The Path to Financial Freedom [CRYPTO-DIGITAL REVOLUTION!]

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Big thanks to Cheetah bot for re-sharing this post. This post is now up to date! I want to thank everyone that has chosen to upvote this post and follow. I always follow back to learn from other authors in this information-rich community. Enjoy your reading!


In my previous post on medium, I talked about how Life Coaching has been the best self-investment I ever made. The universe is coming to my aid so I can serve my purpose. I have had record labels reach out to me providing free shout outs linking to my articles. I have also been granted the ability to associate with T. Harv Eker who is a motivational speaker and self-made millionaire. His book the “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” is a must read (or listen to in audio format) for anyone trying to improve their lives and to change their mindset for success. Earlier today while doing groceries an 82 year old self-made millionaire approached me as he noticed my URGENCY in responding to messages in my phone even though we were waiting in a long line to get to the cashier.

I have also been granted exclusive access to be trained by another self-made millionaire who has generated millions in commissions doing online sales. I have even had older versions of this post featured in roundup websites which share high-quality content posted on the internet for their target audiences. I'm very thankful two months of hard work, persistence and growing through failure are already starting to pay off. In my next post I will talk more about the training I'm undergoing but I can’t disclose exactly what I learn because I signed an agreement. What I want to do is show the world my results so people can decide if they want to invest in that opportunity.

Note: My account in Medium had been suspended. I will be starting my own blog soon. I contacted support and they found it had been flagged as spam by mistake. So I updated this post here on steemit since I thought I would not be able to recover it.

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Katapult Enterprices Branding VIP Services

(Disclaimer) Katapult Enterprises has taken notice of my post and Dr. Zoe has decided to give me an opportunity in her company as a sales associate. The ideas expressed in this post were written prior to having this opportunity. Done for the benefit of the end user in mind, affiliate marketing is a powerful way to contribute solutions for people that need them and to make an honest living. I want to become your source for trusted solutions I will try myself. I also want you to know that contrary to popular belief often times you get better pricing by taking advantage of affiliate offers. Patt Flynn for example can get you Bluehost exclusive deal ($2.75/month). Visit his resource page to get familiar with some of the exclusive deals he can offer you. I'm in no way partner of Patt Flynn but he has taught me so much through his videos that I feel I have to pay back by promoting his resource page.

Companies allow this practice to reach a higher customer base and to save on advertising costs and employee wages so is not to their benefit to charge extra as they lose promoters and customers. In return for time and advertising, the affiliate gets a percentage as a commission which usually ranges from 4-50% (up to 90%) depending on the program. Most programs I have seen fall in the 10% commission awarded to the affiliate. I have proudly chosen to represent Katapult Enterprises as a sales associate because I believe in their services and I'm a proud customer.

This post is dedicated to all the hard-working businessmen, investors and entrepreneurs out there or the people trying to break free from wage slavery like those in steemit community. I will give you an objective opinion on why you should invest in the VIP branding technical services Katapult Enterprises has to offer in order to enhance or completely push your brand to the next level. All of what I’m saying here is research I have made for myself since I’m building my own brand and company. I hope the information I’m about to share is of value to you, your company and your revenue duplicates after you invest in the programs.

Firstly I want to express we are living one of the most exciting times ever in the digital world. Cryptocurrencies, for example have generated plenty of wealth for those who decided to invest early on. A friend of mine and mentor bought 300 BTC for something like $20 few years back. Those same Bitcoins as of 3 months back were valued at 1.2 million dollars (at around $4,000) each. This very moment Bitcoin sits at an all-time high of $6,107 in GDAX. DAMMIT I SHOULD OF BOUGHT SOME YESTERDAY! This means that same investment he made years back of only $20 in today’s market would be worth over 1.8 million dollars!

As I edit this post Bitcoin nears an new record-breaking all-time high of $7000 (that's $900 or more up) just today.

But don't be fooled... events like the closing of Bitcoin Exchanges in China caused the cryptocurrency to drop to under $3000 less than a month and two weeks ago. Where there is high reward there is also high risk. Here is an old forgotten post I made when I was just starting out to blog talking about the matter.

