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RE: NOIA - An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure

in #crypto6 years ago

I personally saw this NOIA project and decided to learn more about it. And I found out that, apart from the Cloud controller that is some how centralized for now, the whole NOIA network is decentralized. From the Master's nodes that are strategically located in regions to the workers nodes that are interconnected. Now, a Master Node (There could be more master nodes due to traffic of location) is place in a region say Central Africa. This Master node(s) knows the frequent contents this region always search for. This region probably like searching more of online trading platforms or technology or science websites or educational contents. The Master node will continuously update it Contents on frequently sorted information or contents. Nevertheless, if contents are not found in these nodes, the JS library request such contents from the Cloud controller that is connected to hosting websites globally. The Cloud controller is the only centralized Layer on the NOIA network. Hopefully, when the network reputation grows, it would be decentralized. That is to say there would be more Cloud controller that are interconnected to each other. Hence, when this Cloud controllers with very high propagating speed and power are closer to users/clients, latency would be reduce and therefore reducing cost of viewing, downloading contents from the Internet. The NOIA network is taking a step at a time.

I hope this comment helps. I guess @jadams2k18 would have more insight of this. Thank you.


Thanks @focygray for the clarification, NOIA is a very promising project

@focygray Wow you really researched it in detail. I got very good clarification on the topic. Thank you for such a detailed answer.

Also thank you @ogt for asking this question. Because I read the article too and commented on it. I just read their it's decentralized but not asked how it is and the process.

Thanks @flash07 you seems very integrated In NOIA hope you've registered it could work with someone like you

@ogt It looks very promising project to me and I am going to use their application for sure.

It's always good to involve in this kind of project as earlier we can. Early adopter always get benefits.


Quite a good answer Mr @focygray

One of the most impressive comments I've read today @focygray

thank you for taking time and sharing your own thoughts on that topic.


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