Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Crypto)

in #crypto6 years ago

Lots of interesting thoughts on being average, or above and below, from last week's giveaway. So, this week, I finally move to the inevitable question about crypto!

What I have noticed on my months on Steem, has been the fact that there is a wide variety of people of different backgrounds who are on this blogging platform that has it’s backbone in crypto. When I first arrived, I had assumed that everyone would be at least as much of a crypto nerd as I was, or at least to have a passing interest in the technical details or knowledge of the wider crypto ecosystem.

It turns out that I was quite wrong! There were many people here, whose only experience of crypto was Steemit itself, and not much more beyond that. People to whom the idea of blockchains at their workings, and the idea of public/private keys and all of that undeveloped user interfaces of the other crypto chains was something that was deeply hidden away from them.

This led me to thinking that Steem had some good potential due to the fact that I think that the only way for crypto to gain mass adoption was by stealth, doing away with the complex and user unfriendly interfaces of other crypto, and integrating it relatively seamlessly and invisibly with something that people knew already how to do. In the case of Steem, it was to do with blogging, and hopefully with the advent of HF20 it will spread to other activities like fitness tracking and game playing and any number of stealthy stalking horses.

My Question

1.What is your views and understanding on crypto? Do you think it is part of the future, and how?

My sample answer


My thoughts on crypto is that it is a completely user unfriendly space, especially for people that are not technically decent or computer savvy. I'm also not keen on the focus on the financial or the currency part of the crypto-currency technology.

What I am very excited about and what I wrote about in this post many months ago, is the application of this technology to many facets of our current infrastructure. The ability to streamline many of our processes by potentially removing middlemen, the ability to restrict the access to our private information to those who actually need to see it (like a bar bouncer not needing to know anything more than that I am over 18), to securely share medical data, to enable other technologies like AI or automated vehicles or to introduce transparency in elections and governance. The possibilities are quite astounding, if they prove to be possible.

These are the truly the things that we should be excited about! The money side is a nice side effect...


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 1.283 SBD and 0 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares.

The winners by random draw are:



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This post was submitted for curation by: @theironfelix
This post was given a rating of: 0.7339944012196813
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I own crypto, I can move buy and sell crypto and I learn more every week but my technological skills are a solid 4.

I stumbled onto here through researching cryptos to buy and just never left. To be fair I'm a quick study and know a lot more now but my main interest in it would be the writing and business side to the blockchain rather than the development or technology side of things. Most people I chat with would be the same as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

4 out of 5?

There are lots of people needed on the non-technical side of things by the looks of it! I try to follow the broad technical aspects of the technology, but I'm no programmer so the coding part is out of my reach. But I find the mathematical part quite interesting!

I wish. I was going out of ten. Merchandising, marketing, promoting...sure but coding and computing is minimal. I would like to learn more but it's baby steps for now. In the long run it won't be important for me anyway as all of this will become more user friendly and be no different from using your twitter or online banking. Even in the past year i can see huge changes along the STEEM blockchain and some of the apps coming out now are lovely to use like partiko and steemmonsters.

Agreed there, in the long run it will be all seamlessly integrated. The days of fast money are long over!

Mainstream is the next big challenge. Making apps that are just apps and a wallet that is simple and seamless to use. One that we can use like apple pay and just tap steem to pay at a terminal.

I just noticed that I could pay for my takeaway in NL with BTC... although, I have to say that the volatility of the BTC at the moment is what prevents me from using that option!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

I think I understand crypto as well as I understood most technical things. l think I know via language how things work, but don't have the specific knowledge to do it myself.

My big concern is the bad rap it gets for being environmentally unfriendly. And it's true. It's energy inefficient right now. I think if we can solve that, it'll be the future as it makes information retention more self-sustaining, and less brain-intensive, which is why people like "the cloud".

Here's what I say about the blockchain: all the information is stored on a bunch of different computers around the world that all have to agree on what info they have.

Is it more complicated than that?

Posted using Partiko Android

It is energy intensive, there is no way to sugar coat that... however, the energy use has been overstated a bit by news sources that don't really understand the difference between a block processing and a transaction processing. However, some chains are attempting a move away from Proof of Work, which will reduce the environmental impact (whilst collecting different problems....)...

Consensus! That is the trick behind it all! In a nutshell, that was what the breakthrough was, the ability to have independent systems agree on a single canonical version. Not more difficult than that (in words...)!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

What is your views and understanding on crypto? Do you think it is part of the future, and how?