Coinbase is the company that owns the GDAX exchange and is where most beginners start. If you want to cut down on fees learn to use GDAX to do all of your trading. Please be aware Bitcoin is a highly speculative topic and this is not financial advice. Do your own research prior to buying. If you do invest, invest something you can afford to lose. In another post I will share everything I know about Bitcoin and why you should invest in it. You can use this link to navigate to Coinbase. If you buy $100 worth we both will get an extra $10 added to our accounts.

This explosion in wealth is not only evident in the crypto world. Take for example, how the world is moving more and more towards online training. Companies like Udemy, Pluralsight and Lynda to name just a few are thriving in this market selling DIGITAL services such as professional certifications and training courses. When I began my studies at Florida International University I did not get offered online courses by my counselor. However, near the end he had an online course for just about every class I needed to take. They now promote FIU Online on the local radio stations here in Miami. There is so much convenience to moving digitally. First you get access to higher pool of premium mentors. Imagine the top 10 investors in the world today decided to join forces and create the ultimate investment training program. How much would that be worth? I believe they could sell it for as much as a million a piece if not more. Digital training also offers convenience of location. Often times you get access if you have an internet connection or you can just download the chapters you need. On top of it you can rewind if you missed or did not understand something.

Katapult Enterprises offers the Life Coach Certification program which is highly valuable education. Call or email for more information. Tell them Reynaldo Rodriguez sent you to qualify for special pricing and scholarships. Become a profitable Intl. Certified Consultant in your profession in just six weeks!

Note: Scholarships are limited. Call now!

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

Alternatively, you can fill the form in this page to get more information if you scroll down to “Schedule a Consultation” section:

There is also places like which contain the greater portion of affiliate offers in existence today. Think of it kind of like the Google of affiliate marketing. Other thriving affiliate communities prefer not to attract much attention and actively recruit those who are a good match to represent their offers. Even to get from point A to point B often times many people choose to take an Uber or Lyft ride. The Internet of Things (IoT) will only further automate the process of buying and selling online. Take Alexa (Amazon Echo) for example, which will purchase your orders on Amazon via voice commands. Some people even use it as a power assistant by leveraging platforms like which allow them to connect Alexa to digital media outlets and other thousand devices such as smart light bulbs and smart locks. Watch this video to see what I mean.

You could order your certified refurbished Amazon Echo first generation by clicking my partner link here:
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I hope by now you truly believe we are living exciting times! Check out this two articles published on Forbes which talk about this digital booming I speak of. The first link should be a forecast of what to expect for 2021, and the second one talks about what had been expected to happen in 2015 so you can do further research yourself and see how accurate they were in their previous prediction. As you will see we are living times similar to the Industrial Revolution, the difference is… this is the DIGITAL REVOLUTION. More millionaires will be created now than ever before… All you need is to acquire the knowledge and skills to set an automated online business!

Note: This takes very hard work and persistence at the start. It takes some people as much as two years of consistent effort trying different strategies until they find what works for them. Don't expect results right away unless you are very lucky or you have an amazing mentor telling you exactly what to do. Right now I'm going into 3 months of consistent effort and I have yet to make a penny. So be realistic! Anything in life that is worth it, doesn't come easy but once you start getting sales income will grow very fast. So just keep trying every day and never give up! Be persistent and keep track of your results so you know if you are making progress.

Click Funnels can help you automate your online business. This software costs 97$ per month and includes the tools you need to succeed doing online sales. You will get access to cleanly designed templates which are regularly updated, customizable shoping cart integration, discount timers and autoresponder software capabilities. Most online marketers agree the most important asset they have is their list of subscribers. This software is great for list building and comes with more features than leadpages. Note leadpages is also great software just not as versatile. Try Click Funnels 14 days for free!

Click Funnels:

Read the end of this other post (and check the videos) to learn more about Click Funnels:

US Digital Marketing Spend Will Near $120 Billion By 2021

Online Learning Industry Poised for $107 Billion In 2015

So why I’m I sharing this you may ask? I’m sharing this because to thrive in the world of online sales nowadays requires you to put every trick to your advantage. What I mean by trick, is you must OPTIMIZE your brand and services so that you can get a bigger following and more satisfied customers. OPTIMIZING your websites and your brands means becoming the lovechild of Google who will rank you higher over everyone else for doing such a good job. I learned first hand… you don’t dare mess with Google. When I started in this industry I was promoting "The Two Week Diet” and one of my strategies, since I had no money to do paid ads, was to write a short comment in every blog or magazine about fitness I found promoting the e-book. Master Google not only removed 20+ hours of copy and pasting I had done, they also found a way to make my message all retarded. Somehow my links were being mixed up and nothing worked. It was a waste of my time, but it was a valuable lesson. DO NOT MESS WITH GOOGLE, WORK WITH GOOGLE.

