Leftists, Mainstream Media, Google, Youtube And Twitter Are All Losing Touch With Reality

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

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Going through my Twitter feed today it's just very clear what's going on. We are faster than anticipated heading towards 1984 type of thought control, brainwashing and censorship. It's truly reaching level: insanity.


Take a look at this tweet from Chloe Angyal

Skjermbilde 2018-03-15 kl. 09.02.52.png

She is obviously some editorial chief at Huffington post. She is being 100% blatantly racist in this post - but not even realizing it. The post received A LOT of negative attention, but this self entitled brat doesn't even have enough shame in her to remove it.

She effectively reduced their hiring process to skin color and sexual orientation and. It's pure racism.

Right Wing and Libertarians Are Being Denied Traveling To Britain

This is another sickening development.It started with Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner being detained at the airport and kept in prison for a few days and then being thrown out of Britain - just for doing a speech and interviewing Tommy Robinson - who's crime apparantly is to want to keep Britain a Western country and not become a muslim one. Horrible person...right?

Then all of a sudden the slightly more famous Laura Southern was banned from entering the UK for writing; "Allah is gay"

She said her six-hour detention in the UK was simply “bizarre”.

They asked me if I’m a Christian extremist, asked me how I feel about running over people with cars,” Ms Southern told Fox News. “They asked me about Tommy Robinson, asked how I would describe myself politically, asked me how I would describe nationalism.



The Priests Of Political Correctness Is Setting Up For Their Own Irrelevance

I think the mainstream media and politicians are setting up for their own irrelevance. If they keep censoring everyone who is critical towards their extreme leftist narrative, we are just going to do something else. And that is absolutely where decentralization comes in. Its threatening to the politically correct, and to the leftists, because they are 100% dependent on central authorities which they can use as tools for their agenda. And central authorities are always in need of goons to vote for them and support them.

The whole thing is quite surreal when you are able to see it for what it is. Government steals money from people who work. They then demonize the people who work (generally) and in general are people who wish for more freedom.. They demonize them so that people who don't work will vote for more government - so that they can get more free money that is stolen from people who work and create.

And they use all types of tactics.

Big companies that are in bed with the government like Google and Twitter have become so large and influential that the boarder between private company and government branch (indoctrination and propaganda-branch) has become blurry to say the least.

But the West has always managed to fight oppression and theocracy. This time it's not the priests of the middle ages, but the demagogs of political correctness and opponents of free speech. In a way, it's almost as if the priests of the middle ages are resurrected and brought back - this time as "eco friendly vegans that propose diversity and". People who doesn't care about logic and reason, but rely only on faith and feelings. They are indeed the priests.


Pure racism and sexual discrimination! And she is still editor in chief?

This is another sickening development.It started with Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner being detained at the airport and kept in prison for a few days and then being thrown out of Britain - just for doing a speech and interviewing Tommy Robinson - who's crime apparantly is to want to keep Britain a Western country and not become a muslim one. Horrible person...right?

It's obvious that we're back to the age of inquisition again, and it's way worse that it was before... The inquisitors of new age could at least wear some suitable costumes, paired with some tall hats, just to make it more spectacular and bizarre!

Wow, the girl from the Picture 1 has a really weird logic.
How does she make new friends?

Sorry, but my white quota is already full.
Oh, you are albino black, sorry...
But you are heterosexual? Could you maybe consider being a bit gay? Just a bit, you know. Oh, you were experimenting once, nice, nice...
And about the religion? So you respect local customs + atheist? Damn, if only you were a Buddhist...

Surprisingly, yet another thing we were doing wrong in Yugoslavia. We called it the "national key", so you needed to give a job to someone because of the ethnicity. Ended up you know how...

Imagine how happy she would be if a gay black eskimo of muslim faith applied for a job

But he is not a vegan! You monster :'(


If he was vegan she'd probably declare him god himeself

You guys did that?

Yes... For example, in a big government funded companies you needed to have some percentage of every nation (even the national teams). The result, we never became truly homogeneous.

