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RE: Importance of Crypto Anonymity

in #crypto5 years ago

People just don't get it. Now you are relatively safe in your little world. But things are about to change. And if you have ever said anything anywhere on line the government will know what you said what you did and where you live. Then try saying I have nothing to hide when you get that knock on the door for disagreeing with your childs teacher when they were six. Or forgetting a parking fine 10 years ago. Or even telling your Bank mananger when he turned you down for a loan, That he was a fascist.... Oh you forgot that didnt you... But they didnt. 😎😎

Posted using Partiko Android


LOL. Yep, the things that are "innocent" now can be a crime later, though your examples are a bit extreme (I hope!) People also have a false sense of safety in numbers, thinking "they can't persecute all of us for this." Yeah, millions, they can. They have, all over the world.

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