GRAFT: Merchant and Buyer Blockchain transaction Solution Unplugged

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)
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  • Introduction

    Statistics show that business that employ the you use of POS in their transactions, streamline their processes, they automate employees, manage their customers and inventories very well.

    POS frees up time and allows the member of staff to direct their attention to more important issues like customer service. The adoption of POS to the main stream of purchases and transfers birth a system that slides on speedy financial transactions by eliminating manual processes.

    But since the adoption of digital-currency to the mainstream of almost all businesses transactions have slip from traditional process to a more secure but slower pace in transaction which was observed with Bit-coin.

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  • Other times even when transaction is fast, there tend to be a central authority that reviews the process leveraging some profit off the proceedings.

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  • This and many more issues standing in the way of crypto transactions are what GRAFT tends to address.

    What GRAFT Entails:

    GRAFT: Global Real-Time Authorizations and Funds Transfers.

    It is a global open-sourced, blockchain-based, decentralized payment gateway and processing platform that anyone can use. Any buyer and merchant can use GRAFT in a completely decentralized and inexpensive way.
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  • GRAFT applies prevalent methods that are used in electronic payment methods which employ the use of credit and debit cards for transactions. But with the Graft protocol payment hinged on blockchain the grip of centralized third party is eliminated.

    Recently cryptofinance and blockchain are taking a hold on almost all industry across the world and digital-currencies transactions are replacing traditional financial smart cards transactions, but it adoption has been a relatively slow pace.

    But with the efficiency of this transactions improved by GRAFT, there will be the motivation towards the acceptance of digital-currency transaction.

    With GRAFT there will a disruption in traditional crypto-currencies transaction across board. Graft will enable a payment process from a point on the globe, where transactions are made directly between the buyer and merchant without addition cost or interference of an external influence.

    Graft will go a step further to open the doors to accept any crypto token for payments birthing a bit more flexibility and fluidity to transactions. It will also eliminate the need to maintain multiple wallets app.

    All of these and more advantages will enhance the application of crytpocurrency in payment and transaction processes. With the speed of time in transaction authorization sped up, there will be a drift towards cryptofinance which have been hampered in the past.

    Hinderance to Cryptocurrency acceptance In Transaction

    Who would wish to go to a grocery store to make a purchase and after making a payment, would have to wait for five, ten, fifteen or more minutes for authentication of reception of the fund by the seller? This was the plight of crypto users in transaction processes before the advent of GRAFT.

    GRAFT will birth a system that will process, authorize and authenticate payments/transaction in real time of about three seconds there birthing speed in

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  • reception at the other end making the system swift for adoption by crypto-finance enthusiast.

    Furthermore, once or twice everyone of us might have had a situation where one might wish to make buy a burger from a restaurant with a bank debit card with the price relatively low compared to the bank charge assigned to the purchase, many ignore the purchase.


    This situation is similar to what is obtainable when using digital-currency to purchase a commodity with low price. When the transaction charge is contrasted and considered to be too high, the purchase is most times ignored.

    With Graft the trend with this eventually will slide around for a change. GRAFT sets micropayments at a very low fee making it proportional to the payment.

    GRAFT's RTA system Enhancement of Merchants’ Usual business operation

    Let consider a merchant Mr Maxie who owns an online mobile store, He like many other merchants wish to have a huge number of customers making purchases and transactions from his online shop at all times.

    With the growth crytptofinance globally the merchant integrates the use of digital-currency as means of payment in his business transactions. With information of the RTA of GRAFT comes the issue of scalability. With a large expectation of a huge number of transactions expected to take place at the same comes the question that GRAFT answers

    GRAFT comes up strong with a platform that will handle a large number transactions per time without breaking down in the process birthing a high level of scalability in the process, compared to traditional Bit-coin transfer and transaction.

    Some of the measures that the GRAFT network uses to achieve higher scalability are decreasing the block creation interval to two minutes and removing the size limit of the block so that transactions blocks are created more often and each block can accommodate more transactions.
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  • What is the benefit of having software that can integrate on top of existing merchant devices?

    GRAFT provides an efficient mechanism that will allow the merchants token birth an efficient couponing and rules assignment in their domain network.
    Merchant token is a predefined smart contract that allows creating a private token that belongs to its owner. Unlike some other smart contracts and token platforms, creation of GRAFT merchant token does not require any programming and can be done by anyone.
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  • GRAFT Merchant tokens will bring an advantage to the merchants allowing them to implement some business features with minimum efforts and low cost that will bring an advantage. These features includes:

    The ability to invent and use their open and close loop product gift certificate, reward on loyalty, or store credit program in minutes without any investment or any central authority. With this merchant will leverage on the advantage of selling and accepting gift certificate online and in offline stores for local currency.

    All transaction ranging from giving gift certificate and loyalty points and store credit cards are done in real time.


