MAXUV Weekly Statement & Token Distribution - over 24% APR - 14 November 2021 [MAP Steem FinTech]

in #crypto3 years ago

Welcome to our weekly MAXUV account statement.

Our hybrid votes-and-rewards model seems to be working well, with total income significantly higher than many other programs for a similar stake.

Our reward distribution is the same as last week. Our income has also remained flat, but the vote yields have dropped a small amount, and in line with the Steem chain. Our adjusted SBD-based estimates are both down slightly due to a recent drop in SBD compared to last week.

As very few seem to be selling tokens, I am powering back up some of the weekly power-downs if I see no need for them on the market. I shall also place a small amount of MAXUV tokens for sale at a discount. We have been on a plateau for some months now, even when the returns including votes is very good. So although overall power is nowhere near as high as I'd like it to be, there is no imminent reason to wind down - much of it is on automatic anyway. Indeed, we are seeing a slow rebuilding of the fund's finances, as so many other tokens have stopped trading.

Due to the non-linear reward curve, we see our income distributions remain significantly higher than the unadjusted vote-yields; I suspect this will continue for longer, but the adjusted figures, that include the SBD uplift, remain very good given the size of our voting power.

Also worth noting that, without the SBD up-lift, curation yield on Steem is about 11% APR for a large account, and closer to 6% for an SP of our size - these values are also drifting lower week by week. So, compared to our staked fund, our yield is much higher than would be expected from just randomly voting!

We have yet again seen a bit of income from both TRX and BLURT. The numbers are modest, so will do this as and when they add up to a meaningful amount.

Note that MAPR has now added some bonus prize tokens to its weekly distribution. I think I shall do the same here, with only those members with at least 100 MAXUV being eligible for the weekly draw. I think this shall start next week, but will announce it properly soon. OK, I forgot to announce this - let me try this coming week! I even forgot to post last week - but the rewards were sent out.

A further reminder, that the voting will remain at 100% for 2,000 tokens, and the capital limit is 5,000 tokens for a share in the weekly rewards. You may, of course, hold more than this like a deposit account. Minimum holding is now 10 MAXUV tokens.

The difference between MAXUV and MAPR is that MAXUV will have no delegators and will be paying out in MAXUV tokens whereas MAPR does accept delegators, pays out in tokens to auto-compound but does not give upvotes nor measures posting activity.

I hope these two programs will help members achieve greater rewards from both staking and posting.

Enjoy your week!

The MAXUV headline figures are:

MAXUV tokens active = 15,930
SP in MAXUV = 6,900
Earning SP = 16,350
Other STEEM = 180
Total STEEM = 7,080


Estimated Gross Earnings = 3.41 STEEM per 1000 MAXUV = 17.7% APR (inc SBD est. 38% APR)
(3.41 = 1.40 votes + 2.01 income)
Estimated Net Earnings = 2.71 STEEM per 1000 MAXUV = 14.1% APR (inc SBD est. 24% APR)
(2.71 = 0.70 votes + 2.01 income)

Total MAXUV Distribution = 32.0 MAXUV

Note that "Other STEEM" is the sum of all holdings not powered up as SP: liquid STEEM and SBD plus holdings within Steem Engine. Also note that such values are volatile, especially any holdings priced in US$, so the above numbers are a snapshot and may have changed when you look at the @MAXUV account.

The Asset Backed Value (ABV) is our total holdings calculated in STEEM divided by the number of active MAXUV tokens.

Full details of how the MAXUV token operates can be found at our launch document, although there have been tweaks and updates since.

Any questions, please ask in the comments below or in our public chatroom.

Building Steem's Fintech



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JST 0.029
BTC 63878.47
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79