When I started here, I had a rudimentary understanding of BTC, and that was about it. Steemit appealed to me because it seemed to humanize what I had previously felt was a much too technical field for me to care about.

The crypto space right now feels a lot like the earliest days of the Internet, when maybe 500K in total had Internet access. It was deeply nerdy, highly technical and the vast majority of the world looked at it as "toys for geeks" and a handful of academic institutions and researchers. NOT something "real people" would ever need or use.

Right now, I think the crypto space has a bit of an identity problem. Lots of idealistic jargon gets flung about; Basic Income, banking the unbanked, changing the world... and yet those "at the top" seem super reluctant to give any of the currency status... people are just busy either (a) Having a fit of joy over the "genius" of blockchains or (b) attached to having an investment that can go up 1000% next week so they can buy a Lambo.

Post being, for any of this to be a viable currency (as in, "store of value") we need stability and mainstreaming... not mooning and exclusivity. But then the early Internet nerds were the same: They shuddered at the thought of one of their moms having an email account.

Is it part of the future? Yes, I imagine so. But I don't think we're going to end up with thousands of coins; at least not coins with any kind of utility. It's too complicated for people. It's like affinity/loyalty cards... once you have to carry 30-40 of them just to function, it becomes a pain in the rear. Cryptos won't reach mass adoption if they remain a pain in the rear. People want simple, easy, fast.

Part of the reason I like the whole NetCoins voting hoopla at the moment is exactly that it has the potential to make things simpler. If I can buy 50 Steem with just my regular old fiat debit card? Now THAT would be a major step forward! THAT takes us a step towards mainstreaming.

Thanks for the contest @bengy!

But then the early Internet nerds were the same: They shuddered at the thought of one of their moms having an email account.

Ha ha ha! It's funny that you phrase it like this! I wasn't one of the earliest, but I was around in the early 90s and I definitely was a nerd! And I did shudder when my mum got an email account.... And although I really appreciate what the internet has become, I do remember fondly the time when it was more arcane and just less busy... How is that for a heavy dose of rose tinted glasses! Actually, it was pretty crap... But I did enjoy the fact that there were less people!

But that said, I know there needs to be mass adoption... And that means letting everyone on the planet to have a play with your toys! That definitely also means it needs to be a while lot more user friendly!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

My thoughts on this are based on the following saying some of us have heard before, "Follow the money". You can interpret that saying, without going into who originally said it, in so many different ways. Essentially, it means that wherever money is involved like in business, financial institutions, government, banking, housing, healthcare, money is the motivation behind what happens around us.
Too much money has been poured into Bitcoin and crytpocurrencies for them to fail at this point. And once banking institutions, that depend on regulation get involved, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will be written into stone, so to say. They will remain, they will become formal investments, people will use them to buy things and it will be hard to recall a time when Bitcoin wasn't around. Can you remember when there was no bottled water? Can you remember when you didn't have a cell phone? When you didn't have a computer or internet? Remember, follow the money or better said...follow the Bitcoin.

Thanks for the entry, I totally missed it earlier in the week... but it has been included in the draw!

I am a little less sure about the amount of money that has been input into the crypto ecosystem to be sure enough that it is too big to fail. The amount that has been input has been quite a bit, but it is still a relatively small drop in the ocean compared to the total amount of liquidity that is flowly globally... Sure, if the bottom fell out of the market, then there will be lots of pain and a possible recession before it stabilises (perhaps with different chains)... but we saw that happen with the dot-com boom as well!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

I think crypto is AWESOME and will bring great changes to our future (maybe a little slower than some of us want - it will take time for people to absorb the info)
i'm just an old carpenter with a fucked up back that failed at career change going on 20 years now.
it's funny how i made more money as a dumb shit nail banger than i ever did after a back surgery and 24k wasted on a degree.

Funnily enough, I hear the same from most tradesmen. Their skills are always in demand, and people pay well for it! People like me, who are lucky to get the nail in straight on the first 20 tries...

Anyway, hope you've been a responsible investor, the crypto market has reduced the barriers of entry to practically nothing... But it has opened the dangers as well!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

Thanks again for doing this @bengy I also came here with plans to talk about about crypto. Then I found that that steemit is not about crypto. I is more social and artful and fun that I thought it would be. But it was also hard to use at first. The only thing stopping this from becoming a king of social media is the interfaces and I know there are apps like busy and esteem that make it better but even those don't have great guides unless you go and look for them and people are lazy. But now to answer your question.

