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RE: WTF. Hashgraph?!?!?!?

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Interesting review on this @gjones15. Funny how we always hear the salesman and never the creators or programs in these hot take, hot mic episodes with these "brainiacs." It reminds me a lot of the dot com bubble, every thing web based this, everything that, international global worldwide...and what did that get everybody? A bubble and a few monopolies named google (alphabet) apple, amazon. All companies minus apple that started to really take off in this tech bubble. You could throw crap at a wall in the mid 90's to late 90's and get a 15% average return on it during that time just as long there was tech somewhere in it. Dr Evil (Jeff Bezos) Nowhere Man (Tim Cook) are what we got out of all of it. Who saw that coming? Well I saw trillions of dollars go by that didn't. Moral of the story, come up with one yourself or have your viral video producers write it for you.


Very very good point. I was maybe just too young to really know wth was going on with the tech bubble, but thank you for bringing up the similarity, which i will now definitely be lookig into further... Difference here is, i can actually understand to a degree, now, what they're talking about. And hashgraph really does make sense... based on what was said--that being a key part lol

Oh, and Harmon is , I believe, one of the "creators," well, perhaps, at least he's the guy "just under" the creator, Baird (ya gotta watch the video!) Either way, he is a very brilliant man, once you get past the sort of "nerdy" outer-impressions. He definitely had something to do with the conceptualization/ formation of Hashgraph and he def has a CS and security background, but yes, I believe he is more the "biz dev" side of things. But you bring up an interesting fact, nonetheless. Baird is not here lol.

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