Get You Some ByteBalls

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Crypto Standing At CoinMarketCap

ByteBall's rank at CoinMarketCap is 115!

I haven't heard of this coin until @flugschwein and @naturicia said something about it. Then @berniesanders resteemed @punqtured's Official Byteball Airdrop in Steemit.


Well, it's free coin so why not? It's not that complex to get some of those coins from the looks of the step by step instructions. It has screenshots too so what's 5 minutes to take the time and chance to hold a shiny new coin.


Look Ma, I Have $23

After getting stuck at image.png I finally got around to completing the attestation and received $20 reward. The other bonus is locked in for one year and I think that's a smart way to encourage HODLers.


It took me 2 days to complete the attestation. It was quite a wait but since it wasn't just me waiting for the Byteball devs to fix the technical issues, I gave a sigh of relief.

We have a crypto channel at our SteemitMamas Discord server. We help each other navigate the crypto-blockchain-digital coin world. Some of the mamas haven't heard or tried crypto except for what Steemit offers. We are there to teach and research together. Diversify together.

So yeah, I wasn't the only one waiting for the initial fund to get through so we can pay the attestation fee. There was an option to sign a message but that would give you 80% of the normal rewards based on your Steemit reputation.

That was a no brainer, we can wait.

At the current market price, I have 17% of a GBYTE. Pretty neat!


Still don't have ByteBalls?

Here's the link again to the official airdrop.

If you want my referral link, don't hesitate to click below.

  1. The referral link will direct you to the wallet download. Use the light version and just choose the default wallet (single address wallet)
  2. Click on Chat button
  3. Choose Bot Store tab
  4. Find Steem attestation bot and click it
  5. On the spot to type a message, there's a image.png button, click it and choose Insert my address. Copy this address and send it to me via Discord DM lovenfreedom#5290 so I can send you the Byteballs to pay for attestation.
  6. Finish the verification through SteemConnect. Use your Steemit memo key.
  7. I chose public on the next step so instead of sharing my wallet, I only need to share my username.
  8. Now you pay the attestation fee of 0.000049GB
  9. No further inputs from you after this part. But make sure you get the bot's reply saying "Payment to smart address: 0.xxxxxxxx" which is your attestation reward

ORRRR if you want to ask @berniesanders, here's his post with instructions too.

And I quote him because he is funny and RIGHT

Get your free Byteballs today!!! Don't be a lazy ass!!

Don't post your address here because something is scraping Steemit for ByteBall addresses to get chunks of referral rewards.

Yaay @metzli, I did it!



Who wouldn't want some free coins right?! :D

Correct. Maybe only the people who doesn't even know about it or don't want to take the time to learn about alternative coins.

Yay! You did!

Thanks for posting.

Go crypto go. Let’s get out of that “only fiat” mindset.


High five on that mama

Let’s get out of that “only fiat” mindset.

Have to get on it before the money powers start getting strict on it...

I have to remind myself that I am attracting so much to me that even when it’s time to share there will be more than enough.

Nice byte write up @lovenfreedom! It’s good to get the word out there so as many Steemians as possible can get a hodl of this opportunity!! Thanks for sharing! 😊

This is a good project hope for the best end of 2018 it will cross 500$ 'Good coin.
So in your prediction what you think at the end of this year how much $ will it touch????

for 1 GB I think it was at 700+ so hopefully it'll go back up after we got some GBYTEs.

My brother @craigcryptoking has been nagging me to do it all week. Seems that byteball is taking off

Take the time (easy for me to say) and get it. You never know...

Will have to do it just to get my (nagging) brother off my back ;) Love him

This is awesome. I too got on board few days ago for Byteball, since it is free airdrop!! Thanks to our fellow mamas who are ever so resourceful and happy to share any information :) I'm glad I read this from you, @lovenfreedom :)

I like our mama group :) There's a lot of different personalities and I learn all kinds of stuff from curly hair regimen, crypto, sewing/needlework, artsy stuff and many more!

And the time zone difference isn't even a problem.

Did you get those Byteballs? haha I'm sure you did

Yes I did! It's a bit difficult at first. It was non stop syncing and forever syncing. Then the attestation bot had problem so I had to wait it out for a few days. I got myself some bytes in my wallet. What's next? Sending my referral link to more people?

Haha yeah because many of the mama's including you are so eager, it actually spurs me to do it. Otherwise, I'm sure with my personality I would have shoved it aside :P

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