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RE: The Green Card

in #crypto5 years ago

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but Wirex is a very dodgy company.
It all sounds great until your account gets robbed and you find out that you have zero protection from both Wirex and VISA!

The VISA sign on the card gives a false sense of security.
Your funds are not protected which would be the case under any other high street bank.

Do you recall our chat about security on their system? And how the same hack keeps happening? Which they deny! The evidence is out there but you have to dig for it as they spam out loads of crap to push these reports down the search rankings.

Watch out for those hidden charges as well every time you make a trade. Very expensive.

Do not leave any tokens on the account. #justsaying

Paypal card sounds interesting.


Damn it. hahaha. I do remember, and I did see some complaints on YouTube about the high charges. As I said, I won't use it as a normal card. I just want it as a way out if needs be :)

The coins on there are minimal to be honest. totalling about 50 quid in value. I was hoping for a little crypto run so I can pay a 100 quid bill with it :)

I wonder what the safest option is. Consolidate into BTC and store in hardware wallet probably.

Happy to remind you to be safe. I am in dispute with them as you may recall and the case is ongoing with the authorities taking a close look at their operation.

I have all the details and addresses of all the firms involved in Wirex and the evidence of their flawed security system which I have sent to the City of London police as the Wirex office is on their beat and they have a special team that looks into this kind of thing. Plus the FCA are investigating too and the financial ombudsman. 👍

Just another dodgy firm in the crypto space. It's the god damned wild west for sure 😂

VISA were useless. They have no clue what crypto is and don't offer any protection while allowing these firms to use their infrastructure.

It will take time but they will be held accountable eventually.

We still have fiduciary laws in this country which holds them responsible for the safety of our funds. No matter how they try to duck them.

Keeping £50 in fiat on there is fine for small shopping etc.
Don't do any large transactions and leave the tokens on there as then you become of interest to the hacker in their midst.

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