What Does Steemit Mean to YOU? [Focus Group Invitation] + A Call For Support [Video Production]

in #crowdsource8 years ago (edited)

The stories we tell will circulate throughout the world, so we must tell the best stories!

I have a whole post coming on this very subject, but on a more immediate and practical note, my goal today is something a little different... something to inform my storytelling on a particular project, and I could use your help!

Because you are a pioneer!

How do I know? Because you are reading this now, because you are one of the intrepid souls here at the bleeding edge of development in a tremendous experiment called Steem.

I AM preaching to the choir, and at the moment, I WANT to be.
You see... YOU, in your stunning diversity, are the pioneering target market we are seeking. Well, you're the best indicator we have of who that might be, right NOW.

And, since I'm only one voice in a vast community of Steemians, I'd very much like your help.
To tell the best stories, I need to crowdsource a little.

First off, I need your voice...

What Does Steemit mean to you?

I'm working on a project to benefit the Steem community, and I'm seeking to find phrases which crystallize the benefits of joining Steemit, as seen through its userbase (heroes), You!

These should be in the form of affirmative first-person statements, for example:

  • "I love being part of a community which invests in people first"
  • "Since joining Steemit I've been able to open up in ways I never have before!"
  • "On Steemit, my voice matters."
  • "I'm a photographer / chef / astrophysicist", etc... and insert "personal story / struggle / triumph, through Steemit here".

Authentic statements of this nature will help us create stories that a similar crowd of early-adopters can identify with. If they can see the platform through our eyes, and see themselves in the role of the hero, they will step into the story with us.

I encourage you to write a full paragraph summarizing your feelings on the matter. Imagine you're having dinner with your best friend and you want to be concise as possible because you haven't caught up in a while and your want to hear how they're doing too right? ;) ...but you also want to say everything about your experience with Steemit, so you just blurt out the most truthful, real statements about your personal experience; why it's important to you, how it has helped you, why it's valuable to you. To YOU, not to anyone else... this is YOUR testimony.

  • If you feel inspired, please add your statements in the comments below!

I may or may not use some or all of your testimony in a voiceover for the project I'm working on. Regardless of what I do with your words, they are valuable to the whole community, so think of it as part of your Steem legacy. More on that project below!

Now, I need to let you in on a little secret...

I've been hard at work behind the scenes laying the foundation for a series of commercials which I intend to produce for Steem, Steemit Inc. and for the ever-expanding ecosystem of Steem-based apps which are yet but a spark of imagination! I myself am a filmmaker skilled in various aspects of production from camera, to sound, and editing, but my primary role will be to direct this pilot series, and to that end I have enlisted the help of a local cinematographer, set designer, some actors, makers, and other creative talents to see the project through to completion. I will be introducing them to the community in the weeks ahead.

My aim is to create a few pilot commercials to offer up to the community, and to Steemit Inc., to be used as appropriate. These will be 30-60 second spots designed to arouse wonder and curiosity in the audience and drive them to come explore our community.

These are not intended as explainer videos. For a hint, think Coca-Cola.

The concepts for my commercials are creative, emotionally appealing, universal, and engaging, but at least one of them needs a bit of community spark to truly set it on fire.

Show, don't tell; an axiom of the film industry.

I'm not always good at opening up, or asking for help. I didn't want to write anything about this at all. I was hoping to just drop some beautifully produced commercials on this community, out of the blue, but upon further reflection and a desire to see this whole process expedited I've decided to reach out for your support.

I will endeavor to produce the initial pilot commercials through my own effort and expense, though as funds are only slowly accumulating for the cause, I am open to any donations received up front, through members of the community.

The first commercials will be posted here for community feedback. If there is a favorable response from the community, and from Steemit, Inc. then I would ask to be compensated for commercial use of the initial pilots, (taking into account any prior donations / payments received from Steemit, Inc. or the community) and at a very reasonable rate by film industry standards for this, or additional work in commercial production on behalf of any interested parties within the Steem community.

I intend to deliver the first commercials at the beginning of Q2, 2017.

In order to bring cinema quality production value to the commercial pilots, I will be renting or purchasing a professional camera, such as the Canon C300 with Cinema lenses. Please consider making a donation of any amount to help me expedite this process. Donations may be sent to this account, @lovejoy, or to the BTC address listed below. Funds will only be used for production related expenses, which I will meticulously record. All donors will be duly appreciated unless anonymity is desired, in future updates!

BTC: 17noMisXQ7wHydZLBYHVL2rSZqgsdzTG5d

Thank you for reading, and for any thoughts you wish to share!
Please post any questions, or testimonials in the comments below.

If you wish to reach me with any private questions, you may do so via @lovejoy on https://steemit.chat
or connect with me via skype, user: nimitta1776

Brandon Lovejoy

Who the hell is this guy?! Read my community introduction here.

Image Credits:


What a potent idea and project on the go!

Steemit has been a revolutionary site for me on so many levels as, for so many years, several friends and acquaintances have asked me to write a book about this or that, make slideshows of the photography I take and a few other little projects I like to delve soulfully into. As soon as I heard about Steemit.com, the synchronicity vortex started and I dove right in. there's an amazing group of communities of activists, intellectuals, movers and shakers, coordinators and real knowledge hubs from all over the world relating to each other creatively and, by far mostly, constructively on this site. It has been a blessing for me and feel like it is a blessing for humanity i this day and age as it allows us to unite, create while moving toward a point of cohesion through the incentive of the Steem cryptocurrency and the power of its communities as a while. All for one and one for all!

