DAOstack: cryptodecisions with integrity

in #crypto6 years ago


In our days, people have a strong necessity of what is one of the most important thing in life, integrity. From a human’s cell to the biggest organization, integrity is the best expression of quality. Sadly, this isn’t the first thing most people go for, people usually go for success, because if you’re a successfully person that’s all the society will see, no further. But, as easy or hard success may appear, people is losing the more important thing, their principles.


Recover those principles is motivating more and more people every day, people want transparency, democracy, loyalty, integrity. Integrity isn’t something you can put on like clothes, is something people has inside, and it belong to the person itself. The real integrity can’t change, to do it the people’s principles have to change too, to change a principle has to change the core of the person.

To acquire quality, to have success, keep on your principles.

Organizations exist since immemorial times, humans are only one example of how cell’s organizations evolution can be formed, so like human’s body, while an organization is growing it has to learn how to prioritize and take a lot of decisions every day, usually final decisions are made by a tiny group or by one person. That’s one of the many reasons corruption has taken over control of people, organizations and finally countries.


For instance, let’s see the recent government Spain case, the Gürtel case is the biggest corruption case in democracy, which end with the destitution of president Rajoy. This is a case of large scale -corruption where a network of companies obtains all types of contracts from the administration of Popular Party over all Spain. They do it in exchange for bribes, which finally goes to public officials who takes the decisions on those contracts and also to pay for different campaigns events. This case has a large ramifications that spread all over the PP, the most important one is the irregular funding of the popular party. During this trial one of those involved named that there was an illegal payment list and pointed at Rajoy like one of the persons who received “black money”.

This is now known as the most perfect, authentic and effective corruption system through mechanism of manipulation of public procurement. The list payments were kept on a notebook where only the initials were written and an amount to the side. This case, among an almost infinity list of other examples of corruption may not exist in a world ruled by integrity and based in principles. A world where decisions would be made with the most transparent process, a world that applies the DECENTRILIZED AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATIONS or DAOstack ecosystem.


DAOstack is an organization that create a new way to approach decision making process, DAOstack enhance it and put this process into the crypto world, keeping it transparent due to all of it is made on the blockchain.

In organizations, decisions are taken following a process similar to an inverted pyramid, so the tip of that pyramid is where almost all decisions are taken. The limit of number’s decision is on the tip, who make decisions in some cases is overwhelmed and make this process fragile. If organization can’t improve the volume of decisions take in a day, they are going to collapse. DAOstack, which can be called as an operated system for collective intelligence, is super - scalable in order to lead it to become a more effectively platform in big organization decisions.


The idea is vote on a proposal in order to approve it or not, according to DAOstack team, their platform is supposed to make it easier to take a decisions based in a voting system. So, a proposal is made for somebody and when this request is between the first in the queue the decisions is made by the relative majority.

Also, DAOstack team create the Holographic decisions, in order to prevent corruption in their system, they separate the monetary from the voting power.

In this point is where integrity highlights, because the voting power is determined by reputation not token power, so, a person could have a lot of token but he won’t determine the decision results, only reputation give you that kind of power. Reputation comes according with the value of contributions people has made, this value is given by others who interacted with the one who made the contribution.


So, in DAOstack people will find not only one but two tokens, the monetary one called GEN and the voting power called reputation. They worked in different and complementary ways, because if reputation made decisions, GEN’s token are the one who move the proposals to the top.

Any member could propose an idea, then members invest theirs token in the ones that they think is the one that gives the best benefits to the organization, if this is right they’ll win more tokens. If it’s not, they lose some tokens.

In this voting process is where the holographic decisions take place, there a small group represents the decisions of a big group of members, similar to a piece of a hologram which even separated from the hole will represent the entire one.

Also GEN tokens will be the currency in which the platform will reward contributors, the project’s investment will be in GEN too.

It’s important to say that DAOstack was created to evolved, adapting to infinite uses at all scale, it’s like skin, with many layers in it, the following image explain better the structure:


As the image shows above, the DAOstack structure has many layers, each of one has an important and independent function, as they explain in their whitepaper


How it will change the way corporations and organizations are run.

This project put the process of make a decision in the crypto era, not only with an incorruptible way to do it, but making values very relevant again. Speeding up a process slowed down by the size of it, now with another application of the blockchain organizations will have the opportunity to work in a faster and reliable way, knowing that the better decision has been made with the participation of everyone.

How can DAOs improve the cost, efficiency and structure of organizations?

Cost and efficiency are two very important sides of the structure organizations, if a structure has a high cost with low benefits for it they’re lacking of efficiency. With DAOstack proposal cost will go lower, efficiency will increase and structure will tend to the actual structures, to the flattest one the organization will allow. DAO creates a capacity to automate humans decisions process into the effectiveness of organizations, that will show in the efficiency in a positive way.

How does DAOstack's method of vote power distribution promote incorruptibility?

It suppose to go to the better ones, the ones that have the better reputation, it’s assume that to get a high reputation it has to be difficult, double check procedures. Also, due to all the process is made on blockchain, and everyone could see it, the act of corruptly will be easily discovered.

What advantages does DAO have over traditional organizations?

Zero Incorruptibility.( Only with this is perfect to my eyes.)

What are the benefits of being able to evolve the DAO or DApp from within (through balanced and fair voting)?

It has the possibility to adapt it to infinite applications in almost every aspect an organization have, people could adapt it to any issues (that involved some kind of decision). Now, we have a big part of the technological path to create massive organizations with a high level of automation thanks to this project.

It’s very important to make an special recognition to the team who has made all of it possible:


They also had a incredible advisor team:



DAOstack was born as the soil to an innumerable applications in every aspect in the world, from organization decisions to world economic decisions, blockchain offers the possibility to create, also has at least three characteristic at favor:


It’s the perfect match between the organization jerarchy and blockchain effectivity.

I can say that there’s so much to see in how these new kind of organizations will develop in an auto organize social ecosystem which could make a sustainable and trusted platform process and with DAOstack will be present in this evolution


If you need to more information about this project please see the link above:

To general information you can check their Website

To know the project specifications, you can go to their Whitepaper or their Summary

If you want FAQ token sale answers check here

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And review others link like Medium and Youtube channel

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De Venezuela para el mundo, y más allá.

jajaja asimismo es :)

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