Regarding The Two Week Diet I sent feedback to the author so he can further improve the e-book. If anyone is interested you can check it out at the link below (if the site is not currently under maintenance), keep in mind they have a money back warranty. The information and advice he offers is solid. I who had previously read an entire Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding learned abundant new information in this simplified text. Is kind of like a summary of golden nuggets about 90 pages long. I promised the author not to give away any of the new information because he spent years of his life researching some of it. To give you an idea the encyclopedia I read was over 1600 pages detailing almost every aspect of the life of a bodybuilder based on the information available at the moment. New research has come out and this is some of what Brian shares in this e-book. Bodybuilding and Weightloss are not equivalent but there was a chapter in the encyclopedia heavily focused on how to prepare for competition which had many tips to lose fat while keeping pure lean body mass to score higher points in the judge's eyes. Brian did a great job of detailing these methods and other new ones. Once again the link is below if you want to see the offer:

Note: This link will give you a special discount to The Two Week Diet system developed by Brian Flatt. Brian Flatt is a health and fitness author, and nutritionist. He has written multiple books in this category, "The Two Week Diet" is the latest one he worked on. In this book he shares the best ways for rapid body fat loss in a healthy matter. Maybe I will dedicate a post just to give a review about this e-book at a later point in time. One tip I would give to the reader is to purchase whey protein which is Optimum Nutrition or Dymatize. These are cheaper alternatives with track record of results. A final tip is you should mix your Optimum Nutrition with some Physilium Husk Powder (cheap fiber) to avoid constipation problems.

The Two Week Diet:

I want you to know I have put considerable amount of research into this and I can tell you Katapult Enterprises will deliver to OPTIMIZE or CREATE your brand and they will do it at very affordable prices. Other corporations out there might charge you twice the prices and you will likely receive a lower quality tier result. In similar fashion, you could find even cheaper options and get no results at all. The team at Katapult Enterprises has been doing this for well over 10 years and very rarely do they have a customer who is not happy with their results. The reality is few people could be pickier than Dr. Zoe... quality is her number 1 priority as she understands this is the lifeblood of her company in being able to expand their services even further. Customer experience is her number one priority.

Let me walk you through some of the technical services Katapult Enterprises offers for the business owner or aspiring business owner like yourself and I. Please note I will rush through these. I'm giving you the strongest points in each of these plans. If you want all of the details you have to contact a qualified Katapult Enterprises Sales Divison Specialist.

On top of being so picky, Dr. Zoe is willing to pay premium prices in order to retain the best talent. She always goes for the top echelon. Her company has the top 1% of the top 1% of professionals in areas such as Graphics Design, Web Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist, and Digital Media/Digital Marketing consultants that will work to make your brand more competitive for this day and age. I actually wish she hired me to her team, since I placed my two-week notice on my job early yesterday and I have yet to make a penny in the world of online sales. Anyway, take action now! So much money is being made online that more and more people are awakening to this reality. We live in a new economy in which trade has become globalized and the internet is an intermediary to almost every purchase that is done these days. Take Amazon for example, they now have a program which ships groceries within only two hours of you placing your order! I think is called PRIME NOW.

If you want to learn some advanced SEO techniques you can put to work for you right now, you can check this video by Brian Dean. Brian is an authority on SEO techniques and the owner of backlinko. In this one video he shares information that took me about a week to put together by reading from many sources. His advice is great! Keep in mind there are many more techniques you could use to your advantage. Either do more research or have the Katapult Enterprises SEO especialist do all the work for you. The reason why is so important to take the time to apply these (and many other techniques) is because as you climb up the Google rankings you will find your content starts hitting the number one ranking for an abundant variety of keywords. When this happens, you will be tapping into more readers, customers and organizations who will be interested both in your content and doing business with you.

In general, the more people that join this industry the more competitive it will get. This is why I’m so URGENT to get things done quick because I know I can become financially free in a short time now while competition hasn’t yet become impossible to beat for someone dreaming to start their online business from the ground up with not much money to their name. I share this information because I believe in the law of reciprocity we know as karma. If I help other people, they will also help me accomplish my goals.

