[Challenge] You Get $10k To Invest In Crypto. What Do You Do?

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

IMPORTANT: Callenge Postponed because of practical reasons. Read more at the bottom of the post and in the comment section*

I challenge you to test your investment skills! Which coins would you invest now, and why? And how will this turn out for you at the end of the ride?"



These last couple of months, crypto-investors from all around the world are living their worst nightmare. All prices are way down, and there seems to be no stopping that trend.

So, to take everyone's mind of the bearish markets, I thought it would be a good idea to change our mindset for a little while.
After all we know this nightmare won't last forever, do we?!

The Challenge

I'm going to give you the opportunity to show off your (lack of) investment skills.

Today, I'm giving each and every one of you $10.000 (hypothetically speaking, of course).

I want you to use this fake money to set up a plan of approach:

  • Which cryptocurrencies would you buy?

  • Which coins or tokens would you definitely ignore?

  • How much would you buy of each coin/token, and for which price?

  • And, since we are all here to learn from each other, you are always welcome to share a little bit of background info...

You can use this fake money as you please: you can buy and sell whenever you think that is necessary.

The only coin that is completely off-rule is BITCOIN!!

The only thing I ask from you is to post a clear overview at the end of the starters week.

Afterwards, we'll switch to a different, bi-weekly schedule in which you post a short overview of all transactions you made and how much money you lost or profited.


All those numbers will be compared at the end of the challenge.

The final balance will be made up in early December. Then will become clear who the absolute King (or Queen) of Crypto is.

He (or she) who has made the biggest profit by then will win the challenge.

Please note that only coins and tokens that already have monetary value by the end of the challenge will be taken into consideration!



I assume there is no need to say that I will hold you responsible for your own digital assets.
I'm not a professional bookkeeper myself, and you've all got way more experience in tracking your earnings than I do.


Of course, everybody uses the system he or she prefers. Still, I will need to build in a failsafe. In case anyone will lose his or her integrity, I need to be able to make a quick check of the numbers myself.

Below, you'll find an easy-to-use template I'd like you to use for your post updates. If we stick to the same format, there is little that can go wrong.

For those of you who are terrible at bookkeeping, like me, I'll create an Excell template which will be upoaded to the cloud for easy access. You can also check out which program or app suits you best on this page.

I'll give you some extra information about what is expected from your update at the bottom of this post.

Some Extra Rules

  • Only prices as indicated on Coinmarketcap at the times and dates of purchases and sales will be accepted.

  • All prices will be indicated in US Dollar.

  • You nééd to have the entire sum of $10k invested by the end of September.

  • To be eligible to win, you need to post your portfolio-update every time this is requested. (Of course exceptations can be made in special circumstances)

  • Anyone who is caught cheating will be disqualified instantly.

The Prizes

I am going to be honest with you: it is not easy to decide on a reward for tbis contest.

Not only will the winner have made the most financial profits, with the market being this red there is no use in telling you I will donate a specific number of SBD to the winner. For all we know, SBD could be worth 10 times the price it is now.


Which rewards will be handed out and how high they will be is something I still need to consider.
All I can promise you is that I'll definitely be handing out more than 50 USD. Maybe even mote, depending on the market.

Go Out And Find Those Promising Coins

Let me warn you: don't get lost! The number of coins and tokens listed on Coinmarketcap is HUGE.

Will you go for XPR, DGD, WTC, or maybe you will choose for NULLS, WICC, uCASH, LEO or PEPECASH? Don't forget to check Both DMT and TNT, because both can bring you in big trouble.

Maybe you are more conservative and stick to coins and tokens as EOS, STEEM, Litecoin, ADA and NEO? Who knows...? Maybe Ethereum might skyrocket again...

All I can say is think long and hard, and do your research. After all, research is the birth mother of good investments.


Once this post has reached payoit, I'll write another one in which I invite you to show me your starter's portfolio.

This first time, it might take a little work, because I'm going to ask you to use a markdown table like the one shown below.
(You can create your own Markdown table HERE).

Also, feel free to explain in short why you chose those coins/tokens.


Reason: If you are reading the replies I made to the reasonable remarks, you'll notice a lot of things need fixing before we can actually start this challenge.
For examle, I created the challenge from a hodlers perspective, while there are a lot of traders out there too. I was asked some questions about how the trading would be according to the rules, and I had to admit I didn't know a thing about trading.

My initial intention was to learn as much as I could about identifying coins with potential
potential and how to make the most of them.

By reading through the comments I came to.the conclusion that I know way to little about the subject.

If I want to run this challenge I need to solve quite a lot of problems first.Both myself and other potential participants will need to be taught some basic info about both the hodling strategy and the trading strategy. For the challenge to be fair, more and very clear rules need to be set. Also, I need to think about handing out bi-weekly rewards to the people thatbwill never win a round, because of their lack of skills.

This is my imagination running wild, but a perfect scenario could be to organize mini masterclasses (1 expert, 2 or 3 people who want to know more), to cover the basics.

Believe me, I've read hundreds of articles on the topic, but they often gave me more questions than answers. If we could arrange a more personal approach, a lot of people would be learning a lot faster.

Thre problem with this is that everyone here is extremely busy. I'm afraid my one-on-one informational sessions will never happen because people are simply too occupied.