  1. For me crypto is something that is going to stay around because it is hard to stop and there will always be a market for digital money that you can spend that can't be tracked. That alone will keep some form of crypto going. But the exchanges are the other part that is going to keep the large number of currencies. People love to gamble and that is what a lot of people are doing on the exchanges. They also are using bots and other tricks to get rich. A tool that can be used by many to get rich won't go away easy.

Now for another part. Block-chain is the back bone of crypto but it will drive forward all on it's own. The basic function of this will be used by so many apps in the future that will give us so much more control of what is going on. It will be fun to watch. Also companies will use it to create much better internal tracking of data. I work for a health care company and our biggest issue with moving forward into digital world is that we don't have good record keeping system with a unique id for each person. See in our system back in the day if you went to a different office you got a new chart number. Now we have lots of people with up to 5 or 6 of these. Makes things a big of a mess. A block-chain system to track our patients would fix that really fast. This is what we are going to see change a lot of things and the companies that can stand out deploying these block-chains will make a lot of money.

Oh and how cool I won

Haha... so you also got a surprise when you landed here as well!

I'm a bit mixed on whether it will be a public form of digital money (BTC/LTC/XMR/ZEC for example) that will be the eventual winner or if it will be a government backed form of it. BTC definitely has the lead, but it's market cap and adoption is just a tiny drop in the ocean compared to what a government or private corporations/banks can bring to bear... and in the end, it will the adoption that will determine the winner. A government/bank version will bring along existing users of the fiat system with all the ingrained trust and habits of those users, so I don't think it is a done deal that it will be a public chain that wins.... As far as tracking goes, it is only ZEC and XMR that offer that sort of security at the moment...

The decentralisation of databases with blockchains is something that is incredibly exciting, the ability to share information with those that need it without the problems of oversharing. Like you said, the medical field is a mess of different systems, if only that could be harmonised... On the other hand, I wonder about the wisdom of sharing that sort of thing in a public (albeit in an encrypted form). At some point in the future, the encryption will be broken, and although the contemporary chains of the future will be hardened against attack, perhaps it is possible to save older versions of the chain to extract historical data?

PS: Thank the RNG for the win!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

It seems a promising platform, but I don't think good literature and posts of quality get rewarded as much as they should. In fact it seems that it is who you know and how much you interact with others that helps the most, which means for ones like me that suffer severe depression and just don't mix well, or at all most of the time, there's not much hope of making it here. I've been here all this year and posted many diverse posts long and short and yet I make an average of around 10 cents a post. I've pretty much given up on steemit now and am only giving it to the end of the year just in case...

It is a huge problem here... Quality isn't what is rewarded and like you say, it really depends more on a who you know model... I see some really bad music get rewarded with huge payouts, and sometimes I wonder if anyone has listened to the actual recording, or if a nice video with a screen shot is all you need...

Quite possibly that is something that might change if there were more users (but there is a chicken and the egg problem there!) or if there were a greater use of the resteem (to get people to see content outside of their own silos...).

Also, I think Steem is starting to evolve away form the blogging model, which will be a good thing... I don't think there is a critical mass of people that want to write!

Which means that I won't be here much longer for literature is what I am interested in. I'll give it to the end of the year and make up my mind then

Hard to say, these things are not like what we are used to. A higher adoption of Steem across the board could help boost all the communities.

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

The biggest problem of steemit then seems to be that the steemit specialists abuse their powers and the non technical people get ripped off?

Dare I put it that blunt? :-)

Equality is not part of the equation.

That could be crypto writ large. At the moment, the technical hurdles prevent regular people being able to participate in a meaningful way... And thus, many peopleburnt this year by hype and scams.

However well meaning... Things will never be equal...

Hmm, but will it never be equal because there no such thing in the equation?
Yeah.... Only in my mind that kind of question then takes shape . :-)

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

Hi @bengy
Understanding crypto? Yes I think this is one thing many think they understand today, but within a few years their understanding will have changed. Do I now a lot about crypto? No, sorry but I don’t. Well that if I compare myself with the top know it all and nerds. But compared with the man on the street I understand and know much.
I have been working with banking for about 10 years and have seen the shift in how finance changes rapidly. I still think that we have not seen the end of the turn, it will shift directions many times more and crypto will have a leading part to it. Many of the startups today will be gone within the next two years, maybe so much as 90% of them. But the rest will stick and they will take a lead part and be guiding a new way of running the financial world.
Best regards @EveryDayCoach

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, I think I agree with you that in a few years time nothing in this space will be what we expected! Applications and ideas that are beyond our current understanding of how it all should be done, exciting times!

The winners of this contest and the new SBI question (Something Stupid...) can be found here:

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