Revamp: (Incur about pricing. Since this is a custom plan based on your needs. Have a Katapult specialist give you an estimate specific to your needs.)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

(If you tell them Reynaldo Rodriguez sent you there you will qualify for special pricing.)
This is the plan you want to choose if you already have a brand which has had some success but is not optimized for this era. As part of this plan the highly skilled technical team at Katapult Enterprises will ensure your Social Media Platforms and websites have been properly optimized for faster performance and to visually appeal to millions of internet users who are potential customers. This is going to help your brand generate more engagement at a worldwide scale. Ugly websites no longer stand a chance these days… cruel but true reality. You will also experience more sales and an overall happier customer base. Check out this post to get an idea how slower websites are slicing your profits. Imagine if these tweaks helped you sell 5xs as much of your inventory. Some of the Katapult Enterprises customers have seen this sort of results after revamping their brand using this service.

Revamp also offers to replace logos and images and they will ensure proper linking of your website to social media outlets that will help you reach new customers. This is a great investment decision because ALL successful campaigns today are done through social media. Long past are the days where people have a competitive chance to beat the market when they talk person to person or through phone calls. They will also help you leverage the power of your brand so you can benefit from proven ways to monetizing it. It took them years to put this formula together and they are still improving upon it. You are buying years of research and experience that will be put to work for you. I remember the 82 year old millionaire I met earlier today telling me he earned over 900k in sales commissions from selling life insurance in the span of just 3 months. I thought in my mind… “Yes but that no longer works… that’s too much talking and too much time waste”… “This era is all about automating everything so you can go enjoy life”. There is so much great software out there you can use to do the work once and let everything run on autopilot. One of my trainers will show me this!

Katapult Enterprises will help you do some of the automation for you and make your brand stand out from the crowd so you don’t have to work so hard. This is the kind of investment that in a short few months will bring you your investment back and then some more depending on the goals you are after! I will also talk about other company in a later post which can further help you automate even more but they can’t do as good a job when it comes to VIP branding because is not their bread and butter.

Launch (Incur about pricing since this is a custom plan based on your needs. Have a Katapult specialist give you an estimate specific to your needs.)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

With Launch you will have a website built from the ground up. This is their basic plan so is limited to 5 pages maximum. They will offer to apply SEO techniques which will help your website climb the Google rankings easier. This is offered for WordPress based websites which power near 75 million websites worldwide (25-27% of all websites). In similar fashion all social media within your website will be optimized by using custom plug ins and other software and features designed to create a unified and seamless solution so users are more inclined to share your offers and promotions with their friends and contacts. This will help you save on advertising cost which is always a plus if you consider bidding for keywords has been consistently increasing over the last years. There is a reason why Google is a 50 Billion+ company.

The plan also includes optimization for mobile and tablets. This is great because I keep reading that 3 out of 4 online sales are made to smartphone devices which is the number one way to get conversions these days (sales). Banks and Corporations have created and promoted platforms such as Android Pay and Samsung Pay so they can profit more from targeting the market around mobile devices. The fees per transactions are usually of 3%. In some cases you will receive discounts (less transaction fees be charged) when you use this new payment methods. Stop leaving money on the table and have professionals optimize your website for mobile devices so you can escalate your business!

Please note services like Android Pay and Samsung Pay are still being implemented in stores worldwide. Check out this video to get a better idea of what I mean. This technology is convenient but is also more vulnerable to exploitation. Maybe in another post I talk more about this.

The Launch plan also offers to include a custom Instagram creation and optimization for your brand. Same with Twitter and Google Plus. I find their choice to do this also for Google Plus to be a very strong investment point because Google ranks more heavily content that is up voted in Google Plus. At the end of the day Google wants to promote their social sharing platform, so if your business has an awesome Google Plus profile you can definitely expect better Google rankings. The downside to this plan is that it doesn’t include Youtube. Youtube is the number one platform these days to reach new customers by means of “free traffic”. This is due to the nature that high quality content posted on Youtube often goes viral. High quality content brings value in the form of humour, entertainment or other educational value. Unsurprisingly Youtube is owned by Google who is still king of the jungle ahead of Bing and Yahoo.

