
I’ve been humbled enough over the last year to accept I was wrong.

I don’t foresee any chance of institutional money coming for Steem. Nor much smart retail money.

I’d love to be wrong about that. But the hopium cloud has dissipated, and I’ve exhausted my will to buy into blind optimism when the fundamentals speak for themselves...

Some people are still having a very hard time facing up to reality, my friend. (i'm happy you are not one of them)

I never invested, only profited from content - but I left when I understood the structure and fundamental flaws in the model.
It is sooooooo not an attractive investor proposition.
You can't fix somethings..

I'm only on here now at weekends - to annoy people with truths - while my powering down finishes.

Are you going anywhere else to blog? (Have you heard of 'Narrative'?)

I was following Narrative in the lead-up to its launch, though never felt the call to participate.

I’ve been pretty burned out on writing so not particularly looking for anywhere new, although I am pretty curious about Voice and have a sense I may be contributing a lot on there at the start. Time shall tell...

I joined steem to 'give writing a go', and enjoyed the experience immensely, but the structure (once i'd finally understood it) of this place has turned me off.

Paradoxically, since backing off from this place (time wise) I'm three times more productive elsewhere!
(and more profitable).

I've no big enthusiasm for joining elsewhere, but now seeing it more of a business/marketing strategy for my other stuff...

(I'm very sad about steemit though, it has to be said).

#70 on coinmarket cap when I looked last!

(It's slipped from hovering around the 60's in just a couple of weeks).

I see no silver lining on this cloud, I'm afraid.

....I see lots of growing dark clouds, though.

I'm powering down.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
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