Gridcoin - the Idea, standing behind... Or just the Idea!

in #crypto7 years ago

Hello, steemit readers!

We are ahead of a new crypto degradation wave, but is it really so? Every day market sees a lot of price lowerings followed by rises, but it seems that Bitcoin cant just pass over the $10,000 level. But I will not write about Bitcoin... I'm not going to write about any coin at all. My topic today is Gridcoin, and I see this currency more like an Idea, not a currency at all.


Maybe most of the people, involved in the cryptocurrency "storm" are here with the aim to get some profit and make some easy money. To be honest, that's the thing, which led me to the place where am I, and now I gradually start to think over some more complex things, rather than pure profit.

Personally, for me... Gridcoin has a great idea behind its existence. I can tell, that it is a sort of IDEA itself, and only the people who took some researches know what's really Gridcoin about.

Even if the prices of the cryptocurrencies continue to fall and Bitcoin's mining difficulty continues to rise exponentially, the main advantage of Gridcoin will remain. And what can this advantage be?

What makes Gridcoin better?

It helps. It helps science and all it's branches. It helps medicine with all the perfidious diseases like Cancer and AIDS. It helps astrophysics, microbiology, climate prediction... It just helps.

Of course, it cannot help if there aren't users, volunteering with some computational CPU and GPU power. Behind all of the Gridcoin projects stand a lot of people, supporting the cause and participating with their own devices in the various researches. All the fields under the reach of Gridcoin require a tremendous amount of power and a lot of computation work. And every bit of information is valuable. Every single user makes this network great and different.

Even if there are no rewards for all the work done, I will there will be thousands... or millions of people tending to share their resources in favor of the great cause - the science.
If this is not an IDEA, than how can you call it?

Science needs our help. The humankind needs the science. We are witnesses of a major improvement in every science aspect and this is very very exciting. Can you imagine how further away we can go in a couple of years? There are big dreamers, like Elon Musk and his SpaceX project and he is a strict evidence, that the science is our way towards the stars. Medicine and Biology make no difference here. And it is of course also due to us to make things happen and keep going forward.

That's why we should upport and help projects and IDEAS. IDEAS such as Gridcoin.

Thanks for reading! See ya!

P.S. If you haven't started helping yet, you can find the BOINC software on their official website -
There you will find and some instructions about it, of course!

More about Gridcoin and it's main idea, whitelisted projects and a lot other stuff - on their official website -

The images, used are searched in google, the source of the head image is from the Gridcoin official website and my own transformation afterwards.


I disagree, Gridcoin is a coin except It's a quantum coin. It's both a coin and not a coin at the same time.

This post was upvoted by Steemgridcoin with the aim of promoting discussions surrounding Gridcoin and science.

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