Crypto Noob Lesson 1 - It Goes Against Everything You Feel Is Right...

in #crypto7 years ago

I'm such a noob!

Such A Noob!.png

I think that's pretty obvious from my posts so far and my daily journey of discovery in the crypto space...

I've watched thousands of hours of dTube and YouTube videos about crypto investing. I've followed all the experts. Read their blogs. Watched every documentary on Netflix about crypto. Even bought 2 books on the history of crypto and a few on investing....And that's all in the past few months!

After all that though, there truly is no better way to learn something than diving in and gaining experience....I just wanted to make sure the water was warm before going in head first...

And then I discovered sites like....Coin Market Cap...


Look at that sea of green!

All those profits being made....I need to GET IN THE GAME!

Remember that saying, buy low and sell high.....Yeah forget about that advice when you see things like that screen shot above. You want in now, you don't want the fear of missing out to linger too much longer.

So you dive in....Head first. While everything is rising...

And that's exactly what you are not supposed to do. Yeah that old saying of buying low and selling high is fantastic advice however it goes against every emotion you know in your mind. That's the funny thing about markets...It's all emotion.

However if you do two things that go against everything you FEEL is right, you might actually see some progress.

Obviously this is not financial advice because I still haven't figured out what a 'candlestick' is yet...I'm just beginning my journey. However these two tips have helped me so far.

1. Love and Embrace The Sea of Red - It took me everything I had within to not jump on the bandwagon for some of the darling alt coins over the past few days when everyone else has been falling in love. I'm waiting for the sell off to get into some coins I've been studying for a few weeks now. This is so much harder to do when you hear guys on social media talking about making 10x profits on some coin that went from a penny to 50 cents overnight...


However, when you see the pull back and everyone else is selling, that has been my favorite time to jump in. Again...Really easy to write this on Steemit, harder to put into practice. Trust me, I feel your pain and know the struggle.

But hold off! And dive in when the water is warm (or red lol)

2. HODL - Hold hold hold hold hold! Lots of pump and dumps, lots of people selling when things get a little shaky. Don't be 'that guy'. Remember buy low and sell high? Holding is part of that strategy because you aren't selling when things are going low.


Again...It goes against EVERYTHING your mind is telling you to do. But it's worked for me so far. Don't follow the crowd when it comes to these markets, be different lol Easier to say than do, I know.

I've been doing that little 30 Day HODL challenge and so far, my friend and I are up nicely. And it's only been 3 days. And sure, it's going to go up and down...However think about the potential of the coins you have positions in....30 days, 3 months or a year from now.

It's not the sexy thing to do...

It's kind of boring....But it makes 'cents'...Or crypto. Or whatever :)

Thanks for taking time out to read this post. I appreciate all upvotes, resteems and comments. You save unicorns when you do any of those things :)


Long term holds should do well I think Jon. Just like the stock market hold long term and you do just fine

Thanks man. Yeah I mean it makes sense. I know there is plenty of volatility but that's part of the risk.

Nice post! There are some lessons that you just have to learn with mistakes. I know I made many when I started, but it is really good that you have done and continue to research!

Thanks very much! Appreciate that. Yeah it's been an adventure for sure. Lots of lessons daily :)

Great post Jon. I continually have to look for the discipline to not buy when the herd is. My best results have come when I bought when things were falling and "bottoming out".

I think you might be on to something here and what an awesome post, it's the best I've seen on Steemit so far. I especially like the candlestick image Just HODL it! :D

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BTC 62104.41
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49