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RE: UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME - could it be facilitated by blockchain? you bet it could ! *The Rise of the Blogdollar*

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

yeah something like that ! actually more like.. we all move to cryptocurrencies to escape the power of central banks. and that INCLUDES governments who are held to ransom in perpetual debt by said private banks.

Then said governments move their own benefits systems onto a non means tested basis and potentially use a new form of MONEY -a crypto token probably using erc20 tokens (just thinking out loud) to redistribute the HUGE profits from the tech sector in the form of a corporate automation tax to the people. who said communists ? this is not North Korea..

Thank for your counterpoint to the idea.. they are just (thinking out loud) ideas at the moment !

I think we probably have slightly different ideas about the economic revolution, society and the function of the state.. and that's a good thing ! discussion is the scalpel of ideas and arguments are the scissors of enlightenment.. or something like that anyway


What you are hoping to solve for is the automation problem, and I get that, but you will never solve that through an inherently corrupt government system. And although I agree that governments are currently captive, unless you first solve the problem that they are run by monetary corruption at multiple levels (and I mean lobbying, insider trading, revolving door positions, and all other forms of monetary influence) you will never get honest government that works for the people. This is regardless of central banking. So until this is solved, I would never dream of handing more socialist influence to a large bureaucratic entity. They will only use it to keep people dependent and captive to their free money system with lots and lots of strings attached.

That's a very good point you make. I agree, until Blockchain makes governance incorruptible for the first time in history, (recorded or otherwise) and corporate lobbying becomes unlawful at best, we can't really have the socialist dream. A system which is provably fair for everyone and in which everyone gains on a more or less equal footing.. equal chance anyway ! Which again is where I think Blockchain can help us evolve, willingly or not. As I said in my opening introduction, hang on I think I've gone a bit far ahead already.. meaning to say I realise that we're at the start of a journey which has not been routemapped, planned or even thought out carefully and that is why it's just so crazy it might just work. Thanks for adding to this post. I do appreciate your comments :)

and I'm following you now cos' I like people who write paragraph comments ! respect

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