Namaste :)

Thank you! And thanks most of all for sharing your thoughts. Synchronicity jumps out to me as an important element here, which gets my imagination going :) that's a great insight! The communities, for sure, and soon Steem will support 'communities', as well, likely bringing about a massive leap in our collective agility to organize, and dive deep within multiple "knowledge hubs" as you put it so well. I also share your feeling that this is a blessing for all humanity. All for one and one for all... indeed.

Wow, what a way to be received! Thanks a bunch for your kind words, appreciation and complicity in these matters. I'm so glad to have came across another Soul Steemian. I really look forward to seeing the results of our venture on Steemit.com as well as your project. Please keep us posted.

Namaste :)

there is another film maker on here @apolymask who is working on something like this as well. I think stuff like this is great and we all need to come together as a community to really get the word out about this great new place called steemit. I am a california singer songwriter and I been in the professional music buisness for about 8 years working with multi genres of music and producers and labels from all over the globe. I have fought tooth and nail on my own for exposure and trying to squeek :) any profits I can to show all my hard work is paying off. Steemit has proven a real change up in social media for myself, a community based on authentic, original creative content where users are rewarded for there time in posting about there achievements or discoveries or thoughts or arts. I have been awakened to something brand new here and hope to see it thriving in the future. Steemit to me is hope. I wrote an original song in week 17 open mic called steem train sums up nicely how i feel about steemit. https://steemit.com/openmic/@soundlegion/open-mic-week-17-original-song-steem-train-dedicated-to-steemians huge ups to you my friend, best of luck on this project and I look forward to seeing its outcome. I know myself and many others out there are gonna be very behind getting this train moving. :)

Whoa.. Your song is heartbreakingly beautiful! We should collab on a video for that! Thanks so much for sharing that, and your story! One thing I'm certain of is that in a multifaceted community such as this there is an ever-expanding scope of storytelling, naturally bubbling up from the collective well. I'm always excited to see the next great thing this community manifests. It's a thing to behold. I will check out @apolymask! And "authentic", yes... powerful word to let soak in. "I have been awakened to something brand new here" ...mmmm, yes... more insight for the muse. =)

I would absolutely love to collaborate its everything I stand for !! collaboration in all its beautiful glory. I am gonna be recording the track official to be used hopefully in the project with @apolymask in bringing people over to steemit and would love to expand on it with an official music video collaboration. Lets see how these ideas of ours all come together and talk more as they develop. Respects my friend huge ups :)

Awesome! I look forward to hearing the recording, and what you and @apolymask come up with together. :) Onward!

I love the idea of commercials to bring steemit into the mainstream consciousness.

I have to think about a concise statement about what Steemit means to me because it's really changed my life.

Yes, I think that we must tell powerful and effective stories. Humans receive information best through stories. They are moved by emotion. Reason comes later. I would love to hear any thoughts or feelings you have to share about what Steemit means to you. I would say, don't think about it too much. Often, we are most honest when we just sputter out fragments of thoughts without too much regard for their shape, and the result is the sort of raw material I'm looking for. What has been shared so far is already priceless. Thanks for chiming in! :)

That´s a brilliant idea! Upped and resteemed.
I recently had dinner with some friends where I was enthusing about my steemit experience almost all the time. So that´s an easy task, haha :)
If I had to explain my Steemania (from a blogger´s perspective which is mine) I´d probably do it like this:
Steemit is a place that encourages you to be the very best version of yourself. Since your input (content) is evaluated, critized or celebrated, rewarded or downvoted right away, you get a direct feedback which enables you to constantly improve yourself. Everybody has the same opportunities, so if you are really willing to succeed there are ways to do so. Creativity, humor, honesty, passion, dedication, love for detail and a certain craziness are especially honored by the community. Steemit is a game area where you can become whatever you wanna be: a writer, journalist, analyst, poet, philosopher, artist - or everything at the same time. The platform is a huge experimental content lab where one inspires the other, a single idea becomes a multiply discussed issue and amazing knowledge is created. Steemit creates value, but not only from a financial perspective...

That was a lot of text. And yes, I am a Steemaniac without any doubt! :))

Thanks for sharing your Steemania! I was actually quite inspired by your steem is for real post, so perhaps that was what was going through my mind as I wrote that ;)

I love this pair! "a place that encourages you to be the very best version of yourself", and "if you are really willing to succeed there are ways to do so" IF you are willing to succeed... that's potent... that's a hidden challenge of enormous proportions. Even in someone isn't listening carefully, some part of them is... and now they're going through the day wondering "Am I willing to succeed?" That's powerful, thanks.

"Steemit is a game area where you can become whatever you wanna be" :) The art of becoming what you dare! That's so true. Mmmmm... thanks for sharing your insights, this is great!

Thank YOU for giving me the platform to share these thoughts :-)
The post / situation you mentioned ('steem is for real') was exactly the dinner I was referring to, now. I invited my friends paying the bill with the money I earned on steemit. At latest that was the moment when they really believed me, haha

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