Welcome to the future of Collaboration with Daostack

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)


What is a DAO?


A DAO (decentralized autonomous organisation) can be said to be an organisation whose decisions are made electronically this is done by a written computer code or it is done through the vote of its members. Wikipedia defines DAO as an organisation which runs through rules encoded as computer programs called smart contracts.
The DAO’s main objective was providing decentralized business model for organizing both non-profits and commercial enterprises. It is powered by the ethereum blockchain. Decentralized autonomous organisations have captured the imaginations of the best minds on the blockchain, but despite their promise have yet remained unachievable. DAO’s are open, self-organized networks coordinated by crypto-economic incentives and self-executing code, cooperating around shared goals.

What is daostack?


Briefly we can say daostack is an operating system for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). It is a platform for decentralized governance that enables collectives to self-organize around shared goals or values, easily and efficiently. With daostack thousands of open-source creators can jointly produce decentralized applications, while they are distributing individual ownership in product to contributors of value. Daostacks is more like the Wordpress of DAOs.

The daostack tools


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Daostacks provides an environment for the creation, operation and governance of DAOs, internally and externally within a broader ecosystem. Daostack is referred to as the Wordpress of DAOs because it does on the blockchain what Wordpress does for the web. Daostack’s vision is realizable with this tools in place; alchemy, Arc.js, Arc, ArcHives.

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This is a general governance framework for an interacting internet of blockchain agencies, the basic operating system for DAOs. This is an open-source, modular and general purpose framework by design, it comes with an open library of templates governance modules, or elements, this will evolve by the needs of its users. It will also allow an easy upgrade and changes of a governance system to better fit it organizations needs over time.
The arc framework is not limited to a specific governance system, as it make it easy for other organizations to create their own elements as pertaining to their needs.
This framework is;
Adaptive: Arc supports an infinite number of governance elements. Its library of schemes and global constraints will evolve as the daostack ecosystem grows, with new templates and modules developed and added by the open-source development community and third parties.
Modular; Using arc every DAO’s governance structure is made of small building blocks (governance modules or elements) that can be easily be added, combined, edited, or removed. Modules do not need to be redeployed onto the blockchain, but rather only referred to, saving storage and operation costs and enhancing security.
Upgradable; The governance of each DAO can easily be upgraded to use new schemes and constraints, or different parameters of existing ones. More granularly each DAO created through Arc comes with a particular set of rules, which by default include the rules to change rules.


This is a JavaScript library built on top of Web.js, with which any function of the Arc framework can be called directly from within the JavaScript environment, even without knowledge of Solidity programming language.

The ArcHives

We all know that Arc is the basic operating layer for the daostack ecosystem. ArcHives are simply the shared, curated records. This shared, curated registers can be very powerful, providing a central locus for data integrity and data quality. They are also the locus for the ecosystem network effect, which also is a source for another open-ecosystem monetization.


This is the first application built on the stack. It is an intuitive user interface for budgeting and resource allocation for decentralized organizations. With alchemy anyone can be an independent developer. Just with few clicks a DAO can be created and also an ERC20 crypto-token if desired.

Daostack use cases


  • Collaboration
  • Shared Ownership
  • Curation

The Challenge


Decentralized governance needs to be Resilient, Efficient and Scalable;

  • Distributes decision-making to the edges
  • Incentivizes everyone to act in alignment with the common good
  • Effectively manages of the collective attention, including: which proposals get the attention of voters and who should be involved in each decision
  • Remains effective at 10K, 100K, 1M members & more
  • Not prone to corruption or influence-peddling
  • Not fragile to bad acting or bad judgement of a few
  • Not subject to overwhelming noise of ideas & opinions

Daostack’s GEN Token


Using the GEN tokens users can place stakes in a given project proposal which is to be built on the daostack. Consequently to eradicate corruption on the network by a few holding majority of the wealth a medium is put in place; here the projects have to be approved by reputable holders. Reputation cannot be bought or sold, but is earned by actively participating and contributing to the network.
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  • 40m GEN are mineable in the future, and will be managed by the collective intelligence of the Genesis DAO, the first DAO built with the DAO stack.
  • 40m GEN available across all sales.
  • 10m GEN reserved for future contributors.
  • Existing team, advisors, and service providers. Team tokens are locked for two years from TGE.

How will daostack change the way corporations and organizations are run?


Lets bring into consideration a mega company with branch offices around the world, trying to manage and measure each branch will be very tedious and might not be accomplishable. But with daostack a resilient, efficient and scalable self-organising solution to this problem is available, as daostack remains effective at 10K, 100K, 1M members & more, so size is not a problem with daostack.

How can DAOs improve the cost, efficiency and structure of organizations?


Picture a scenario where a company has its board of directors and trustees all over the world, having to make a decision the company has to incure the cos of every members transportation just to have a sitting and cast a vote. A vote that might not be transparent and efficient due to the state of some corrupt members in the board. Daostack will put an end to this problem as all that will be needed is for the users to place stakes on a proposal and then the proposal is passed through reputable members to vote for or against the proporsal. This has already improved cost and efficiency of the organization.

How does daostack’s method of vote power distribution promote incorruptibility?


Daostacks promotes incorruptibility in vote power distribution is a way that when users place stakes on a proposal, no matter the wealth power of the user on the network the proposal must be passed through reputable members on the network (these are members that have earned their reputation by actively participating and contributing to the network) and this members vote for or against the proposals before a decision is made.

What are the benefits of being able to evolve the DAO or DApp from within (through balanced and fair voting)?


The dream and goal of every organization is to grow and make profit. Through balanced and fair voting, organizations will be bent on making the right decision as votes from reputable members on daostack will always lead to a progression of the company. So we can say the benefit of being able to evolve the DAO or DApp is Organizational Growth



Here is a summary of everything accomplished by daostack from the beginning.



Here is daostack’s roadmap showing what to expect in the future.

Meet the Team Members, Advisors and Partners


Daostack has gotten this far because of the highly sophisticated team members and advisors they have had from the onset.

Team Members

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My Little Animation



Watch daostack’s Intro Video:

Keynote speech:

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