I've said it before and I'll say it again

Great man @scandinavianlife Seems to me most bitcoiners have lost track of why cryptocurrency was invented in the first place: to replace fiat! This obsession with fiat exchange rates is very unhealthy. Bitcoin is not a stock, but everyone seems to be treating it like one!

Absolutely spot on, Europe has a whole mountain of problems going forward and most of them are self inflicted. The horrible birth rate has lead them down the path of mass immigration but without integration, with leftist German politicians announcing it is a "good thing!" that in 20 years Germans will no longer be majority in German cities and then claim that there is no real problem because foreigners only make up less than 10% of the population... When studies have shown it is in the under 18 category in schools where 30% plus are foreign and those figures are likely underestimated.

The suppression of native European peoples opinions on these issues is really going to lead to a huge backlash, it is already fermenting and they know it. Generally, since the end of WW2 Europeans haven't really been opposed to immigration until the last 10 to 20 years where it has kicked into overdrive, now if you lean a little too much to the right you now become a target of the leftist governments of the EU, When it is their very policies that have given birth to any type of right leaning thought in Europe since WW2.

Theres a hell of a lot more going on, at a deeper hidden level. David icke has been correct in predicting corruption behind the big curtain, if you have time, and open mind and some patience, check out some of his videos!

Yeah I know who Icke is but I don't know if I can swallow some of his more eccentric theories but I have heard him describe a lot of things spot on.

The queen is a tapeworm, not a lizard.

hahahah that last line! yeh, just that lizard theory is a bit hard to grasp, but im so openminded that it could well be so, who fucking knows?! I dont know anyone who can actually say they can or cant prove it lol

Of course anything really is within the realm of possibilities, I do believe aliens probably exist, not sure if they are grey and have large heads and eyes though. In the history of everything a million years is just a blip, they could be a million years behind us resembling some kind of bacteria or tapeworm so the queen could very well be an alien, or they could be a million years ahead and be so far advanced that we couldn't even comprehend their tech or evolutionary process yet. They could be 250 million years ahead of us and constitute some kind of invisible collective consciousness that's transcended to a dimension inaccessible to our feeble minds. Who knows?

Theres nothing else left to cover now,that was the full spectrum.. Its endless and facinating! And since tgat atom collisions its going to get insane :) hold fast!!

Good that more people are noticing how its already all in action, and very soon people wont even realised its happened. I really do admire how a handful trained billions of sheep, it really is remarkable!

Yeah. Most people I know have no idea. They really have no idea about anything..

why do you think I live with freaks ! lol Thats another reason why I cant go back to "house life" Jesus, its very frustrating to be COMPLETELY surrounded by people who are just 100% conditioned, and then think your mad if you suggest otherwise.. seriously thats why so many young people have started to go travel, the ones who see more than the rest do have to leave society or become a master of meditation to just be able to cope with the daily life, the later is pritty much unreachable in city life :)

Really, and im being as honest as my imagination could be.. If I had to go back to UK and find a place to rent, then a job, and then be surrounded by people who have just done that all the life, I would end up in a mental ward! Really, that would most definitely happen. Ah dam thats the worst punishment ever! Have your wings cut off and thrown in several different boxes.. Ill have nightmares tonight!!

Have u heard of a film "atlas shrugged" not the best film but i find the storyline relevant to whats going on

one to check out! thanks!

Seen it..but more importantly, I've read the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, which the movie is based upon. And that is my favorite book of all time.

Didnt know there was a book i need to get hold of it

vander photography
Best way to trigger lefties: telling them I don't believe in gay rights, womens right, only in property rights, for everyone. There is literally nothing racist or misogynist about thinking all people have equal rights, but hey, they get offended nonetheless...😅

Yeah, toleration is so often understood pretty badly. It's OK to tolerate you if you're a different race/religion or have different believes (if they're only slightly different to ours), but it's not OK to tolerate you if your believes are way off from my believes. Would tolerant people tolerant you if you're a racist, sexist or simply 'intolerant'?

It's quite ironic for me living in China that I actually feel like I have more freedom of thought and expression than back home in my democratic country.

We are truly living in bizarre times, I don't look forward to moving back to the west.

im getting a fucking boat as soon as possible!!

username checks out LOL

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