WIREX CARDS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED by Instruction from VISA - Is it time to start worrying ?

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

In an unprecedented move

(actually I don't know if it has no precedent but it sounds dramatic) WIREX have announced the immediate cancellation of all their cards.

What's Wirex ?

It's a popular exchange platform where bitcoin can be bought and sold for fiat and the CASH loaded onto a pre-paid visa card. This means you can spend crypto in the real world through paypoint for purchases and ATM for cash. It's a workaround which has proved very popular.

IT was announced earlier today that Wirex's card partner. Wavecrest Holdings were instructed by VISA to immediately cancel all of their pre-paid cards. There is no explanation so it leaves the curious with imagination to roam.


  • Who put pressure on VISA to cancel the cards ?
  • What's the real reason behind their decision ?

  • How does this affect the spending of crypto in the real world ?

  • Is it a cynical move to shutdown the uncontrollable world of digital currencies ?

  • Has it become apparent that organised crime is exploiting the system? (I wouldn't be surprised if that was the official explanation) Organised crime is always cited against the bitcoin family. I think it's a red herring. the moral dilemma dressed up for the masses. We all know organised crime do whatever they can / like / is easiest and cash is still very untraceable. more so than crypto. ! anyhoo, it's an interesting development and one which I will be watching closely.


Like a Hydra,

there are many more where Wirex came from and with the introduction of Graft, Crypterium and a growing number of crypto payment platforms and integration technologies, will it be a case of a few early pioneers going pop before it becomes an accepted norm ?



They have issued a statement on their blog WIREX BLOG saying it's not their fault but they are endeavouring to replace the cards with a new provider (who will issue replacement cards free of charge in Q1.) that could be up to nearly 3 months away. I think Bitwala and Monaco, etc will be laughing into their coffee as the slack in business could see Wirex go poof in the meantime. 3 months is a long time to be out of your own main market. If they can re-issue new cards within the next 30 days they might retain customers. The damage to rep and trust may already be done !


what is interesting is that wirex have no power (i think) to recoup the funds on the cards, although it seems likely they will get it back into people's wirex accounts in the currency it was available as. If someone had thousands of dollars loaded onto a card, they'd be pretty worried / annoyed at the moment.


Hi how are You?

Yeah, VISA is probably shitting their pants about the uprise of cryptos, I'd guess it has been an executive decision on their end... There have also been rumors about VISA developing a proprietary blockchain so yeah...

There's that, and let's face it... Bitcoin as it stands is more and more resembling digital gold with some of the downsides that physical gold has... it's just to damn heavy to lift and move these days, so I guess that makes it increasingly less usable as an actual currency...

I think you're right about VISA. I would like to know the story behind the decision. perhaps it will come out later. It must have spooked a lot of people. I think bitcoin is like a genesis block in itself. It's given birth to many different tokens / projects and ideas. It will perhaps one day fall like a giant dinosaur as the erc20 mammalian and LSK / ECSA lifeforms proliferate.

If we're in the Cambrian explosion of adaptive radiation, there's a lot of spooky shapes which won't survive but the ones we see today (including us) they were there then. Who's going to be around in 5-10 years? I'm guessing litecoin, some clone of bitcoin and lisk. The Siacoins and Golems. they'll be ok as long as they keep their code up to date and prices low. I love blockchain as a concept. I hope it becomes unassailable. It can replace a lot of shit old practice which keeps everyone from fulfilling their true potential as the Universe intended. It's a gift and we should do all we can to help it flourish !

Wow, this whole meta-analogy is great. May I suggest that 10 years may be too long for any PoW system, and that a graphene chain like Steem will replace any payment based coins?

Also, I bet BTS or something like it replaces NYSE and NASDAQ; I think its possible at least.

you know I think you may be right about BTS replacing NYSE. It's perhaps not as long a way off as we think. projects like burstcoin, which use proof of capacity (free disk space) will be attractive and ethical investors will go for the green creds. the graphene chain of steem has only really begun to be appreciated recently. like graphene it has many unique qualities including the superlatives of biggest and most active blockchain. it will no doubt be copied and I'm very interested to see what appics will do ! there's so much potential out there in the real world. I'm getting requests daily for advice, information and assistance. It's a brave new world :)

It can replace a lot of shit old practice which keeps everyone from fulfilling their true potential as the Universe intended.

I want to hug you right now!

thanks @fraenk. I'm a true believer in the power of the BlockChain Revolution. I just hope I'm not hanging my hopes on an imaginary gamechanger. I can't work out if BlockChain will be easy or almost impossible to contain. Most revolutions occur because the old guard didn't see it coming (or give it enough sense of a threat). Or it could all be pre-ordained as a way to get rid of cash from the world. Who is Satoshi anyway ?

an old post I wrote as a thought experiment

heh... that hidden disclaimer is such a great move!

I am not a believer in "great conspiracies", the universe is much to entropic to let these go according to plan for too long. But I am a believer in the countless small conspiracies that compete against each another every day... there are probably some neurons in my limbic system already conspiring against my frontal cortex again, right now!

edit: and since I can't upvote a 6 months old post, take my 100% upvote right here

Its only real use case now is moving millions of dollars internationally. Even then, litecoin would be better ;p

Whatever Bitcoin's perceived failings may be.. BlockChain is great

Yes, agreed! The future is bright!

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