Microsoft has been trying to take over some of the user base by offering programs such as Bing Rewards. More users means more clicks, and more clicks more revenue collected from selling add services. Too bad they no longer allow to trade the points for Amazon gift cards (only some of the people can redeem them). Bill Gates... if you are reading this... very bad move by Microsoft. I have read way too many complaints of people that collected Bing Rewards for years... and now they feel its useless to them. Do the right thing and let everyone redeem Amazon gift cards for using Bing. Think in terms of good old Dreamspark (now Microsoft Imagine), that's providing free educational value to students enrolled in tech programs for qualified universities. I know I used every minute I got of my free Pluralsight membership!

Going back to free advertising have in mind free traffic means you don’t have to do paid advertising but it will still cost you on time to some degree. A better strategy is to place Youtube ads and then reinvest in paid advertising solutions such as Google Adwords or Facebook ads. By the way, if you are tired of the pesky ads I also have a solution for you my friend. Install the browser extension "uBlock Origin". I like to support artists and Youtubers but some people post crap or headlines crafted to go viral with no real value to the user or the user experience. So I just turn off my adblocker for those people that deserve to be supported. Do the same! Remember this: "Time is Money"...

Note: If you truly want to scale your business and get more sales sooner than later you need to start experimenting with paid advertising. I know among the reasons I haven't yet seen results myself is because I haven't invested in paid advertising. Furthermore, I'm new in this space and got so much to learn still.

Have a Katapult Specialist tell you more about this plan. Persuade them to add customization for Youtube even if you have to pay extra.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

Flight (Incur about pricing since this is a custom plan based on your needs. Have a Katapult specialist give you an estimate specific to your needs.)

Flight is similar to the previous plan but it will allow you to obtain a maximum of 10 pages for your website created by the team. They will also give you a 10% VIP discount on all additional services you order afterward. Discuss this plan with your Katapult Specialist and they will be able to provide you more information as to when you should buy this instead of Launch. In the end it comes down to what you need so you can always work an agreement and customize the services you get.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

This is one of the best plans Katapult Enterprises could offer any business or corporation. This one does include Youtube optimization and Keyword and Market research added on top of it. Just the Keyword and Market research service should be invaluable to you. To give you an example, back when Mayweather and McGregor fought it was those businesses that did Keyword Research that were able to accumulate the most wealth in a short period of time by leveraging one of the greatest sportings events in the history of the world. Keyword Research not only allows you to exploit big events, but they will help you tap into the undiscovered or highly underused keywords you could buy for pennies on the click and generate highly valuable, highly targeted traffic to your website which will lead to more conversions. Many have been the people that have found about a hot or trending keyword on a hidden niche or marketplace because they had a company do Keyword and Market research for them! Some of these opportunities could be the difference between having to work all your life or not having to worry about price tags anymore! Have the Specialist give you all the details! Don’t forget you will qualify for discounts if you tell them Reynaldo Rodriguez sent you there.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

This is the most expensive plan they have to offer. I recommend this plan to any well-established corporation looking to increment their sales by big percentages. Even being the most expensive plan you will still find is very affordable. Most food franchises you would invest in nowadays would cost you 5–10xs more than this plan. Again, please note it also depends on your situation and what you want. So contact a Katapult Sales Specialist and have them give you all the details.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

This is all I got, for now, my steemian friends. I might add more meat (apologies to the vegan community) to this post at a later time if I find the time to do so. Usually after the period of a week I can't edit anything anymore here on steemit. The problem is I need to start my training and I’m highly constrained by time. I’m sure the Sales Division Specialist at Katapult Enterprises will be able to provide just as good or better information than what I have written here myself. They have been doing this for many years. I wish you success! Next post is coming soon!

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Here are some exclusive deals I can give you through my partnership with T Harv Eker. You are getting access to very valuable information at heavily discounted prices!

Zero To Multimillionaire / Million Dollar Busines:

Life Makeover System:

The 500 Million Dollar Secret:

Passion, Purpose, And Profits / Get Rich Doing What You Love:

You might also like these other articles:

Also! One last thing!

Interested in a new kickass intro for your company? Katapult Enterprises can help! Here are some introductory samples so you have an idea of what to expect.

Contact your Katapult Specialist to ask about pricing!
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (904) 679–5067

Thank you for reading! You are invaluable to my succcess!


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