If you read further down the comments, you'll notice even more things need to be addressed before I can pull this off.

It sounded like a great idea when I wrote this post, but meanwhile I realized I've bitten off more than I can chew.

another thing that hasn' t been mentioned yet is that if I want the prize pool to be adapted to the work that will need to be done, this means I'll need to find some sponsors. I don't mind giving away what I have, but I have no intention on ending up completely broke.

So, my first thought is to see who might be interested and if there is a way to pul this off as a team. I'm not capable enough to do this on my own.

If luck is on my side and we can form a diverse team, only then we will be able to host this challenge for a bigger purpose than just winning the prizes.
I'll pour all this in a post later, so everyone will know they won't have to rush into things before there is a solid plan.

If no team can be formed, I'll be testing the experiment by myself to see how far I can get and what I can find out, hoping that one day I'll be ready to consider everything that need to be considered.


Great idea! I'll definitely participate, although I'll probably use my @starthere crypto alter ego :)

Cool! If you've got a crypto alter ego, then you probably know a thing or two. Which means I can learn a thing or two - after all that is what it is all about, lol

First, this sounds really fun!
Second, how do you plan to count/record trades? Should we do our fantasy trades at any time during the week, or set limit orders or market trades only at the biweekly check in?
I ask because things change day to day and one cheat that would be difficult to catch would be to adjust the timing of a trade by a few hours or days to get the best rate. (Not that I'd have time to research and compare, but I can often see in hindsight what I might have done better before a day or two passes.)

Ouch! I was afraid I would get questions like this. I'm a HODLER myself, so I wrote the post from that perspective. Only after I posted it I realized lots of people are traders.

I'm not very good at trading and only do it when i want to buy more Steem, for example, without using fiat money.

It's obvious you know more about it thsn I do, so I'm open to listen to any suggestion.

I'm.pretty sure there are more things I didn't consider, and they will be popping up one after another this week.
My challenge idea is everything but solid, so maybe we can make it more solid if we all work as a team to get it as close to the real thing as possible.

The reason I wrote ghis challenge is that although I've been reading so much about which factors are important to consider when choosing a coin or token, that my head is spinning from all that technical.information.
I was hoping that if I set up a make-belief game, things would become less abstract. You know, some real advice from real people.

Maybe I should postpone the start of the challenge a week, and use this one to create a solid base that covers both Hodling as trading and coe up with a series of well-defined guidelines, like the ones you were asking about...

I am not at all good at trading, but I've played at it a bit this year and maybe learned a little. Basically with my favorites, I try to take advantage of volatility when something swings lower or higher. I do it by setting limit orders, but sometimes I mess up.

It crossed my mind that if we post our "trades" on Friday but I realize by Wednesday that I guessed wrong on something, I could change my mind before I post (unlike in real life).

You could keep this from being a problem:
a) only allow trades at market value at a specified time (like whenever we do a check in),
b) if you allow limit orders, they have to be stated in a post before they would actually happen,
c) any trades or orders placed on your fantasy portfolio must be added as a comment to your check in, so it would be possible to verify the timing.

Any of these might work.
I'm interested anyway, maybe it'll teach me to keep track of my real investments!

The only times I have traded was to exchange for example Ethereum into Steem. It's a completely new world for me.
I think I will have to do a lot more studying before I can actually run that challenge.
When i came up with it, the least one can say is that I was a little short-sighted. There are way more factors playing than I would have ever imagined ....

Aww, I would love to participate in a challenge like this though!

I've never done any kind of fantasy sports (and don't want to), so I really don't know how this type of thing works.

It will probably be postponed for a short while, because it appears there were quite a couple of things I didn't think of...

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

I got to do deep research for this. Guess I'm not that level yet 😑

Me neither, but that is exactly why I started this challenge. Research is not my cup.of tea. In the past, I based my xecisions on other people's research and my gut feeling.

With this challenge, I'm hoping to learn to which things I need to pay attention to, how important market cap and circulating suply are, and all that stuff.
I hope to attract some contestants that are pretty skilled, and are willing to explainat least a couple of things in human language. All the professional articles I've read created more qiestions than answers.

I will probably postpone tbd9 challenge for another week, and first ask around if there are people who are willing to give others a crash course. I'm thinking in terms of Discord groups with one 'mentor' and only 2 or 3 'students'

I already found I created the challenge from the perspective of a hodler. I didn't even consider setting up rules traders need to be able to play it fair.

All this means that this challenge requires a different approach before we can get started.

So pleasee, stick around for a little longer. I'm going to trj to turn this impulsive idea in a solid challenge, complete with rewards for people who are not highly skilled and have a small chance on winning.

I'm going to give all I have to make this a fun and educational challenge for everyone.

I have one question. Is @davemccoy allowed to participate? I vote no since he is a ringer. J/K Dave. I hope you do so that if I win, I would like to know i went head to head with the best and came out on top, hehe. I’m sharpening my Fantasy Football smack talk skillz in prep for the season. To be honest, I have no clue what I am doing with cryptos so it will be beginninger’s luck if I win or place high, haha.

All kidding aside, this is an awesome contest that will be so much fun @simplemike. Count me in. This will be legen...wait for it... dary! Legendary.


Right thoughts you have @simplymike, and set them cool

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 61651.16
ETH 2369.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50