Earn don't buy, the new meme for new crypto enthusiasts

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

@Craig-grant gave an interview which introduced a new meme I haven't heard but which is good enough to pass along. If you are in a position to earn cryptocurrency then why buy it? Earn it and let others buy it.

See his interview:


I agree, earn don't buy. Then grow some more... trade, accumulate, etc. wonderful talk. Thanks for sharing!

Should earn .

How about, earn and DO NOT SPEND. Earn, get your positions in the projects you believe in, and don't be greedy, don't spend, don't buy anything, don't cash out.

Too crazy?

money is of no value unless you spend it.
might as well be hoarding sand otherwise.

Crypto tokens fortunately aren't money. Crypto tokens are better than money, have the features of commodities, of productive assets, they are programmable assets and digital real estate of a sort. To spend it when you don't need to is to have less for the future when you do need it. If your token represents computation, well if you spend that then in a year you wont have as much as you could have if you save because tech is deflationary.

I disagree.
Crypto tokens ARE money...they meet all of the criteria.

They can be used as money just as any barter instrument but they aren't money specifically.

Money is a) a negotiable instrument such as a token of barter or debt based, b) or and a mechanism of recording who is owed what, in other words a way of accounting credit and debt. Self issued credit is money, based on your promise to do something. That is if your word is as good as gold.

If you issue Everitt tokens with the promise to redeem then then you've created new money. All it really does is communicate your promise to redeem and record it in a public way. So in a way I guess money is a type of a contract.

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negotiable_instrument

Now, do I think crypto tokens are money? Not necessarily. But they can be used as money. You can use for example any commodity as money, but it's really just barter using computation cycles, or using cryptography, in my opinion. It's not currency or what people traditionally mean by money, it's not like fiat because it's actually possible to back it by something real like computation, or electric bill from mining.

Money does not have to be backed by anything but promises. The collateral of having a token backed by gold, or computation cycles, is due to the fact that we don't trust one another to keep our promises. If someone promises to bake me a cake if I say the magic words which only I know, then that would be the same as using Bitcoin to buy the cake if you're asking about money. The Bitcoin private keys are like the magic words. No actual coins are being sent, it's not actually anything more than an accounting.

For reference: https://beta.chainbb.com <- forum on Steem mentioned in video


Enjoyed it!


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