Crypto motto: don't sell your pie!

in #crypto7 years ago

It's so tempting to sell your coins when you see that juicy juicy ROIs.
You bought STEEM at 7 cents and now it's 1$ !!! omg omg omg, SEEEELLLLL.


Listen, the idea is that right now everything is based on potential. With a few exceptions most coins value comes from promises. POTENTIAL!.
Everyone promises to deliver something amazing on the blockchain.
Everyone has a shiny cool futuristic site that blows your mind.
The power of ideas is out of this world. Let me give you an example.

Look at this video first. How slick is this video, am I right?

This is one of the first projects that amazed me. I was simply stunned by this project. Their project was funded 2 years ago based on this video alone and some mock project on the site. What happened though is this:
There's almost no progress. It might be, behind the stage, I don't know but in fact no one can use augur now for anything. YET! the coins has a lot of value. People made 10x easily on their investment even though...THERE IS NO FKING PRODUCT!!
Everything, all the value of their coins, is based on a consensus of delusion that this will be big...someday!

Now this is the case with a lot of alts. What we call shitcoins is simply an alt where the delusion is veering into madness already. But same concept at the core: faith and praying.
Oh, praying is part of it: praying that the devs won't steal your money.
That hackers won't steal their money.
That they will use their money right.
That they actually know what they're doing.
That what they're doing is still relevant by the time it launches.
There's a lot to pray for if you are so inclined. Even in this futuristic world, people do pray. It's just that the chant is different.
MOOON! MOOON!!!!! <--- like savages, we came back to praying at the moon!

Anyway, what was I?!
Oh yes, the pie. So right now, that's the situation. A lot of projects are very convincing promises that will "revolutionize". "reinvent" and..the golden word...disrupt. That's all good and stuff, people make money on these promises and run to realize their profits. That's not necessarily bad of course but think about it like that.
Some of these coins will eventually back real projects that will slowly become part of our REAL life. When this will happen, more and more people will need these coins to use their service. And they'll make an effort - although the effort won't be quite that much of an effort because by that time it will be incredibly easy to get crypto with fiat - to acquire some coins. Money will flow into crypto, and once you have once coin...well, as you all know, you gotta get them all :)

Mass adoption, real projects, cryptocurrency becoming a buzz word that means something for most people. What then?

Chances are that all your coins that you think made huge profits TODAY will be worth a lot, a lot a lot more then.
Ok ok, Raz, but wtf does this has anything to do with a pie!?!

The whole crypto world is a hug pie. Imagine a round nice pie sliced in countless pieces. Each slice is a different currency. Right now the biggest slice is BTC of course. With over 55% of the pie, btc is huge. You'll be tempted to sell your pie because it's worth a lot.
But now imagine this: every time someone from fiat gets into crypto, the pie gets fatter. Now, this does not mean that YOUR pice gets bigger. IT just means that the pie it's not ticker than it used to be. Your slice is ticker too. Even if you slice gets smaller, it might get so tick that in the end it's 100x as nutritious :)

As the whole pie gets bigger, everybody wins!

No contest, the pie is delicious now but if you just wait.....
I'll leave with this video that is famous but still so important.
Resist temptation!


This is good to keep in mind. It does not mater when you bought Bitcoin; as long as you have not sold, you have made money.

This said, you can very well loose money in the short term. I sure hope the long term prospects are good. I am so passionate about decentralization.

you have made money.

Typo :) Anyways, I always find myself FMLing after selling at what I think is a high price but it just keeps going up! I guess this is the first world problems we go through in the age of exponentials. Watching markets too closely can prove to be too bothersome, it's better to just buy and hodl, or better, actively invest (as in having stakes and playing a part in a community)

Just buy and hold, buy and hold.

Good logics

Thank You for sharing Your knowledge & experience... wise advice.

Really like the marshmallow video.

UpVoted & Followed 3 days ago... please consider following me. Thanks again

         ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

I agree! Hold on tight to your gains, your future...

...will thank you?

just waiting until i have the right amount

you're right you're right again
leave some don't drain it

So true, gotta just diversify, diversify, and Hooooldddd!

The marshmellow study proves that being a hodler is in many ways harder work than trading in and out of your position. i'm hodling GNT right now and it takes everything to not sell and buy something else that is moving faster. Every time I do I lose.

well put, my friend! IT is hard to be patient...

Up up and away! Stay committed, get rewarded.

I started out with nothing. I put $10.00 into it. Now my wallet is at $321. Let it ride! :-D

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62763.51
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72