
humans are breakable therefore blockchain arrived on the scene

Very beautiful say you @leeuw

The time that people become so negative and depressed, you know the bottom is near. Because prices move way slower today than in December / Januari I think we will go sideways and slowly down for a while till the tide turns around triggered by a positive event.

And since the fundamentals are still extremely good, I think the positive event comes earlier than after the 2014 crash. The lower the price goes the harder it becomes for entities that manipulate the price to push it down even further because the weak hands / dumb money has left already and the HODLers / smart money will create a strong bottom somewhere.

Every single mechanism in BTC is self regulating, so is the price. Fiat whales are probably on the sidelines to go shopping on a HUGE discount. HODL and accumulate, with a long term vision you will be ok!

The Whales already bought their shares while steem was low.

What is considered a bottom here? Considering there are so many altcoins that reach all time highs in triple and even four digit numbers like ETH and DASH this is not just bitcoin. The whole thing seems to be falling apart right before our eyes. Thanks.

I agree, still the trend is very bearish.. It is really difficult to stay focused and remain optimistic at this critical stage when the whole main stream media is cautioning about crypto assets.

The Bitcoin bear market of 2014-2015 where Bitcoin grinded down from $1,200 to sub $200 gave me a nervous break down, yet I'm still here.

I paid my dues.

Now it's your turn.

Well done. Unfortunately I was not in cryptos at that time..for sure I am this time, and I was mentally prepared for this take down. I probably didnt expect it to be driven down this far, but that was just lack of knowledge from my side. Now I'm mentally prepared to even $1000

Good morning scandinavian, steemians....i read a comment about the big fall of BTC from 1200$ to 200$ ...actually it was from 1400$ to 195$....i was in crypto by that time but i was such a newbie!!!... for you to understand how amature i was by that time i will tell you one and only thing!!!
...not only i was up to a nervous breakdown but when BTC recover to 300$ i sold 1.8 BTC!!!!!!...... can you believe that??....YES...this is ME!!!.... i did that!!!...i sold my precious BTC for pennies...
...this is my experience and i share it with you... don't make the same mistake!!!.... of course i am not the one who can give economical advise to anyone ... but i learned from my mistakes... i 'm trying to focus on the long run!!!! ...i'm not interested what the price will be next year....i'm interested in what the price will be in 5 years from now ... and to my opinion in 5 years time things will change dramatically!!!!!
...thank you for your patience ''reading'' me!!!!!23347924_1498073956913511_8222905726473863168_n-480x480.jpg

Thats a possibility. Or they can have destroyed the price to zero. Its a big risk. But which side of history do you want to be on?

well i really don't think its about which side i want to be on.... my belief is that crypto is the future...the way they speak about it ,the way the 'cartels' - you have already spoken about these guys in other posts - trying to manipulate the market show to me that they are afraid of it....
...and they are afraid cause there is nothing they can do to prevent it and control it eventually.... so from these 'signs' i keep my faith in BTC and crypto world...
...but of course at the end of the day ,this is only me!!!

Oh no, it looks like even you lost the enthusiasm :(

I haven't really..but it is what it is. Nothing fundamentally has changed IMO..blockchain tech and cryptos is changing a lot. But of course, it takes time. And at the same time we must endure TPTB and their games. I'm still very confident that certain cryptos will be worth incredible amounts of money in the future. Will we see the euphoria we experiences in 2017 again any time soon? I'm not so sure. I hope so. I'm not selling. I believe in the technology and I want to make money as well. But I am very prepared to be suppressed for a very long time.

And technically I don't really see anything positive in the market. It rises on low volume, it falls on higher. It breaks through support levels, its in a strong bearish trend. People cant afford to pay their taxes, people are afraid to buy and join because its very hard to write taxes and do the right thing (who knows what is right or not??) and most people just want to stay the hell out. It's so much drama, so much volatility and so much bad press. I suspect they could collapse it very very low..I unimaginable lows. So low that even the most experienced hodlers will lose faith.

But that could also be totally wrong. Perhaps that is not possible. Who knows.

I just dont want to sit here and clap my hands and talk about $100 steem or 500k bitcoin right now. We are very far from it. And to be honest, we could possibly never see those prices. We could dance around 1-2$ steem and $4-7000 BTC for years. Like gold and silver has been stagnant for almost 10 years now. PROBABLY not whats going to happen. But even if the technology is being implemented into everything, it doesnt mean that it could not end up being a very hard time for decentralized start ups. They can use this technology for centralized services as well. Facebook, twitter, banks etc. Just look at Ripple. Its a centralized cryptocurrency. So just because the tech is here to stay does not mean decentralized apps and projects has a future. Sure, they wont go away..but there could possibly never be mass adoption..and all the lambo dreams are dead. However, a select few smart people got very rich on cryptos. The rest of always did not.

I have decided that I will not panic. and think the market needs time I would say over the summer. am happy with my portfolio so now its just enjoying myself on the steemit and building power to the grass on the until the grass on the other side becomes greener

Agree. It's going to take off sooner or later.

when the market's back up I'm going to be selling those tops because from the looks of it those times don't last long. 😓

You're going to get fooled. Where is the top in your opinion? You'll never be able to predict the offence, but no one can. It will be incredible tops, in order to lure people further. It wont be wont be could be 120 og 150k next time. So people buy in at 100k or higher..and then they drop the price to 10k again.

i appreciate with you

Hang on for the ride

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