesters, which Workers (as they are called) that fit the profile can decide to execute. A database of smart contracts is maintained by Effect.AI to ensure that communication between Requesters/Workers and the network is flawless.
These tasks can be completed via smartphones, tablets and laptops. When Workers complete tasks to the satisfaction of the Requester, payment is released in the form of EFX tokens, which the Worker can go ahead to exchange for fiat.

The birth of this platform would have a positive telling effect on different sectors. People around the world, especially those from developing countries can take advantage of a solution like this for sustenance. The global population in poverty could be reduced by conducting simple tasks remotely.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Seeing Artificial Intelligence resources are being controlled by a few powerful players, Effect.AI’s solutions would go a long way in balancing this dichotomy.

Companies involved in the AI sector can get valuable feedback for their R&D department by putting up tasks such as data entry and pictorial identification that must be completed by humans. These feedback can then be used to deliver much more accurate results, and also products that meet the needs of end users.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Think of companies involved in the manufacturing of smart vehicles, smart watches, virtual assistants and chatbots; the list goes on and on. Each and everyone of them can leverage the expected population on this marketplace to get a vast array of data, from tasks completed.

Effect.AI’s Mechanical Turk does not only provide a means to an end for these companies, it also tackles one of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Which is to put an end to world poverty.
Rather than spoon-feed these individuals that need a change in fortune, a tool to make this change permanent is given to them.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Hopefully, we will see partnerships between Effect.AI and Non-Governmental Organizations to carry out outreaches in rural areas, teaching and educating the disadvantaged(those that qualify), on how they could change their lives by carrying out simple tasks.
For the sake of humanity, we are rooting for Effect.AI, seeing they could actually save the world.


Effect.AI's Website

Effect.AI's FaceBook

Effect.AI's Official Twitter Account

Effect.AI's YouTube Channel

Effect.AI on Telegram

Effect.AI's Whitepaper

Effect.AI's Lightpaper





I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

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