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RE: Tai Fu Index / ICOs Crashing ETH's Price? / Consensys Diligence / IRS Coinbase & Blockfolio Updates

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

"along with Fast Money and Mad Money :)"

Hat tip to you good sir if this was satire.

If it wasn't, erm, well:

"Bear Stearns. Cramer recommended buying this stock on 8/17/07 at $118.20 per share. He lost 95 percent on this one - selling at just under $6 per share on 3/20/08."

"SmartMoney magazine did a big article on Cramer in the 1990s, which purported to show what a great stock picker he was with the hedge fund that he ran at the time. The article stated Cramer's supposedly high hedge fund returns. However, when I inquired, I learned that all of those returns were self-reported by Cramer."

Ah, what a coincidence. I guess printing the actual records would have been a hassle...

Lots more at:


cramer has been down to the felt and back with his funds. it's pretty easy to maintain a "charitable trust" when your getting cash inflows on the reg.

he also swung all those huge numbers during the dot-com bubble.


lol - don't believe everything you find on the internet.

I've learned a ton about trading and investing from regularly watching both Fast Money and Mad Money over the past 10+ years with nice, profitable results. I invite you to watch them regularly for at least a month and then I'd be happy to discuss further. :)

pretty sure he disclaimer says his show is literally for entertainment purposes only.

and if you learned so much from fast money you'd be buzzing around talking about derivative spreads.

you wanna talk CDO's and swaps while im up? or how about triangular arbitrage and then calculus behind that?

i was biting my tongue until you said the word result and not process. your result means nothing relative to the most successful hedge funds and their algo's.

i'm happy for your short term success, but it's the result of most everything hitting all time highs every other day.

You're more than welcome to your opinion and that's part of what this "decentralized" platform is about.

there's a line, and mine and most on here would likely agree that you retract any financial advice you offered (aka watching a show, again, literally for entertainment only). it's nonsense and tbh, you should delete it before someone start mirroring their trades and looses everything.

show me the calculus and graph behind a butterfly spread and what slingin puts accomplishes with todays paper in front of your bloomberg terminal. that's when you get to start touting finance.

my next post: a twitter poll showing the correlation between those that watch cramer and stephen a smith.

oh, and i'm upvoting your comment. not because it deserves it, but incase some poor soul follows your advice they heed caution when they see mine.

Clearly you are a more experienced trader than I - I don't even know what triangular arbitrage is, let alone how to describe it. For those of us who are not as experienced BOTH shows are worth watching, IMO. YMMV

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