    This a virtual system that links different store and their point of sales such they framed together to build up a private network hinged of the principles of blockchain. This virtual private network controls merchant tokens and item catalogue.

    With this GRAFT merchants can create their own virtual network where resource and information about their token the merchant who created it can be accessed. With a private Vchain point of sale can accept and issue out the same merchant token as well as share information stored on the blockchain. Furthermore reports regarding to transaction process are recorded stored and can be accessed.

    VChain goes a step further, giving an added leverage to buyers as well as birthing an opportunity where they can link all wallets owned by a user from different cyptocurrency platform together, such that they can have firm grip of the details when it come to managing the funds and transactions between those accounts. This Vchain feature is usually employ by a large family or corporate account.

    The Vchain ability are tied downed to a smart contract that births security and streamlines abuse away from the Vchain. This smart contract are renewed yearly at an infinitesimal service charge.

    What will be the impact for merchants and customers, having the ability to pay with and sell for any form of payment

    With a merchant wallet account set up in a few minutes and a variety of several crypto-currency to be used integrated into the point of sale service facilitated by GRAFT, there is a huge advantages birthed to both the merchant and customer. With the POS been able to generate QR codes that can be read off by a smart phone the system can be properly managed by the integration of an accounting software.

    With GRAFT there has been an integration of several crypto-currencies option for payment. This births a fluid of flexibility and additional option for buyers to leverage when applying their hands on the process transaction or payment the merchants.

    Imagine a situation where customer Mr Moses has just steem token and wishes to purchase a mobile phone online, runs into an online platform who accept only bit-coin for purchase a problematic issues arises.

    First for the transaction to take place the buyer have to first employed the services of a centralized third party who exchange the steem token for Bitcoin at a fee which is most times excruciating. This most times when thought of might fuel the buyers quest to forsake the transaction if he can.

    But with GRAFT applied the main stream of a merchant transaction process the value of the mobile phone in bitcoin is calculated and the equivalent amount in steem is deducted from the buyers wallet without the interference of a centralized third party. Thereby saving the cost, that might be expended on the exchanger.

    How do you imagine GRAFT integration changing the way we interact with crypto?

    For a long time through memory lane fiat was the means used for payment, afterwards came the use of bank smart cards for transaction process. But with employment of electronic transactions, came the activities of fraudsters, scammers and cyber thieves disrupting many financial processes.

    With the inception of cryptofinance birthed by the introduction of bit coin and then blockchain hinged on smart contract a bit more security was noticed in the process of transaction. This was good but did not have a good reputation when it comes to transaction speed, fluidity/ flexibility. The hand writing of the third party was littered in and around such that the adoption of crypto-currency could not go on the fluidity of the main stream.

    But with the advent of GRAFT there tend to be a switch from traditional methods. First, transaction processes will switch it pace to supersonic speed of about 3 second.

    Next, GRAFT creates a situation where buyers can make transactions a crypto currency in their possession without changing it first to the preferred currency of the merchant.

    GRAFT goes a step further to provide what is known as Virtual chain which can link all digital wallets owned by a user together, this fosters proper management of all sets of crypto-currencies in our possession. It all connects all POS of merchant providing a bedrock for management of all transaction and record within the private merchant bockchain

    The advantage that GRAFT births to payment/transaction and Peer2peer transfer as largely massive and will tend cause a drift toward its application in transfers, purchases and payment processes. This and many more advantages will tend facilitate the adoption of Crypto-currency to the main stream of business transaction as against traditional processes that are prone to defects.

    How will RTA change the future of crytpo?

    With Real time Authorization there is a guarantee that the buyer cannot send the same amount of money more than onces, before the transaction is written on the blockchain. Transaction in GRAFT network is divided into two phases’ authorization and settlement. Settlement take some time to be done in place of authorization that takes place in real time.

    With Authorization been merchant request to verify if the consumer has money (crypto-currency) available on digital wallet for payment, and to hold those funds for this purchase. If this verification is not ascertained speedy as is observed in the the use of bit-coin many will rather wish to fall back to traditional used of credit and debit cards which are relatively fast and have been trusted over time.

    But with you can be sure of the pace at which this authorization is done, speaks volumes to the mind of both the merchant and customer alike. This will encourage merchants to employ it use in place of bank smart cards which are slower. With GRAFT both parties involved wish to get up to speed with this processes.

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    Hi @maxiemoses-eu

    I had a chance to read few reviews about GRAFT so far and your's is definetly one of better ones. Easy to read. Which means a lot.

    Good luck with contest. Obviously upvoted,

    Thank you @crypto.piotr for stopping by

    One day I will have a huge volume of XP to return the favor


    missed this post. I noticed those similar images where Bitcoin is replaced by Graft network. Just a thought.. do you see any competition between the Lightning Network?

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